Hi Family & Friends,
I really look forward to this time of the month when I can sit and chat with you for a little while! Yet another month has passed and if you remember last month I said we need to see what adventures the new month held in store for us!
So how has your month been? Did it work out as you hoped? I sure do hope so… I like good news! Did you experience some wild adventures? Don’t forget to let me know.
Once again, before I say anything more I want to say thanks to those who made the effort to contact us during the month of August. It’s such a delight to hear from people we haven’t heard from for some time.

We’ve had a tremendous breakthrough for Trent which is fantastic! If Trent were an “able-bod” he would have been a mechanic for sure. To him, it’s heaven to be getting himself dirty working under the bonnet of a car. To me… well, I don’t share his enthusiasm for such things, but what makes him happy, makes me happy!
The young fellow who used to live in our house (Travis – the eldest son) has opened up a mechanic shop just up the road beside the local Service Station. Trent went and offered to volunteer for him and he said “Yeah man, I’d like that”
Anyway, Trent goes into the city almost every day to pick up parts etc, and has been a tremendous help in that regard. Besides that, Travis explains everything (he’s a great teacher) as he’s working on a car and Trent has learned so much he does quite a few jobs for him. That’s the part Trent loves the most.
It’s been a real turn-around for Trent and given him a purpose in life. He had been suffering so much from depression and rejection, but now he looks forward to getting up in the morning.
As you can imagine this is a tremendous relief to us and we can only thank the Lord that it’s come at this time. I have to say though that all the work has been hard on him, especially his back and legs, and some days he just has to rest up a bit. But I’m sure he will get stronger as he goes, at least he should to some degree. I guess the main thing I want to know is that it’s not doing him any damage.
What is great for us all is that Travis understands that Trent can only do so much and is willing to work along with that. How long it will go on I can only guess as when the business really picks up Travis’ Dad is going to come in and help him. Oh well, we shall see. At least it’s been a marvellous experience for him and it’s showing him that he can do quite a bit of it.
Anyway, Travis has been a tremendous encouragement as he doesn’t see the Spina Bifida, but sees Trent as a normal person but in that is more than prepared to make the necessary allowances.

Trent is such a blessing to us in so many ways. It saddens me that he has to deal with so many challenges, but through it all he eventually comes out victorious.
He comes across here for meals every so often and most nights just pops on in to chat with us anyway.
Each morning he has taken it upon himself to let all my birds out and usually comes on in to wake us up and have a yarn.
He’s doing a great job of looking after himself and cooking his meals etc in his cottage which makes us proud.

Well this Newsletter has turned out to be all about Trent. Anyway, I’m sure you will be happy to hear things are looking up for him, especially at the moment. I just want to finish off by saying that the main reason I send this email monthly is because it’s my way of keeping in contact with you. I know many are on Facebook, but a lot more are not. I do think FB is a great way of keeping in touch, not that I’ve utilised it that much, but I’m trying to use it a bit more. I do find it exciting to be able to contact all the people I used to know… you know, grew up with etc… that’s fun. If you are on Facebook and we are not connected, please take a moment to do that. Join me on Facebook In closing, we are both doing well. Actually involved in a heap of renovations which I hope I can show you next time. Love, Marilyn & Selwyn |
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