Kenneth Thomas Carter is the Author of an extremely well, fully researched book called ‘A Nation Upside Down’.
He lives in Land O’Lakes, Florida. USA.
The subject of the book may seem depressing, reading about the evil that had been perpetrated on the people of the world. But there is a strong thread of hope running throughout the entire book.
A Nation Upside Down
The UNITED STATES government since the War Between the States has been a corporate instrument of the international bankers, controlled since 1913 by the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. The People have been blindly led by the beguiling music of the Pied Piper down a primrose path to serfdom, their vision veiled by a sinister deception perhaps unparalleled in the history of man. The bankers, politicians, and the U.S. government have artfully and skillfully played Americans for fools.
To purchase: ‘A Nation Upside Down’ From Sovereignty to Serfdom… Enslavement of the People
The United States government is a corporation
Yes, that’s right. The United States government is a corporation . . . a private, mostly foreign owned corporation, owned and controlled by the Global Elite (Act of 1871). The states are no longer sovereign, but mere sub-franchises of the corporate U.S. government. And, unknowingly, the People are owned by the corporation from birth to death. The corporate UNITED STATES holds ownership of all citizens, assets, property, and children (Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session, et.al.). Hard to believe? Or imagine? THEN YOU MUST READ ‘A Nation Upside Down’!
The Constitution for the united States of America
Tragically, the Constitution for the united States of America, bequeathed to the People by our Founding Fathers, no longer exists; an apparition, a tattered piece of paper thrown onto the trash heap of antiquity. It has been replaced by the Constitution OF the United States, a mere corporate charter of the corporate government, subject to the discretionary interpretation of the Global Elite, a.k.a. Deep State, running the corporate government. Unalienable rights? HUMBUG says the Deep State controlled Courts.
The courts are governed by military law
The courts are governed by military law, where a person is guilty until he proves his innocence. Law? Justice? Rights? Are you kidding? Justice is dispensed according to the dictates of the Global Elite. Just look at the DOJ, where the Biden crime family gets a free pass while those opposing the One World Government, New World Order agenda of the Global Elite, are crucified and destroyed. Just ask Roger Stone or Steve Bannon, and many others.
To purchase: ‘A Nation Upside Down’ From Sovereignty to Serfdom… Enslavement of the People
The Federal Reserve and the IRS are NOT part of the federal government
The Federal Reserve is also a mostly foreign privately owned corporation. The IRS is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve. Don’t believe it? The proof is in the book! Chapter 10, “The Unholy Trinity”: The Fed the IRS, and the Rothschild owned BAR Association.
The plandemic was many years in planning
The disdain that the Global Elite have for human life is unconscionable, abhorrent in the context of all human reason. There is no better example than the recent COVID scam. Yes, President Trump was right . . . it was a scam, for which he was crucified by the Global Elite-owned mainstream media. The plandemic was many years in planning, awaiting just the right moment for implementation. The “vaccine” is not a vaccine, but, in the words of one doctor, “a perfectly designed killing machine,” designed to reduce the world’s population by killing millions. Read the proof for yourself.
Wake up America, before it’s too late!
The American people are but a step away from the edge of the cliff . . . from falling into a deep abyss of brutality inflicted by a One World Government that serves its own enrichment, power, and glory. Did you know that there are internment camps in every state for the dissident who refuse to succumb to the malefic agenda of the Elite? Camps surrounding buy 20 foot high fences topped with razor wire. Wake up America, before it’s too late!
There is still hope
It’s not too late for the People to restore the Republic. But an enlightened citizenry, angered by the deceitful, evil designs of the Global Elite, must awaken to the TRUTH. The implementation of NESARA awaits. And you will read of many other ways an enlightened citizenry can act to bring down the evil that has pervaded our land and controlled our lives for far too long.
If you value freedom, this may be the most important book you will ever read
If you are looking for something that can pull together everything we hear in bits and pieces over Telegram, and elsewhere on the Internet, this is your chance.
‘A Nation Upside Down’ – The most important book you will ever read!
To purchase: ‘A Nation Upside Down’ From Sovereignty to Serfdom… Enslavement of the People
Final words by Kenneth Thomas Carter
I would like to end with the words of a poignant song, sung by the Newsboys.
This may seem a strange way to end the book, but music can sometimes speak to us in ways words alone are unable to.
I have pointed out the battle “We the People” wage is as much in the spiritual ream as in the physical: good versus evil, the Creator versus Lucifer.
People must fight not only against a very real, present, and dangerous enemy, but against an equally dangerous foe in the unseen world.
This song offers encouragement. The words ring loud and clear with a voice of hope and triumph. I encourage you to get the song. Listen to it over and over.
The words are brought to life by the powerful anointing of the music. I guarantee it will touch your soul. It has touched mine. And it’s okay to shed a tear . . . or two.
Like the fragrant, refreshing waters of a warm bath, let the music wash over and refresh your soul. Let the music be a healing to your spirit.
And if you are not a believer, again, I say that’s okay. There is no condemnation; only love.
You are still our brother. Listen anyway.
a – Perhaps the music will strike a chord within your being.
b – Perhaps there will be a crescendo in your heart.
c – Perhaps you will discover that you really do have an eternal soul.
d – Perhaps . . . just perhaps . . . you will come face to face with a Savior who loves you beyond all earthly comprehension.
e – Perhaps . . . just perhaps . . . you will be confronted with eternal life.
To purchase: ‘A Nation Upside Down’ From Sovereignty to Serfdom… Enslavement of the People
The Cross Has The Final Word
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Sorrow may come in the darkest night
But the cross has the final word
There’s nothing stronger
Nothing higher
There’s nothing greater than the name of Jesus
All the honor
All the power
And all the glory to the name of Jesus
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
Evil may put up its strongest fight
But the cross has the final word
There’s nothing stronger
Nothing higher
Nothing greater than the name of Jesus
All the honor
All the power
And all the glory to the name of Jesus
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
The Savior has come with the morning light
The cross has the final word
All glory & honor is Yours
All glory & honor is Yours
Is Yours!
The cross has the final word
The cross has the final word
He traded death for eternal life
The cross has the final word
(Oh, nothing higher)
Oh, the cross has the final word
(Nothing greater)
The cross has the final word
(All the power)
The Savior has come with the morning light
The cross has the final word.
“May the song be a source of encouragement and inspiration to you. And I pray the words on these pages will embolden the spirit of freedom within you. Rise up America! Take back your Republic! The truth will make you free indeed.”
Deo Vindice
“I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:31-38
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them . . . Everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. That is why it is said: ‘Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.’ Be very careful, then on how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:11-16 (NIV)
To purchase: ‘A Nation Upside Down’ From Sovereignty to Serfdom… Enslavement of the People
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