I have just finished watching a small video which shocked me to the core. No, I’m not going to show it here as it is far too horrible. The storm is here and it’s going to be painful for all of us.
The video was about certain treatment of women, girls and little babies, so you can guess enough to get the picture.
Look at this image:
What is typical about an iceberg is that you only see a very little at the top. There is ever so much more under the water that can’t be seen.
So, what we are seeing these days, almost on a daily basis, is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Wo/rldwide Mi/litary under the command of the Co/mmander in Ch/ief, are trying very hard to deal with these problems, but to do it in such a way as to not freak out the masses.
How hard that must be!
They wonder how do they tell us? Especially when they’re dealing with monsters who do inexplicable things!
How much do they tell us?
Should they, or should they not?
And if so, when?
The Storm brings Beauty and Terror at the same time
When I finished watching that little video, I looked out my bedroom window. Outside, we have the most glorious Cherry blossom tree. It’s in its prime now and is a wonder to behold.
I thought to myself, how on earth can a tree of such beauty live in the same world as these monsters?
It’s a wonder the flowers didn’t hang their head in shame and refuse to open!
A warning came through on the 12th October from Do/nal/d T/rum/p saying “The next two weeks are going to be very, very painful”.
Oh dear, isn’t it already painful enough what we are learning?
But, we have to be ready to take whatever is going to be dished out. It’s all part of the exposure we knew was to come.
But is all we’re seeing true?
We have to trust that God knows what He’s doing. I know so many don’t see God in this at all… in fact, I think a lot of people feel they’ve been forsaken.
But, we must be vigilant. There is so much circulating the Internet that is not true. This video was put out five days ago from the writing of this post, but it shows clearly how old footage is being used to show us this war.
What is really going on over there?
We’ve heard from people on the ground who give us reports of the action, while at the same time we hear news such as this.
Confusion reigns!
Listen, there is a major reason for all these things:
- The so-called pa/nde/mic
- War in U/krai/ne
- Israe/l’s terr/orist att/acks
There were certain facilities around the world, deep underground, that needed to be removed. These facilities were being used for horrendous purposes that most of us had no idea about until the last few years.
The pa/nde/mic, which was so annoying to us all, was used as a cover for the saving of victims caught up in these dreadful hell-holes. Also, it was used to remove the connecting tun/nels and cities of evilness, found in the depth of the earth.
So too, in U/krai/ne. This area contained more than 30 of these places. The ‘war’ enabled them to be cleaned out and made completely unusable.
Now we have Israe/l… the very same reason. It’s all a cover and takes everyone’s eyes off what’s really going on.
Have you noticed how there’s not much more being said about the ‘vir/us’ or the Ukr/aine? Now everything is once again on the middle east.
What’s going on is our attention is being drawn to this new outbreak of war which is designed to keep attention away from the real work as explained above.
Fear not! The Storm is freeing us!
We have always been told that Is/rael would be the last. That in itself is very exciting. So many ‘happenings’ over there have not added up, so we know it’s not as it appears to be.
Ukraine ‘war’ was full of discrepancies too, so what makes anyone think this new ‘war’ is not?
Australia had it’s own diversion… The Voice! Designed to take our attention and keep it focused ‘over here… not there’!!!
The only way you can possibly be ready is to have yourself firmly immersed in the presence of God.
So as we continue through these coming weeks, try very hard to not allow yourself to be caught up with all the horrors of the world. It’s not as it seems.
God is at work. He is orchestrating the storm. He’s leading the charge. In fact, He’s quite furious with the treatment of all His precious people. All people… not just the Christians.
It’s during this time of hardship that ‘We the People’ are being freed at last.
The Bible clearly told us that a time would come. It’s spoken off throughout the entire Book.
That time has come.
Rest in the this knowledge:
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11
God is NOT angry with you!
Although the God of Heaven is furious with the evildoers, He is not furious with you or me. He desires only peace and a wonderful end.
Believe it, and it shall be done for you.
What kind of end do you desire through all of this?
Expect it! Turn your attention to that expected end. Dream it. Live it. Pray for it.
These are not easy times, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. At any time we could hear the words… “the storm in upon us”. We’ve waited for this to come, and it’s virtually is upon us. Whatever you do, keep your faith firmly rooted in the One who loves you and is in the midst of bringing that expected end to pass.
The Time Machine, written in 1895 by H. G. Wells reminds me of today. The Eloi are humans who follow orders without question. The underground Morlochs grow them as a crop for food. Those of us who are conscious of the evil around us are desperately trying to save those who are not aware. This is by far the hardest time of my life.
Oh goodness Andi! Yes, I see what you mean. It’s all so horrible really. Being aware is certainly not always easy unfortunately.
Hi Marilyn, thank you again for your words. I, like so many, as I have said before, am so weary. I continue to hope and pray that things are soon to change. Can all be revealed, and all be awakened? So many, including myself, are divided from others who have no awareness of anything being wrong. I read of so many being divided. I know I am not alone. I have also happened upon videos/images that I wish I’d not seen. How can this evil be upon the earth? My prayers and faith will continue.
Ugh Greg, praise God you are not alone! Keeping in contact with one another is a great blessing in this time of deception and uncertainly. Only one thing is certain, and that is that God is God and He’s absolutely got this! Don’t be afraid that the walls of water will crash down upon you before reaching the other side, that is, unless you are on the side of evil which ofcourse, I know you are not.
Isn’t that wonderful?
Hi Marilyn –
In support of your article narrating the destruction of underground bunkers in the Gaza area here’s a paragraph from Seymour Hersch’s opinion.
“Israel wants to wipe out Gaza City and destroy the underground Hamas facilities. That’s why the population is being driven out.” Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reports this based on insider information.
So, it appears that Israel is bent on destroying Hamas while we are actually seeing Israel biolabs being destroyed!
kindest regards, gene
Wonderful… thank you Gene!