The Toxic Environment Designed To Make Us All Sick

The toxic environment we have all been forced to live in, leads to sickness and dis-ease. We all know this. Unfortunately our work environments have been responsible for many of the toxic environments people have found themselves in.

My husband recently had a Stroke, and after researching quite deeply into the ‘why’, it’s been a combination of a toxic work environment, together with toxic pills he believed, for quite some time, he had to swallow.

I wrote about my experience here:

‘They have tried to kill us’

Is there snake venom in our medication?

Be aware folks that the pills they insist on giving to us, are often not what they say they are.

Don’t believe it? Read for yourself:

It sounds way too out there doesn’t it? Talk about building conspiracy theories! But after your first shock, and as you look into it… hmm, maybe not.

Go to a search engine and be ready for it! There are many sites that come up telling us, that yes indeed, they do use a synthesized version of snake venom in many medications. In fact, they seem to be skiting about it! A wonderful find, they say!

Look up Dr Bryan Ardis and his finds. Amazing!

I looked up just two pills that were given to my husband recently in the hospital:

Amlodipine 10mg

  • Calcium Channel Blocker
  • Used to treat Hypertension, angina & arrhythmias.
  • Stops calcium from entering the cells of the heart and arteries.
  • Isolated from the venom of the Black Mamba.

Perindopril Arginine

  • An ACE inhibitor
  • Treats hypertension, heart failure & reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • Brazilian Pit Viper is in use in ACE Inhibitors.

I can’t quite remember which site I copied this from, but you will find many on Pharmaceutical and Government websites.

Unfortunately, we were not aware his blood pressure was dangerously high. We now check it on a daily basis. We are concentrating on healthy natural food, including some foods not normally part of our diet, while at the same time, undertaking the detoxing process slowly.

I would love for him to seriously consider doing some fasting, but I can only work with what I have. He has to be ready to go the extra mile. A time will come.

But, he’s improved out of sight, and we won’t stop until we see him totally healed.

Medbeds are still coming…

Yes, we know the medbeds have been promised to us, and when the time is right, I guess he’s moved up the list for an appointment.

Yes they are!!!

Let’s put our faith in wholesome healthy food and what God has provided for us. There is nothing that could ever happen to us that God didn’t provide for before time to make sure we have a natural and beautiful answer.

This past month has been very hard for me in a variety of different ways. But I am so aware of the incredible prayer support I have backing us all the way.

These days, health is not something that just happens… we have to work at it. We’ve had to counteract the work of evil people who have poisoned our water supply, the air we breathe, the food we eat and virtually everything we have anything to do with. Such a pain.

But… the wonderful news is that it’s all changing. One day soon, our skies will be cleaned up and yes, one day we won’t need to buy ‘organic’ food… it will all naturally be organic. Our water supply will be cleaned up and we certainly will not need to work in a toxic environment.



  1. From what I understand, families are to be reunited. I don’t know how that will work when family members believe I have called them on the phone and even saw me in person hurling insults at them. I can’t convince them that it wasn’t me. I’ve steered them to audio and visual patents to no avail. It’s terrible not to be believed. I don’t blame them. Before this happened to me, I knew nothing about Satanists and the harm they are capable of.

    • When you’re not believed, don’t try to fight using flesh and blood dear Andi, fight through the Spirit. Everything you have continued to stand for and believe, will be justified in time. So many of us have family members who think we are completely nuts. All we can do is pray their eyes be opened to the truth. You know the truth, so you are free. Pray they soon enter into that freedom also. Bless you.

  2. Dearest Marilyn,
    I won’t be writing to you by email as I’ve noticed none of my replies go through.
    I think of you often and pray if you haven’t already found relief that it comes soon.
    For myself, it’s an everyday struggle that worsens as we get to the finish line. It seems the evil ones are throwing everything at me. I won’t give up. I’ve come too far to stop now.
    I want you to know I care about what you’re dealing with. Too bad you don’t live close to me.

    • Some people are really wonderful, and you’re one of them! Yes it would be so nice to be able to meet up and have a coffee and chat! Maybe one day, who knows.
      My time here has been very difficult and I thank you for picking up on it. But, I know its=’s all in the hands of the Lord and we’ll get through.
      Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers and thoughts regarding us…. it is SO appreciated.

  3. Hi Marilyn –
    Looked up in the sky again (not really hard to do), now we see cascades of falling ‘dust’, just as if you dropped a soluble chemical in water – with swirls moving it around. There are no ‘white’ lines but something is being dumped on us. They’re probably doing it overnight.
    At least we’re getting some ‘happenings’ with Julian Assange (the real one?) freed and some 300 J6 prisoners being absolved of illegal charges but this good news is way long in coming…
    kindest regards, gene

    • Yes, it’s all been going on a long time, but praise God, it’s happening. I surely believe things have taken as long as they have for a purpose, a purpose we are not privvy to, but nevertheless, a very real purpose.
      From my knowledge, the released Julian Assange is a clone who has been in prison in England. The real one has been free and living in Australia, no doubt under witness protection. I could be wrong, but it’s as I comprehend it.

  4. Hi Marilyn, thank you for another great and informative article as always. I also have important information to share. Have you heard about Dr. Reiner Fuellmich? He is an independent attorney and law expert and he has important information about our “leaders” that he shared in a video (June 12th 2024) on his law website ( Here is an important part from his video: “The reality is that this is about good against evil. Everything else is an illusion created by the monsters who are playing the only game they know: the divide and conquer game. Second, I think a word of caution is in order for our own protection on this final leg of this war. Where all of us, black people, white people, muslims, christians, americans, russians, chinese, etc. fighting for peace and for a human world with love. But do NOT forget that we are fighting against psychopats. That is, people who lack any empathy and any capacity for love. In fact, they practice human emotions in front of a mirror, in order to make us believe that they’re humans. But they only do it to fool us and to get what they want. Remember the video I made a year ago about the psychology behind all the panic mongering and the psychopaths, who are the puppet masters behind all of this, who use idiots and other psychopaths as their most important puppets? Well in that video I explained that a famous brilliant Polish psychologist by the name of Dr. Lobaczewski and his group of psychologists had found out already in the 1960s, that psychopaths lack any human qualities, and they are born that way. Unlike sociopaths, who lose their human qualities, as a result, for example, of early childhood abuse or of early childhood trauma: psychopaths CANNOT be cured and will, under any and all circumstances continue to do what they want. In this case, their goal is of course, population reduction and population control. That’s why another psychologist described these psychopaths as aliens, who are very good actors, pretending to have the human qualities, that in reality they lack. And that’s why you will not reach them when you preach empathy and love to them. Never forget how 3 years ago, they forced old people in nursing homes to die in complete isolation. Don’t forget this.” Just wanted to share this important information with you. Light will win over darkness in the very end.

    • That’s great info Sindarin, thank you for sharing it! I believe it to be quite true what he’s saying, and yes, we do need to be mindful or what we’re all up against. But at the same time, let’s not forget that we’ve been told the war has already been won, so hold on to that truth.

  5. Marilyn –
    You mention above that one day we will see clear skies again…
    Here, in Jackson, Wy, for the past 2 weeks I’ve been startled to see absolutely NO white lines in the sky and even remarked to my unmoved son – “look lee, no white chemtrail lines in the sky for almost two weeks”! – he wasn’t impressed.
    Maybe TPTB have figured out a new chemtrail formula that is invisible. What we do now see is a huge amount of white puffy clouds which doesn’t seem normal because of their huge coverage.
    The state of Tennessee has reported the same thing and coincidentally they mention that they are the 1st state to have their governor sign off on a bill that PROHIBITS geoengineering (chemtrails)! – Are you still seeing white lines overhead in Tasmania?

    kindest regards, gene

    • It is funny isn’t it Gene… beautiful to see them gone ‘with the wind’!!! I’ve heard both… the dark side is still doing it and also the light side is spraying healing into the atmosphere. I truly hope the second one is right.
      Maybe it’s so long since you’ve seen the white puffy clouds that they seem abnormal.
      Yes we do still see some but even at the worst of times it doesn’t appear even slightly in comparison to what we see in the skies over there.

      • Hi Marilyn –
        “Maybe it’s so long since you’ve seen the white puffy clouds that they seem abnormal.” – yes, that may be true!
        Let’s hope so. And ANY particulate spraying is not good for lungs – lungs were meant to breath in air, not ‘dust’, especially nano particles of who knows what.
        Let us pray…
        kindest regards, gene

        • Hi Gene, so sorry for the delay in answering… but I see you’ve continued to send messages… good for you… I appreciate that.
          I 100% agree with you, but if the WH’s are truly spraying (if not everywhere) I cannot see them spraying anything that would hurt our lungs.
          We continue to watch, wait and see… and yes, pray!

  6. Thinking of you in your journey, Marilyn. I’m sure, like me, you continue to be so tired. Hoping your husband is on the road to recovery.

    It slays me the contents of the medications/vaccines. People continue to merrily go on their way buying them. I sometimes use the Yuka app on my phone to have some awareness of things. Just the other day I finally scanned a box of crackers that I like and have been buying for a while. The score on the Yuka app was zero out of 100. I need new crackers.

    I am so ready for the new world with so many bad things removed and people awake to what has been occurring for so long. I continue to say to myself and only a few others, what is happening and has been happening is massive. We have been lied to for so long.

    • Hi Greg, nice to hear from you again. Thank you for you good wishes on behalf of my husband… so appreciated.
      I had not heard of Yuka… am in the process of downloading at the moment. Seems to be interesting.
      Yes, we are all so ready, aren’t we. Will be so glad when we’re on the other side.

  7. Dearest Marilyn,
    Thank you for letting us know what is happening in your life. Your husband is blessed to have you by his side, and I believe his health will improve.

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