From the comments coming in off my last post, I feel I need to add a bit more information. We all want to share the truth with our family, friends and acquaintances, but none of us like to be ridiculed neither!
The intention of my posts is not to place any more pressure on people than they already feel… absolutely, no way!
I finished up my last post by saying:
So, whether you heard the trumpet blasts years ago, or have only just come to the realisation, spread the news. Many say it’s already too late for more sleepers to wake up, but truly, don’t give up trying.
Marilyn Williams
I still stand by that statement, but there is a way to carry it out, and a way not to.
We don’t use verbal diarrhea when sharing the Gospel, do we?
No, I’m sure none of us are guilty of doing that. So, there is something really important when sharing the truth to others. In many, many ways, it’s just like when you share the Gospel.
Do you just go and pour it all over others, or do you take it gently saying only what you are prompted to do?
I know it’s not always easy, but as we learn to listen we can become more sure of what the Lord is saying.
Often, with the Gospel, it’s just a word or two here, or a word over there, that sets people to thinking.
So too with sharing the information we are all privvy to.
God knows where each person is at
When people are exposed to some information they haven’t heard before, they need time to process it.
Our information would all sound so foreign to people who only listen to the MSM. We hear it because, at some stage, we made the decision to dig deeper behind the news broadcasts.
People oftentimes, are very busy. I know we all are, but we make the time to read, they don’t.
So whether it’s your closest family member, or just an acquaintance, we need to go within to see what the spirit is saying.
Sometimes we are told to shut our mouth. Don’t say anything.
Maybe everything within us wants them to comprehend, I get that, but if we settle down to listening rather than sprouting… the job will get done a whole lot quicker.
So, if you have loved ones who have made it very, very clear they don’t want to know, it’s best if you respect that. I have some that fit that category perfectly! I so much want them to become aware… but my mouth is firmly shut unless I hear differently.
It could be because they ask a question… that would open my mouth for sure. But we still need to answer just their question and leave it at that… at that time.
God also knows our heart and our desire to share the truth
God also knows our heart! He knows how desperately we want others to see what to us is so obvious. But, if we truly believe He’s in control, we need to let Him be.
Many times in the Word, God told His people to stand still. He told them they would see the salvation of the Lord. Also they were told… that the battle is HIS!
Does this mean we do nothing?
Not at all!
It really is not inactivity. He will definitely show you what to do, and who and when to share to.
But we have to leave this massive battle in His hands as we can’t win this war on our own.
Not going to happen!
This is how to share the truth with love and compassion
If you pray, pray! Thank Him for everything He’s doing and will do. Ask Him to show you who you can talk to and share the truth. God will show you.
If you would rather have positive thoughts, do so! Positive thoughts are wonderful and we all need to be as far away from negativity as it’s possible to get.
Share with love. Share with compassion. Put your feet in their shoes.
When you share on any Social Media platform, always share positive thoughts and don’t project negative.
Sometimes we need to share something that’s not always wonderful that the enemy has done. But do so in a way that allows people to comprehend that God has already got it… this is how bad ‘they’ were, but praise God, we’re on the winning team!
Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord
And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.
Don’t you love it? Instead of ‘Egyptians’… slip in… the Kahazarian Mafia!
A time is coming when we will see them no more.
Try never to allow yourself to come under condemnation because you didn’t speak up at a certain time. Condemnation comes from Satan.
So share the truth wherever you can, as you are prompted to do so. Never feel that it was a waste of time. It never is, whether they give us a hard time or not. Just know you are being obedient to do your little part, but ultimately, the battle IS the Lords!
Merry Christmas Marilyn to you and yours!
warmest regards, gene
Thank you, Gene, that was lovely. I wish you the very best also… in every way.