We’ve all heard about the White Hats and the Black Hats haven’t we? But who’s heard of the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue Hats?
I was watching a video by Ricardo Bosi and he gave an explanation of what he sees these different coloured hats representing.
It was very good and gave great comprehension as to why things are happening as they are.
The whole video (down below) is worthy of watching, but I have transcribed the portion regarding the Hats.
White Hats, Black Hats we know… but what about these? Who do they represent?
… begin transcript
The Black Hats are at one end and the White Hats are at the other. The Black Hats represent pure evil and at the other end we’ve got the White Hats.
In between we have the population. (Represented by the different coloured hats)
Red Hats (right beside the Black Hats)
The Red Hats have no conscience. As long as you pay them, they will do whatever they need to do to get that money. They will follow instructions even if it’s:
We want you to go k.i.l.l. people.
Yeah, no problem
We want you to fly planes that spray chemicals over people that will cause deformities and deaths.
No problem, how much are you paying me?
The Red Hats will only move once the Black Hats are arrested. The moment the Black Hats get arrested they’ll start talking because they’re cowards.
The Orange Hats
Evidence of crime. So the Orange Hats are genuinely good people but very naive. The evidence of crime must be delivered by the same folk telling them one set of lies, (TV Announcer?) now that same face needs to tell them a different set of truths because they’ll believe it.
If you get on there, or I get on there, they’ll say, I’m not going to believe him! But if they get a trusted face telling them that the same crook… that’s why the media will be one of the last groups to go. The White Hats had to use the media to communicate the truth to the Orange Hats. They’ll receive from a trusted news reporter… today the Prime Minister of Greece was found in bed with 15 little boys! They’ll exclaim… “Oh my God, it must be true because the news reporter said it!
Make sense?
Now if you’re watching carefully, more stories are coming out. What does that tell you? Especially in Australia! We’re now getting news of politicians and pedophilia! That never happened here. It was always covered up. Never made it to the airwaves, but the fact that it’s coming out now means two things:
- The White Hats are controlling the media more and more.
- The Orange Hats are going to start seeing evidence of crime in their trusted institutions and it’s coming from the media.
The media is going to tell them you can’t trust the politians, you can’t trust the judges, you can’t trust the police, you can’t trust the military, you can’t trust the local priest… and they will believe it.
This will move the Orange Hats and they will then join us and say “My God, it’s terrible!”
Yellow Hats
These are not good people. Not because they’re bad… they are not evil. But they don’t care about anything. They put their hands over their eyes and ears and say “No, I don’t want to know… don’t tell me, don’t tell me!” (Head in the sand like an ostrich!)
They’ll do anything to be left alone. They will pay more tax, stay at home, wear a mask and all get jabbed, but just leave me alone. Please don’t affect my mortgage payments on the house. They will jab their kids rather than lose their house.
Now what moves these people?
This is a big chunk of the population, and growing because the jab has adversely affected the psychology of these people. The Yellow Hats are now a bigger group because now they’re turning into s.h.e.e.p.l.e.
The fear of staying where they are is greater than the fear of moving into something new. That’s the only thing that will move the Yellow Hats as they won’t shift. They will literally bury their head in the sand leaving their backside point upwards and hoping the threat will go away.
But when they realise that the threat is so great, they will pull their head out of the sand and run.
So, the White Hats have to use a different set of techniques on the Orange Hats and the Yellow Hats. For the Yellow Hat, it might be a scare event.
Make sense now?
So you’ve got the Red Hats being shown the Black Hats being arrested. You’ve got the Orange Hats from the corrupt media telling that the people they believe in are crooks, and the Yellow Hats that need a scare event.
Green Hats
The Green Hats are the ones who have moved along but all of a sudden they go “I don’t know… this is not right! Something’s wrong!”
But what’s going wrong is that they’re out of this group over here. They are the ones we speak to. They are open to persuasion. We say, “Ladies and Gentleman, look at the facts for yourself.”
Bit by bit, that group is starting to grow. They are starting to understand that there are liars out there… something’s not right.
You can’t tell them about Ad/re/na/ch/ro/me on Day One because you’ll lose them. You begin to tell them about the things they can swallow. We recruit from the Green Hats.
Blue Hats
That’s us… we’re right out there right beside the White Hats doing what we can to advance as best we can, victory in this war.
This is an explanation why different groups don’t respond to the same motivation and why there are several elements to this war that have to be employed simultaneously.
The Orange Hats will watch the News and look for guidance.
The scare event is for the Yellow Hats. It doesn’t mean they’re going to wake up and all of a sudden become active in their community, not at all…. these people are going to have to go to their ATM and find there’s a zero balance…. the White Hats will have to get their attention by taking their money and that’s all they’ll respond to.
… end transcript
Go ahead and listen to the video down below. I’m sorted out the various headings. It’s all pretty short, sharp and to the point.
6.45 Military Tribunals taking place
6.57 All lies will be revealed
8.14 Make your country great
9.31 Already occurred
The CIA, the Cabal is gone
11.22 Get rid of the past
12.03 People need to be woken up
12.51 That’s what the Black Hats were going to do
13.33 Common Law
14.49 God given
15.07 The Cabal told us
15.37 Evil cannot win
15.44 Cooperation
17.58 Martial Law
19.17 Earthquakes
21.32 Every election is rigged
22.25 This is “The Plan”
23.35 The Brunson Case
23.59 Next Phase
24.18 Warp Speed
24.54 Warp Speed wrecked the Cabal’s plan
25.20 Not everyone got a real vaccine
26.16 Hats
32.05 Space Force
33.46 Refuse to consent
The Final Phase Plan
We praise God for the removing of the Black Hats by the White Hats. We can all play a part in this. First thing to do is to recognise which colour hat you’re wearing! Make sure you’re on God’s Team. We are in amazing times!
Dear gene,
I’m sorry you haven’t felt well for quite some time. I believe the Med Beds are coming, please hang in there.
Thank you for this awesome post!! I did not know about other hats besides Whitehats and Blackhats. I can see you’ve spent a lot of time on this.
I’ve come a long way in The Awakening process. I’m at the point where I think it might be easier for us to know who is not in their monstrous club. There are too many who sold their soul for fame and money.
It’s nice to see you here again. I’ve missed you.
Yes, I’ve missed being here. We all face some difficult times in life and what we do needs to be altered for a time. I do think it’s coming out more and more who is in their club… revelations coming out constantly. For us anyway… we need it to be for the others so they too can comprehend.
Thank you for this great post! I love how you broke down the meaning of the hats.
Thank you Andi. Ricardo did a great job with that I believe. I was touched by it so therefore decided to post on it. It so helps us to see where different people are in the awakening process… to comprehend more.
Hi Marilyn –
The outcome so far of this entire ‘Plan’ is most stressful even to an observer.
I liken it to the open heart surgery I had over four years ago. Last thing I recall was being given a ‘knockout shot’ in my hospital room, after which everything went black until I came to back in a recovery room only to be re-sedated a second time to re-insert the ventilator tube again. Then another blackout till another day. Two months later I went home. Ever since then, I’ve never recovered and feel like almost dying nearly every day (4 years now). I’m living a nightmare in hope that this EBS comes about. Now we’ve been told sabotage has delayed the Nesara announcement but they’re “working on it”. I don’t think I can survive another 4 years of this….
Dare we believe the medbeds are coming?
Kindest regards, gene
I believe we do dare Gene. So many are in these terrible positions where their final hope is what they’ve been told about the med beds. Never forget though, without Jesus nothing will work. Not really. I believe Jesus is behind these medbeds. He has brought out all the technologies so far and will make sure these hidden ones are released to the world.
Never give up. When thoughts of dying come, rebuke them in Jesus Name and keep on living. Declare… I will live and not die!!!
Hi Marilyn, good to see your words again. Thank you. I know you have had some struggles in recent months. Peace and comfort in that journey.
I continue to be floored at all that is occurring around us. The people in so many cases continue to be divided with what is occurring. Division continues within my world, which is maddening and saddening as some continue to be ignorant with that which is right in front of them. I know I’m not alone in this. That is a part of the plan for the people to be divided. We have been divided for some time.
Anyway, very interesting piece, along with the Ricardo Bosi video. I’ve been watching him for some time. I’ve seen him a number of times with people very involved in the truther movement. I hold him out to be quite credible. He reconfirmed things I’ve been led to believe for some time. Of course, for so many, including myself, when do the fireworks begin for more to see? I know things have been happening for a time. The people in my world have absolutely no awareness of governmental fraud, masked people, QFS, Medbeds, NESARA, dangerous medications, etc.
Prayers and faith continue as they have to.
All well put Greg! Yes, we don’t know actual dates but we do know it has to happen and… it will be soon! How soon? Soon! I believe the EBS will be one of the main things they use for the awakening process. That’s when you’ll come into your own Greg… you will be able to be there for them as they learn of the atrocities.