My hope and my trust is that you are really very well and that you have just had a fantastic month! Yes, another month has gone and November is as good as here. Let me share our October with you…and I look forward to hearing about yours too. Don’t forget now!!!

We kept a large piece of trunk… but I’ll tell you about that another time. 🙁

Bathroom Renovations
Our bathroom originally had the bath running lengthwise along the room. This gave it a very long and narrow look and I always disliked it immensely. We had to buy a new bath so we had it put across the width of the room… it looks so much better no.
We got rid of the old very long vanity and cupboard and have had installed a new modern one which looks simple but smart.

We wanted to create a natural look – sand, stones, water. To begin with we used Island Sand (1/4 strength) paint which is right throughout our entire house.

Water and dolphins – beautiful and fit nicely into our theme. The water is created with glass gemstones.

Laundry Renovations

I remember when I was just a kid when Mum and Dad took us on a holiday along the Hawkesbury River. This particular evening we camped by the river where there was a swimming pool. My brother (Rodney) and I couldn’t wait to go swimming (see water – must swim was virtually our motto), so down to the pool we went.
Splashing around in there we soon became aware the pool was full of the most beautiful frogs I had ever seen. Rainbow colours. Wonderful. I remember I caught one and ran back up to show Mum how lovely it was.
You know, these days I would be more careful as of-course, colourful frogs can be poisonous, but it was the last thing on our minds. Now the fact that the pool had countless frogs in it would suggest the water wasn’t very clean, but according to my memory that wasn’t the case. Anyway, it sure didn’t stop us, but then, what would??

A group of frogs gathered around a pond… each one has written on his stomach words such as Love, Hope, Faith, Dreams, etc… they were a gift from Trent and are special to me.
We have plans for a nice red/orange cactus to go in the pot… then finally, there’s my boat…

Recently I was given a birthday present from Graham and Margaret which was tied up with this beautiful ribbon. On it was printed “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Thanks guys!)
Haha, I thought a piece of it would make a good flag and be testimony to the fact that the boat did arrive safely home! That is…. home to our place!

A few little bits and pieces left to fully complete the job, such as painting the new door… then I can mark them off as done and move on.
Trent strikes gold… er, I mean… fish!

I wanted to finish off by showing you what Trent got up to yesterday. He went off for the day and came back sporting 5 decent sized fish!
Apparently a Rainbow Trout and a Golden Trout shown here. We ate one of them last night – yum, yum… One was twice the size of these and then a couple smaller ones.

Well done Trent!
That’s all for this month…
May the Lord continue to bless you this coming month *|FNAME|* and provide all your needs. I find it really great when people contact me back to share their good news – it makes me realise that we have not been forgotten in the land down under the “land down under”!
I guess I’m finding that the older I get, the more precious my family and friends become to me.
Selwyn sends his love also…
Warm regards,
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