Sudden Disaster! No Need To Be Afraid!

sudden disaster

You need not be afraid of sudden disaster! I really believe this is a time for us to be grounded in the truth of what our great Creator Father God has to say.

Meanwhile, with the potential of all that may come in the next while, if you are not grounded, you could find yourself running in fear.

That is NOT God’s intention!

The only ones running in fear should be the ‘wicked’!

But I’m wicked, you may say!

No dear reader, you are not an evil person!

Many of us believe we are/were indeed wicked. But we had no idea of what wicked, or evil, really is. We now have a good idea of the depth of depravity, evil & wicked can go.

If you still don’t know, you’ll soon find out. Very soon, I believe.

You need not be afraid of sudden disaster
    or the destruction that comes upon the wicked,
for the Lord is your security.
    He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.

Proverbs 3:25-26

The ‘disaster’ being referenced here is related to the justice that the wicked/evil have warranted. It’s for their unbelievable and despicable, treasonous behaviour against humanity.

You see, we live in the time where the wicked ones are being brought to justice. They are being removed (taken away to be dealt with from a human point of view). Many have already gone on to meet their Maker and will have to answer/pay for, to Him for what they’ve done.

Notice how in Proverbs it says that destruction is coming upon the wicked?

It is NOT coming upon us!

We do not need to be afraid of sudden disaster, because this destruction is coming upon the wicked, not upon us.

We need to continue to trust in the Lord for His security and He will look after us.

We know from God’s Word that this period of time is going to be a pretty bumpy ride, but we didn’t comprehend exactly how it would be. No-one could have given us a step by step indication of how it was going to play out.

Now we are seeing and living through the experience.

Never ever forget, through it all, that the destruction is for ‘them’, not for us. God did not go through all He did just to annihilate us. He is annihilating the evil/wicked ones.

God’s Son gave His life so that we may experience life. Abundant life!

What would the point of it all be if He was going to destroy us anyway? No, it’s not like that at all.

We will eventually enter into world peace… be patient and allow it to play out

For those who know and have a relationship with God, they already experience peace in their hearts. If you are ever feeling anxious, and we all do at times, lean in to the Lord. Remind Him of His promises and don’t leave until peace rules once again in your heart.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Isaiah 26:3

Struggling right now? Here are a number of verses where God promises peace to all who seek Him

Stick together. Patriots need fellow patriots because those who do not comprehend what is happening give us all a hard time. Let this song warm your heart:

It’s a time for us to be strong. The best way for that to take place is to put your trust firmly in the Lord God. As you firmly trust Him, do your utmost to encourage each other.

Be strong. Trust the plan. We are seeing the outwork of the plan every day. We may not comprehend it all. It’s happening none-the-less.

God always promises to rid our world of these enemies and bring us into an amazing time

Listen to this marvelous duet to further give you strength… and be blessed.

The main point I want to make before I finish is for you to always remember: sudden disaster is coming upon the ones who sold their souls to the devil. It’s NOT for you. Never forget that.



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