Hi Family & Friends,
I mentioned last time about us experiencing some “wild adventures”!
Well how did you go?
Has your past month been wild?
I’ve been sitting here thinking about my past month and unfortunately I cannot say that ‘wild adventures’ was part of our experience either. 🙁
I’d love to hear about yours though – if you had one or two!
But, I have some “new experiences” that I’ve been working on. Can you in your wildest dreams imagine me tiling in a bathroom? Yeah, I thought not! Well, I did! Took me forever I have to admit as the thing is this… I don’t like shabby jobs… if they are going to be done I like them perfect… so therein lieth the challenge!
I just decided I’d like to give it a go… so I worked slowly and methodically until the job was completed. Sanding, painting, planking, tiling… you name it and I’ve done it!

I’ve got a little to do in the laundry but don’t see it taking me very long. How about I show you that next time. 🙂

Thanks to a lovely time fossicking on our local beach some river stones have found themselves attached. From dark on the bottom to white at the top. They look really cool. Not sure why but this photo shows them as being wonky… trust me, they’re not!
I’ve got a few more plans in store… it’s just finding the time to get them all done.
As we are working on the laundry, two toilets and bathroom all at once, the job seems to be taking forever! Little by little… piece by piece.

Now I can’t possibly finish off without mentioning the weather, can I? Haha!
Well, I’m happy to say it’s really been warming up nicely but South Australia couldn’t help but send some of their problems our way could they! Fortunately for us, we only received the tail end of it with some fairly heavy wind and a heap of rain over a day or so. Nothing too major.
Our dam, this year, maintains being super full virtually all the time. See the nice reflections!
Well basically, that’s what I’ve been up to… on top of my usual life.
Selwyn has been busy bringing me home equipment from Bunnings and happy to let me do the job too! He’s helped a bit though… we did the grouting together, and a few other bits and pieces. I think he thinks he’s onto a good thing though, with me doing this type of work.
Trent has just taken a mate back to the airport to fly back home to Gosford. He’s been here a couple of weeks so life will return to more normal now.
Trent has still been working at the garage and doing parts pickups. He’s done some pretty big jobs on his own car too, all under Travis’ watchful eye. Saved himself a lot of money there.
Love and blessings to you and your family and remember… sharing is caring!
Marilyn & Selwyn
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