Nothing is happening! Oh dear, I hear this such a lot. People grumbling that they can see anything happening and so begin to get discouraged!
Please don’t be like that! What would it take for you to say there’s something happening?
We see factory/processing plant fires like never before.
There’s earthquakes all over the place like never before.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Horror after horror is being revealed to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
Learn to connect the dots.
It won’t be long before JB is removed… it’s just a matter of time. I have been of the belief that Nesara-Gesara and everything related to it will not come out until he is gone.
But his removal need not be a long drawn out process… it could happen overnight. We could wake up one morning and hey, he’s gone!
Time to celebrate!
Ok, let’s see how the information Wyatt Earp put out is tracking shall we?
This was in my last post:
He really felt, according to information he was receiving, that much would be taking place this week and next week. As I’m just the messenger girl, I decided to leave it a couple of days and then check back in.
He believes very much that we are right on track with what he shared. I will share a few points from his next video which is available for you lower down on the page.
Look what’s just come in:
There’s more to these things than meets the eye!
— Begin Wyatt Earp (Captain Marvel Junior) —
#1 Boom – Brunson Case
Brunson Case again denied by the Supreme Court of the United States. (Well, what do you know! Should we be surprised? I think not! This court is corrupt, as they all re, and are not working towards the good of the people… at all – Marilyn)
As an act of treason, they will receive their just reward.
Remember, nothing is happening guys! Oh my!
#2 Boom – Putin State of the Nation Address
- Degradation of the West
- where God is being vilified and the
- family unit is being destroyed
- Transgenderism etc
Media portrays it as Putin railing against the West.
Putin has suspended the anti-proliferation of nuclear weapons treaties that Russia is a signatory too, further ramping up the World War III scenario. Putin/Russia shown as bad… or as we have all be taught!
#3 Boom – NATO responds
“If you attack one of us, you attack us all!”
- Russia does have the right to defend its sovereignty of which Putin made it very clear.
- NATO called on everyone in the West to support Ukraine because they are a sovereign nation. (No they’re not! Ukraine is a territory of Russia.)
#4 Boom – Russia & China talk
- Russia and China will enter into talks regarding trade deals
- Also asking for some military support from China
All this bringing forth the fake World War III scenario. This could bring on the EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System)
#5 Boom – 6.8 magnitude earthquake again hits Turkey
As if these guys hadn’t had enough! Don’t tell me nothing is happening!
- Many people displaced
- Death toll continues to rise
He put out a call for people to pray for the victims of Turkey and Syria, and the rest of the world being affected by these earthquakes.
Pray at any time, but a special request for united prayer at 10pm EST United States, 25th February, 2023. Need to heal what is going on spiritually.
This is what a map made of 7,700 earthquakes since the strongest on February 7th one looks like.

#6 Boom – Stock Market
- S & P went down
- All stocks across the board have gone down.
This is the beginning of the Stock Market collapse… this could happen over a few days or a week or so.
#7 Boom – Train derailments
- Overnight, yet another train derailment in Nebraska
- They are finding pipe bombs on railroad tracks.
Deep State, because they’ve lost, are going out with as much destruction as they can. Do not fear… the Military Alliance (white Hats) are going to deal with all this very soon.
There were many other activities taking place throughout the day… it was very much like rolling thunder. Each day will continue like this, with more and more happenings.
All has to happen. It’s a process. It’s gearing up towards the EBS.
They are also continuing to wake up the sleepers. A relatively painful process for us who are aware, but necessary in the whole scheme of things.
— End Wyatt Earp (Captain Marvel Junior) —
Can you connect the dots? We will continue to see more and more. Trust in God and don’t look to the situation around you. Just know He has it all in hand.
Have compassion for others
Most all of us have had our awakening at some period over the last few years. There are those who knew of these things many years ago. How painful it has been for them! And, how painful it would have been for us if we came into this not being aware of any of it!
This is where other people are at, so we need to continue to pray and spread the information anywhere we can, and as often as we can.
Move this post along and move any other relevant info you come across… don’t dam them up. It’s not only for you, but for your contacts as well.
If your ears are tuned in, and you’ve taken the time to rub the sleep out of your eyes… you will never again tell me or anyone else that nothing is happening!
Ears tuned? Eyes wide open? We live in the most exciting time ever when we see evil being removed from this earth. Turn on your praise and lift up your prayers for those being affected. This is what will hasten this journey like nothing else can.
Hi Marilyn –
Year after year rolls on and yet the DS succeeds greatly in their weather warfare without any opposition, or am I crazy and there really isn’t any manipulation of weather?
kindest regards, gene
Oh yes, I fully believe there is much manipulation of the weather… we’ve all experienced the results of that. But don’t allow yourself to fall for the fact that it looks like ‘their’ winning. Never! No… not at all. Soon we will learn the truth.
Blah blah, same ole crap! There ain’t no movie. We have been played by DS again and again in order to keep the sheeple under their control.
I feel sad for you Tom… if you don’t have eyes to see what is going on at this time, it’s so sad. You are missing out on the greatest time in all history.
Sorry Mary but I don’t see anything. I hear a lot,but as far as seeing,I don’t think so.If someone would show proof of just one military execution then I would believe.when I say the same thing to RRN
,Baxter always censors me.Hard proof of just one execution and not just a source told me. Is this so hard to understand?
No, it’s not at all hard to understand Tom!
Why don’t you try https://realrawnews.com.
See if you can accept what they are saying.
That is who RRN is. Baxter is the owner and the one who censors me!
Ahh, sorry I missed that! It comes down to exercising your faith. After all, what else is there?
real raw news? come on – that’s a real disinfo site! Putin did NOT abolish the shot!!! No marines invaded the capitol to free j6’ers!
Show us something like Schiff being executed, then we’ll know!!!
Just a matter of time Gene, just a matter of time.