My Feathered Friends
This blog has been created to give you a little insight into Marilyn Williams Australia and the things I like to do.
This includes the raising and care of my chickens, ducks and guinea fowls. At this present time I have 27 altogether.
- 8 Chickens and 1 Rooster
- 10 Ducks
- 8 Guinea Fowl
Unfortunately just recently I lost my favourite duck and then one of my most favoured hens.
View this at What I Do
I have been very busy also with renovations in the homestead and we are just about to start renovating the cottage… I will add photos here soon.
Improving the Property
We bought a beautiful property (in our eyes) which needed a little TLC! Gradually we have been transforming our 3 acre property into a gorgeous parkland.
What does Marilyn Williams Australia do?
As well as study that keeps me out of mischief. You can read about that in the Marilyn Williams’ Story.
Nature Walks & Visiting Places
We, that is both my husband and myself, love to go on nature walks. There are so many beautiful places to enjoy, both long and short walks.
Whether we are visiting a place nearby to where we live, or some exotic place overseas, I find much joy and pleasure in getting out and about.
You can view some of them here at Where I Go.
Enjoying Family and Friends
Not to forget the most important of the lot… spending time with family and friends. This is what makes life truly worthwhile. 🙂
Marilyn Williams
How many books were found under the Vatican?
Jeanne, I cannot say! All I know it was many… a huge amount, along with gold and much, much more.