This is an urgent call to prayer! Please do not pass on by without spending a little time lifting up this real-time need to the Lord.
I have many people write to me, sharing their great needs. My heart goes out to them all.
The need
Today, one of the members of my Telegram Chat sent a plea for help to the group. Her sister, Mandy, had just been diagnosed with advanced cancer. It sent shockwaves throughout the family and left them all completely heartbroken for their family member.
Please, she said, can anyone help us?
Another member moved by compassion
One of the other members felt greatly moved by the situation and decided to converse with her privately. He discovered that it was breast cancer that it had spread to her liver and spine.
She was taken to the Royal North Shore hospital in Sydney to be operated on this coming Monday.
Apparently her T5 has completely disintegrated. This means they intend to place a metal cage around the spine to take it’s place.
As you can see, this is a very serious case.
He finished by saying: “Mandy’s story needs to be sent around the globe so people can use the power of prayer and faith to commence the healing. So could you put the story on your site that can be forwarded on. Thanks.”
Various members reach out…
I have provided to her where she should be able to receive some Ivermectin, but she will need to wait until it arrives by the post. Being right near Christmas might bring some delays.
Another member has mentioned to her regarding the use of a sodium bicarbonate (bi-carb soda) and how it alkalinizes the blood. Cancer cannot live in an alkaline state.
The Truth About Cancer website supplies an enormous amount of info concerning what should/could be done.
I’ve been very touched at the concern of my Telegram people and I will share this with my Signal group as well as I know they are very active in prayer for each other.
Jesus has already paid the price for Kathryn’s sister’s healing
There is nothing that can supply that help right now like the power of prayer!
God is her maker, and therefore, He’s the One who can heal her forthwith.
But He was wounded for our transgressions (wrong-doings, sins)
Isaiah 53:5
He was bruised for our iniquities
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him
And by His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah, an Old Testament prophet, foretold this about Jesus. He was prophesying what Jesus would ultimately do in the future.
Jesus went willingly to the cross for the joy He saw set before Him
After his short earthly ministry, Jesus would allow Himself to be crucified, and in doing so, all that the above verse states would be fulfilled.
Amongst so much else, Jesus was whipped by a cat of nine tails. This was a whip made up of nine lashings embedded with bits of metal or bone. It was designed to rip the flesh off. It is believed He received 39 lashes as the Jewish law commanded it should not be more than 40 times. This cannot be confirmed, but more likely.
During that time, and in His incredible pain, Jesus would have known what He was doing. He could have at any time called on the angels to come to His aid, but no, He did it all for us.
This was an amazing feat… having a choice but choosing to go ahead!
That thrashing covered every sickness and disease ever known to humanity. It means that no matter what happens to you, or comes upon you, Jesus has it covered.
He suffered so we wouldn’t have to.
Even the Lord could not do healings where there was no faith
But even a casual read of the New Testament shows how Jesus could do nothing where there was no faith.
We simply have to believe what He did was for us. Faith the size of a miniscule mustard seed can move mountains for those that believe.
We have no literal mountains to move at the moment, but we can combine our faith to move the mountain of this devastating news off Kathryn’s sister!
Let’s exercise our faith together in this urgent call to prayer
So I’m reaching out to as many people who will, to exercise their faith on behalf of Mandy in her dire need.
See her, in your mind’s eye, made well as you pray!
I have already posted it in my Prayer Vase. You can find this in the right column, or if on your phone, scroll on down.
Update #1
Mandy’s spine is being operated on in Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital as we speak. It’s about a 6 hour procedure to remove and clean out the T5 vertebrae that has been eaten away by the cancer. They are then placing a metal cage in its place, attaching to the vertebrae above and below. We will also find out after what type of cancer she has in her breast, liver and spine, so as to what type of chemo and radiation treatment she will need. I got to see her yesterday for several hours, and was even able to wash her hair for her as she lay in bed. I love her so much.
From Kathryn – 19th December, 2022
Update #2
I just got word from Mum that Mandy got up and had a little walk around 🎉 Her husband Pete said it was very hard to watch, as she was extremely nervous. But she did it!
From Kathryn – 21st December, 2022
This urgent call to prayer is just one way we can give of ourselves on behalf of someone else’s need. You never know when it might be you in some dire situation. You can never outgive God. Give and it will be given unto you. Thank you so much dear readers, I’m trusting in you!
Update #3
I just wanted to give you an update on Mandy. Was just talking to her on the phone. It’s been a long and painful recovery for her since her spine was operated on a week ago. I didn’t realise the extent of her surgery at the time, but her back was cut open from T2 to T8 to insert titanium rods as support, to replace her T5 with a new vertebrae fashioned from ground up donor bone, and then to attach the titanium cage around it to provide protection.
From Kathryn – 26th December, 2022
Mandy was starting to despair that the pain was never going to ease enough for her to be able to get in and out of bed on her own, stand up and walk around without awful pain, or be able to have a shower or to use the loo. But today she finally turned a corner and the pain has begun to lessen. She was able to achieve quite a few physical goals, and the relief she feels is considerable.
Onwards and upwards from here! So very, very happy and grateful for her recent progress 🙏💜
Update #4
On Sunday Mandy was taken by ambulance to the hospital from her home. She was in absolute agony, Mum said 😢 After scans it showed she had a fracture in her sacroiliac joint. The pain was so excruciating, Mum said Mandy couldn’t move a millimetre 🥺 The paramedics had to come and dose her up on morphine before they could move her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.
The doctor said her fracture will heal by itself, thank goodness. She was able to go back home this afternoon with a much better pain management plan, so as to ensure she is never put through such an horrific experience again. Thinking about what she went through breaks my heart 💔
She’s beginning radiation treatment on the cancer in her spine on Thursday, as her bones are the first priority. Following a week of that, she will move on to chemo for the soft tissue – breast and liver.
We are awaiting the results of more scans they did today on her hips, as she’s had a lot of pain there too. I hope to God it doesn’t reveal more cancer 🥺
Mandy is so amazing, though. She’s just seeing each experience as another hurdle she has to get over. I’m in awe of her.
This has all been so incredibly hard for us all, but her ability to remain calm and focused helps us enormously.
From Kathryn – 10th January, 2023
Update #5
Mandy is feeling the best she has felt in 4.5 months with the pain abating considerably.
She was able to properly cleanse, tone and moisturise her face for the first time in a month too. As a woman, that was such an important thing for her to be able to do. 😊
A very good step forward for Mandy, and the energy of that has truly reverberated out for all of us.
Kathryn – 15th January, 2023
How is Mandy? I’ve been thinking of her.
Hi dear Andi… that’s so sweet of you.
This is the latest info:
A couple of quotes from Kathryn over the last couple of weeks.
“Mandy’s had quite a bit of pain in her left shoulder, where there is definite cancer present. She is having scans this week to see whether there’s an actual fracture ☹️ Apart from that, she is doing pretty well. We are all staying on the Positivity Trail”
“Mandy received good news about her shoulder. There’s no fracture thank goodness, so it’s muscular and just needs time to heal. One of the cancerous lesions in her liver has gone, and all the other tumours in her body have reduced in size further. We are all thrilled.”
For Mandy,
Gracious Father, all health and healing are gifts from your hand.
We pray for Mandy, give their doctors and nurses the wisdom and skill as they work for their healing.
While they wait and face many unknowns, calm all doubts and fears with the Word of your promise
that nothing can separate us from your love, that is ours in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:39).
Speed their healing if it is your will, and give them an extra measure of patience
as they wait for you to work all these things for their good (Romans 8:28);
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
I prayed deeply Mandy for your full recovery and I will keep on praying. God bless you and your lovely family.
European scientists have recently proved that cancer is a very strong parasitic infection. Check Ivermectin.com and watch the 3 videos long scroll down on opening the website. Video 3 gives the proof watch the whole vidio to end.
There is now much talk of it being parasites, that’s for sure. The good thing is that Ivermectin helps so much, if you can get hold of it. thanks for sharing.
Hang in there, Mandy! I am picturing you encased in white healing light. You’re blessed to have Katherine, a beautiful bond between two lovely ladies. The photo of you two is very moving.
Thank you so much, Andi 🙏 Your healing is gratefully received 💜💜💜 My beautiful sister and I are very close, and I would do anything to help her get through this. She is very loved 💝
That is excellent news, Mandy! She has so much going for her; she is loved and admired for her strength. God is helping her as she helps herself.
Dear Kathryn,
How is Mandy? I’ve been praying and wondering if she’s stabilized.
Tired of all the lies and further punishment from truthets giving false hope. Trump and the White Hats,……….ARE NOT IN CONTROL or at least Fauci would be out of the picture…..
Take a good look at Fauci. Then tell me it’s the same man! Come on!!!