The Marilyn Williams’ Story

First let me tell you what I believe:

  1. … that wellness starts from the inside of you!
  2. … that you can be whatever you truly want to be!
  3. … that you can make little changes, one step at a time, towards better health!

Marilyn Williams - photos of meI’m Marilyn Williams, and as a passionate nutrition and weight loss consultant, also dealing in therapeutic nutrition, I write for men and women looking for alternatives to the “norm”, which is another way of saying: an energy-deficient lifestyle and sickness around each corner.

Together, I believe we can reclaim your “bounce out of bed in the morning” energy!

I’m a “huggy” kind of person, and if you’re tired and absolutely fed-up with settling for less, I’d like to wrap my arms around you and give you an enormous hug… and tell you “I understand!”.

Let’s take this, one step at a time, and help you achieve that better you.   Therefore, just as I’ve gone before you, let me share my experiences and take you by the hand as you work your way through the maze to better health.


I would say that my health has been pretty good… apart from:

  • chronic bed-wetting all my childhood reaching far into my teen years;
  • serious period pain that had me rolling on the floor (to the disgust of my fellow workers);
  • 7 miscarriages – every single one of them with a different set of symptoms and circumstances;
  • pain that no-one could diagnose as my symptoms were just different from everyone else… which resulted in me having my gall-bladder removed;
  • acid reflux that burned my throat and…
  • tinnitus (ringing in the ears) with 3 different sounds that never stop.  It’s there all the time.

Hmm, my health has been right up there hasn’t it?  Not!

Outside of these “little” incidences, my health actually has been pretty good as I rarely suffer from colds and flues, or other sicknesses.

You see, I’ve been taking little steps to improve my lot and I must say, with great results.  I’d like to help you move from mediocrity to health, and from there to super health!  Come with me on the journey together.

For years I worked in a different profession:

For many years I was not a professional anything… not a doctor, naturopath or any other kind of health professional.  Unfortunately!  You see, if I could have my life over again I definitely would have become a professional in natural health much earlier in life.  It was in my heart “way back then” however, I allowed others to direct the path I should walk.  Instead of taking it firmly in my own hands and moving in the direction I believed was right for me, I let others have the say.  Stupid really!

Somehow I ended up in office work which was not where I really wanted to be.  It included:

  • General office work
  • Medical Assessor in a large Health Benefits corporation
  • Personal Assistant to the Senior Manager of a large accountancy firm
  • Network marketing… all before I became involved in running an
  • International training program together with a partner which I loved.  Unfortunately though, I had to leave it behind as I couldn’t continue for ethical reasons beyond my control.

It devastated me… but out of something bad, something good… as a friend of mine always says!

Another friend suggested to me that I should do  ‘something I loved’.  For days I considered what that could be.  There were many things I loved to do.  Suddenly, one day I was sitting down on a seat beside our beautiful dam and I felt the Lord ask me… “What do you love to do?”

I said… “Well actually, I love to devour books about nutrition and anything health related”

The voice was quiet!  Hmm…

So I came back up to the house and immediately began searching online for courses related to nutrition.

So this is what I am now:

I studied hard and put a lot of effort into my studies:

  1. Human Nutrition
  2. Certificate in Human Nutrition
  3. Advanced Certificate in Nutritional Conselling including:
    1. Nutrition for Weight Loss
    2. Weight Loss Consultant course
    3. Nutrition for Disease Management course

I followed these studies on with:

  1. Naturopathic Nutrition (This doesn’t make me a naturopath, but the learning was excellent and right inline with my belief!)
  2. Hand Reflexology
  3. Reflexology
  4. Advanced Reflexology (Still being completed at the time of writing)

I have still to do:

  1. Gut-Brain Connection Diploma

So as you can see, I’ve been busy for quite some time.

Trent meets his nana for the first time
Trent meets Nana for the very first time!


Other details about Marilyn Williams: (in a nutshell)

  • I’m happily married.
  • After 7 miscarriages my husband and I finally adopted a little baby boy who is now 30 years old.  The best thing we’ve ever done!
  • We lived on the Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia (near where I grew up) for most of our married life but have now…
  • Moved to the island state of Tasmania where my husband originally came from.



Other interests include:

  • Working with children in clubs, schools and churches
  • Helping an Egyptian surgeon and his family immigrate to Australia, including working with him to improve his English
  • Homeschooling my son for several of his school years
  • Taking vacations to exotic parts of the world, including Egypt, Dubai, New Zealand, India and the South Seas Islands
  • Developing our new property in Tasmania, “Spring Waters” and transforming it to a wonderful parkland like estate.
  • Keeping and raising birds: chickens, ducks and guinea fowl
  • Taking almost weekly trips to surrounding places in Tasmania and enjoying the lifestyle it provides
  • I’m sure there’s heaps more… but you get the picture!

Name: Marilyn Williams
Place of Residence: 72 Wenvoe Street, Tasmania
Skype: selmartre
Email: marilyn (at)

I hope The Marilyn Williams’ Story gives you a little idea of who I am and what I stand for.  Please feel free to connect with me and leave a comment down below.  Let’s do this!

Warm regards,
Marilyn Williams shares her experience of the difference it made when she concentrated on building her health rather than trying to lose weight

Marilyn Williams



  1. Marilyn, one of the events you predicted on your website is in the works. From an X post by @JackStr42679640:

    Project Blue Beam: The Sky Event Unfolding
    Behind the Scenes – The Deep State’s Plan

    The Deep State, often referred to as the Cabal, is preparing to initiate a significant operation known as the “Sky Event.” This operation is deeply tied to Project Blue Beam, a sinister plan involving advanced technologies like holograms, 5G sound weapons, and genetically engineered hybrids. The goal is to create a fake alien invasion, designed to bring about global chaos, establish a one-world government, and enforce mass censorship.

    The Military Alliance’s Counter-Operations

    In response, the White Hats Military Alliance, in collaboration with the United States Space Force (USSF) and STARLINK, are setting up their own operations to counter the Deep State’s moves. These operations, rooted in game theory, are designed to mimic the Deep State’s strategies but with outcomes that benefit the Alliance’s military objectives. This is all part of a broader strategy to protect humanity and preserve freedom.

    Key Questions and Unexplained Events

    Why did Trump place the United States Space Force under military intelligence?

    Why was Cheyenne Mountain Military Base closed off to Biden, Obama, and the CIA?

    Why did Trump, Ezra, and Kash Patel award Elon Musk the largest military contracts in history?

    Why did Musk name Twitter “X” and use black and white in its branding, mimicking USSF colors?

    What is the significance of the “X” symbol in these operations?

    These events point to a coordinated effort between Trump, Musk, and the military to combat the Deep State’s plans.

    The Deep State’s Desperation

    The Deep State is in a state of panic as their operations, including the pandemic and the bioweapon vaccine agenda, are being exposed on a massive scale. The human population is waking up to the corruption controlling their governments. The rejection of further pandemics and vaccines is evident, with less than 5% of the population complying since the 2023 push.

    As Trump prepares to initiate “Arrest Wars,” targeting tens of thousands of U.S. government officials, military leaders, and media personnel, the Deep State is desperately trying to divert attention. They are preparing to launch the Sky Events, including the fake alien invasion, to distract from the exposure of their pedophile elite rings and the true Epstein saga connected to the entertainment industry.

    We are entering a critical phase of the storm, where the battle between the Deep State and the Military Alliance intensifies. The coming events will shape the future of humanity as the truth continues to be revealed, and the forces of good work to dismantle the dark operations of the Cabal.

    • A lot of interesting information given here Bruce. Thank you. What we do know is that ‘it’s happening’ even if life outside our window appears to be continuing as if nothing is. We will receive answers to the many questions listed above in the near future, I really believe. Our job is to remain vigilant and connected to our Lord and God who is leading the charge and ridding our earth of all this dreadful evil.
      An amazing time to be alive and to watch it all as it unfolds.

  2. Marilyn, just happened across your page a few days ago and I am in awe of so much information all in one place! And seeing all the great people that you mention and your followers mention, are all the ones I follow too! That gives me much appreciation and insight that I’ve been following the right “in crowd”!
    Thank you for all you are doing!
    If you ever get your GUT BRAIN DIPLOMA, I will be reading all the information your learn on that for sure! Definitely has major problem with me!

  3. Greetings !
    Separate comm to you : regarding ‘ Tinnitus ‘…

    I wonder whether you have any recollection of ‘ Missing-time ‘ ?

    While there might very well be ‘ logical ‘ reason for us ‘ hearing ‘
    ( Registering ? ) Frequencies , ( Mine I best describe as the muted sound of a ‘fridge compressor ! )

    Schumann Resonance , Psychotronic Warfare , ( T.I. ( Targeted Individuals ,
    or a more Earth Wide targeting ? )) ; could be possibilities…
    For T.I.’s A gentle man called Phillip ( Omnisense , Omni ) on Project Avalon Forum had extensive contributions to that Forum.
    ( I’ve not visited for several years, as I do believe it to be a heavily controlled ‘ Gate-keeper forum ‘, suggestions are Bill Ryan was / [is] C.I.A. ? ? ? )

    Concluding ,
    I believe we were created initially by a most High God , which / who (?) created perfection, and the tinnitus we experience is the nefarious work of the cabal ( devil )..

    According to Melissa ( Red Pill the World ) and J.G.M. Ministries ( Julie Green ) ;
    we are soon to enter a period of Spiritual Ascension , which according to others , also ‘ Reset’s ‘ our D.N.A. to accommodate the elimination of any defects, enabling us to ‘ Live-as-long-as-Trees ! Bible tells of Noah ( 500 years ? ) , Jacob ( 350 years ? ), and there’s that PHOTOGRAPH of Li , who was proved by the Chines Historians to be in the region of 250 years old… ( He even provided his Martial Arts knowledge to the Chinese Army , at around 90 (/) years of age !

    Voila ! just my two-hap’worth of my thoughts on ‘ Tinnitus ‘ !

    Wishing you continued Happiness and here’s to the good Health of you and your loved ones …

    ‘ Bont Boy ‘ !

  4. Hi Marilyn, I’m late to the community, but I appreciate your knowledge and love of people. We the People, must join together to have the world we want while we wait for Christ to return. I can only say, to myself and others, our love of Christ and God will protect us from the evil of this time and open our eyes to the knowledge we seek. Love to you and all others in the “Spiritual War” of our time. ❤️🙏🏻

  5. Hi Marilyn,

    Just read your life story, what a challenging life you have led and much sadness too which I’m sure has made you stronger. I sense you are a beautiful soul and have been tested in many ways. I love your website and its nice to read all the articles especially in line with the trying times we are all facing. I awoke in late 2015 on coming across a lady called Dolores Cannon, she opened me eyes so much then I started researching myself starting with the Rothschilds and their agenda. Its been a lonely journey but so lovely to connect with like-minded people like yourself. I have been labelled as brainwashed and deluded and that is just by my husband although a lovely man that he is. Trying to awaken him is a real trial but I think bit by bit something is stirring in him. I love reading all your posts especially about the Cabal.
    I tried to share posts on FB 2-3 years ago but was chucked in to FB jail now I don’t go near the dam censored site.
    Thank the Lord for certain sites that are springing up all over the place and slowly and surely are and more people are waking to the truths of this world as horrific as some of it is especially to do with the children.

    God Bless

    • Thank you Caroline for your nice and kind words. We all seem to have someone/s we are trying to wake up. I’m fortunate in the fact that at least my husband and I are on the same page.
      We all do our little bit. None of us have the whole story, but like a jigsaw puzzle, our bits all join together to come somewhere near the whole.
      God bless you. Try to allow the Lord to lead you where your husband is concerned.

          • Re:- margaret carlene jernigan 1 February 2022 at 11:10 pm

            First time visitor to your site Lady ! I think I landed here after a search for QFS , as I’ve recently seen a list of 11 Financial Institutions, which have been invited to join QFS / 20022 ? ? ? ( Still looking !)
            Some of the names I could see were ; JP Morgan Chase ; HSBC ; BNP Paribas ; Credit Agricole ; Japan Post Bank ; Citi Group ; Wells Fargo ; Barclays… The screenshot I saw appeared to be from, but further attempts to return to the page have led nowhere …Perhaps this brief might help your subscribers, in any relevant searches ?


            As for Marget Carlene above , Simon Parkes ( U.K.) is very much involved in the Humanitarian Project including MedBeds… He will oversee facilities in Florida , Africa , U,K….
            It is the Military which will have complete control of the MedBeds and their allocation. This is to ensure that Medical Treatments will NEVER AGAIN be subjected to the control of the cabal…

            There is NO direct contact with him , ( as far as I am aware ! )
            W.W. Coordinators for C.C. ( Collective Consciousness ) will handle Regional comms , but one needs to join C.C. to access the C.C. Mighty Networks C.C. forum…
            I hope this info will help your subscribers,

            ‘ Bont Boy ‘ ! Greetings from Bretagne , France …

  6. Just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed reading through your site! I’m right into birds so was truly delighted reading of all your experiences.

  7. Hi Marilyn, I relate to your story! We seem to be similar on so many levels. Love your personal blog about the guinea fowls and other birds, your travels and what you get up to. Just thought I’d like to let you know. Cheers

  8. I can see you’ve had a difficult time in the past. I do hope you are experiencing better things now. I liked reading your page as it tells me who you are and I feel I can relate to you better. Thanks

    • Hi Anthony, thanks for saying that as it encourages me that I’ve done the right thing. As you can see I didn’t leave anything out. I want people to know that I’m where I am, along the pathway leading to a better place. I’m glad you can relate to that. Marilyn

      • I certainly do barb! Although having said that, I don’t say I utilize my resources all that much. We have loads of dandelions here on our property so I should look up what they are good for and see if I can see any relationship there. Would be a good exercise to do. Thanks for your interesting comment. Marilyn

  9. I like your story. I’m sorry about the sad things that happened in your life, but we all have sad things don’t we. Thank you for be open with us as it helps us to know who you are. I’ve bookmarked your website and read it regularly. thanks Marilyn

    • Hi Sam! Hey, I like that you took the time out to say thanks… I really appreciate that. Yes, we all do have sad things happen but it is the sad things that strengthen us to grow to be a better person. I’m glad you’ve bookmarked and I hope I can continue to be deserving of your trust. Marilyn

  10. Hello Marilyn, Great site, did you learn all this at WA. Love your spread out. I am interested in your site for my own health reasons. Inflammation Naturally ,I read the other day it can help with Type2 diabetes , I clicked on it and it did no take me anywhere. Yes I do need more energy, my allergies . I will be back to read more.

    • Hi Wendy! No I didn’t learn the content at WA but certainly WA helped me endlessly with the “how to’s” involved with writing my blog. I’m not sure which link you clicked on that took you nowhere as I’ve just been in there testing them all. Are you able to be more specific? I hate to think I have any dead links.

      I believe that Type2 Diabetes is both preventable and curable, not from my own experience but from the research I’ve done. Have you read what Dr Mercola has to say about it?

  11. … that wellness starts from the inside of you!

    I was inspired by this. I truly do believe that wellness starts from the inside of you. How an we expect to be healthy and live a full life if all we do is feed ourselves junk? It amazes me what I see people buying in the supermarket. Come on!

    Keep writing as I believe this blog has an important place in the overall scheme of things.

    • Thanks for that Penny! Yes, I too often take a sideways glance at what people are putting in their trolley, chips and fizz and all manner of stuff. We can’t afford to have that type of thing in our house if we are seeking to be healthy. Each to their own of-course!

  12. I felt so saddened by the challenges you’ve faced during your lifetime. I’m also aware that it’s challenges like that which build strength of character in a person. I believe from what I’ve been reading here that you must be a strong person. Thank you for being so open and sharing on a level we can understand. Appreciate it very much. Thanks.

    • Oh dear Sue! I don’t want people to feel saddened, but I do appreciate that you can relate with me. I’m sure it’s better to let people know I am a real person, with real challenges like everyone else. I don’t always feel strong, but here’s hoping it has turned me into more of a person. Thanks for picking that up because I also appreciate it.

  13. You sound like a really nice person Marilyn! I love to see the way you’ve turned things around in your life and been able to help others. I’m glad you were able to adopt a little boy in the end. I bet you loved him to bits.

    Don’t ever give up writing because we need this kind of thing.

    • Oh… I hope I’m a nice person! I guess I try to be. Yes, when we adopted our little boy it was like that great big empty hole in me was now filled. I never did want to adopt another as I was now satisfied to have him in my arms.

      Yes, I’ll definitely try to continue as I do see a need for what I write. Thanks so much.

  14. Nice blog. It is very interesting and lots of eye opening information. That makes me wonder if I have food allergies. I have some of the same symptoms. When I had my menstrual cycle I hurt really bad. But they found out that I had endometreosis. I do not know how to spell it but you probably know what it is. I enjoyed reading your blog. It is very well set up. Lots of success on your business. I agree about wealthy affiliate there is nothing like it.

    • Hi Leighann… thanks for your comment. Menstrual cycles can be a real pain, I know. When I’d have a really bad one, the next month was always a breeze. Could never work that out. I used to dread the next month! I pity you for having as I believe it gives awful pain. So strange too. Were they ever able to fix it for you?

  15. Very interesting life story. It sounds like you have had quite a struggle. I hope you have found the answer to all your past health problems by eliminating something that you are allergic to.It seems as I age I have been searching for ways to gain some of my energy back.

    • Hi Charles! It’s interesting you know, I haven’t really found anything that I’m really allergic to, but maybe that’s because I got interrupted. My sister needed me to come and look after her for almost 3 weeks while I was doing the test. It really is not possible to do something like that properly when living in someone elses home.

      It is true that as we get older we cannot assimilate as much of our food as we did before… but, having said that… I do wonder about it because a lot of these things we take for granted when it boils down to something we should be taking care of. Would our energy levels fail if we remained as active as we were before? Are we eating the right type of foods to continue to build and strengthen us? Normally when we are young we don’t take too much notice of what we eat, and if we haven’t done something to change that… we continue along a path where we age before our time. This is just me thinking…

      The best way you can go about it is to make one little change at a time. When you realise you are doing something wrong, zero in on it and make the change. Get that established into your life and then zero in on something else. Do you still drink coke? Have you got a sweet tooth? What is your bread consumption like? These are all things that need addressing and changing… one at a time.

      Really enjoyed your comment and hope I’ve said something that you’ll find helpful.

  16. Your mission is clear and it seems like you love what do you cover. As long as you share quality to your visitors, your money comes like an autopilot. This niche is huge and most people are always looking for things to keep updated. I think you will have no problem to share the best of the best for all. Wish you the best of success

    • Thank you Javier! I appreciate your words and hope what you say really happens. At this particular time I’m concentrating more on getting good content onto my blog before I try to really get it out there. Thanks again.

  17. Hello marilyn,
    Moving out on a 3 acre spread sounds like the right move. My family can not wait to move from our outgrown house to someplace with room to have many critters. Getting our boxer mix Coco has made it clear we need to find more open ground. we just had one answer is there any nutritional difference in free range eggs compared to the bad way they do it now? best regards Coco’s dad!

    • Hi admin! Yes it was a great move. Actually, I didn’t ever think we would do something like it, but now that we have, we love it. Yes, a big dog needs plenty of room. My son’s border collie loves to patrol the entire property and sets himself up so that he can see both houses… who is coming, or not… I’m sure he sees it as a very important job, which I’m sure it is. In fact, everyone loves the space… my ducks, my chooks, my guinea fowl… they run all over it and don’t miss a bit. How cool that must be in comparison to being penned into a little enclosure, as most are!

      There is definitely a difference between free range eggs and ordinary eggs. Just think about it… Look at all the bugs and critters my girls enjoy on a daily basis! Whatever they eat, goes into their eggs. This is why free range eggs have such a rich orange yellow yolk, rather than a pale yellow. It’s not only in the colour, but also in the taste. Once you experience real free range, you won’t want anything else.

      Thanks for your comment… it’s good to touch base with you. 🙂

    • Oh really! I wonder where you visited from? Yes it’s a lovely place indeed with so many wonderful sites to see. I was somewhere on the weekend and couldn’t believe I was only an hour from home. So strange!

  18. Very helpful website! I will surely inform my friends of your website and all its valuable information! The site is so well organized and I enjoy the great details!


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