Are you ready to read this interview between Nicholas Veniamin and Maria Benardis on Zoom together. Maria shares wonderful extra information on Medbeds and other suppressed technologies, including dental technology. It is expected they will soon be released.
Maria Benardis is a Gourmand Award winning Author, Intuitive Chef, Food Alchemist, Motivational Speaker, Intuitive Health & Wellness Coach and Founder of Greekalicious (www.greekalicious.nyc)
Taken from Greekalicious
I have transcribed and divided the interview up into 4 parts. Today we will go through Part 1 as they discuss the suppressed dental technology, air purifiers and the affects of toxins on your skin. I will release each part of the interview daily for four days.
So, Why Are We Ill?

Maria: Let’s just set the scene about where we are going. I think everyone is familiar with the fact that we have been living in a world where it’s all been about chemicals, all about toxic food, all about fluoride, and this is why a lot of people are ill.
Where we are now moving to, and what all these cures are all about, is about turning us back to God’s medicine, the ancient ways of medicine, such as in ancient Greece that was based on energy, frequency and vibration.
That’s where we’re moving to. It’s all about mind, body and spirit.
Healing with Vibrational Frequency
Now the reason why I wanted to set that scene is because most of these new cures and technologies (a lot haven’t come out but will be coming) are based on energy. They are based on a vibrational frequency.
This is why it’s so important for people to ascend to 5D dimensional energy, or agape unconditional love, because that’s where you’re going to
reap the full rewards of what is already out there, and what is coming.
Such as the Medbeds, and all sorts of other plasma related energy devices. Everything is based on energy and plasma.
Dental Technology

Nicholas: Can you share what there is that we can use for diseases etc. I think you mentioned about dental as well?
Plasma Pen
Maria: So that one is coming. I can mention it now. There is for example, a Plasma Pen that can be used to actually do the fillings. In other words, it helps your tooth regenerate and fill that gap. So it’s really quite extraordinary. We don’t even need all these extractions!
Shen Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration, and also the Detravich(?) Electro-Orthodontia – Dental Electrolysis
I’ll just read of a couple of other inventions which I’ve written down:
There’s the Shen Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration and also the Detravich(?) Electro-Orthodontia – Dental Electrolysis. So using an Electrolysis laser to whiten teeth, to heal teeth and to help the teeth regenerate.
Remineralisation Toothpaste
There is also a toothpaste – a remineralisation toothpaste so as you’re brushing, your not getting any toxins, but you are getting all the nutrients into your teeth so that everyday they are regenerating.
I will give the link to the 5,000 plus health patents that will be released so that people can go in there and do further research.
The issue with Mercury
Nicholas: That’s so interesting! Usually when you have a filling, it’s so bad for us because there is mercury inside that filling. Can you also explain to the listeners why mercury is bad for us?
Maria: Mercury is basically a toxin, and this is why everybody keeps telling us to not eat fish such as tuna and so on, because there is mercury in there.
It is actually like fluoride, it kills our cells and destroys our DNA. If we are putting something like that in our mouth, what is happening, is that it is slowly releasing that mercury over time and it’s making us sick because it’s damaging our cells.
Toxic Effects of Fluoride
Even the fluoride… that’s what the fluoride does that’s in our toothpaste and in our water… it destroys the cells.
Not only that, it actually affects the Pineal Gland, so that a lot of people who are drinking a lot of this water, and using this type of toothpaste, they are finding it very difficult to connect to the Creator God, so they need to eliminate those toxins.
That’s what’s making us sick Nicholas… if it’s not the filling, it’s the fluoride, the GMO’s, the artificial colours. Even things that say ‘natural colours’ are actually toxic.
Nicholas: Yes right. Everything we eat and when I speak to JasonQ, he goes into everything. He says no, you can’t eat like this, or you can’t eat like that, because it’s in everything.
There’s poison in everything. In our medication. The dye’s we put in our hair… our light bulbs…
Skin care
Maria: Yes, and moisturisers.
You know skin is the biggest organ in our body, so if we’re going to absorb the most chemicals, they’re going to happen on our skin.
We need to be also not spraying things in the environment which are then going to be absorbed by the skin. People don’t realise that if you spray something around you, the first organ, which is your skin, will absorb it.
Air Purifier
Speaking of the environment, one of the inventions that’s come up, is an air purifier by a company called Aerus which is just undergoing FDA approval. If you have it in your house it will actually detox the whole environment and the air of any bacteria etc.
This is a future thing for us to have in our homes. It’s a modern day purifier that cleanses the nasties that come in from outside.
Tomorrow we will continue with Part 2 of this interview. We’ll talk about the Med-Beds in more detail. We will then move on to other little-known technologies that are actually available for you to use right now
Wasn’t it interesting to learn more about the dental technology that is just around the corner. Imagine not having to face that dental drill. Sounds pretty good to me!
Here is the link that Maria said she would leave with links to all the various technologies she was discussing:
Mind Blowing NESARA/GESARA Healing Technologies
The Air Purifier by Aerus is undergoing testing by FDA??? Really?? FDA the evil ones?? Why would they be testing anything that would benefit us?? They are part of the system we are trying to delete. I am confused on this one. They are compliant with people getting toxic food, drugs, etc.
Absolutely they are K! I guess it’s just all part of the play where they pretend to be doing good. I’m not sure either, but remember, we all know so much more know than we did back when this post was written. It will all be good… very soon now I’m led to believe.
I have been waiting to see what the 6,000 patents provide and the new technology they bring to the world. I know I want to work with the technology to help our planet grow back to the Lord and make our world a better place for all.
Yes Leslie… isn’t it so exciting! To think we could have been using all this in times past is but it’s been suppressed and hidden from us… just like everything else ‘they’ve’ done!
But fantastic to live in a time when it’s free to come out and benefit us all, don’t you think?
God is good and He has great things in store for us.
I can only hope that all technology is evenly distributed throughout
The world. Ever time I look for holistic natural path or reiki, energy
healing in dentistry Drs bio healing anything in natural medicine there is nothing in the mid west. I hope that all of the people once this becomes available don’t have to drive distances to be able to get some healing benefit
From what I’ve heard, I believe it will be in every major city to start with, branching out further and further as it goes.
I am a 84 year old Veteran with physical knee joint disability, extensive skin Cancer, a enlarged prostrate and bad jaw and teeth underbite. Please sign me up for the early volunteer genie pig testing, live in West Palm Beach ,Florida
Hi Jack,
I’m actually not able to do that for you. I would love to, and would if I could. Just keep listening and looking. We have been told the green light won’t be given until after the announcement of Nesara/Gesara.
Marilyn, thanks for your detailed reports on health. As I am typing this reply December 8, 2021, just know that Nesara/Gesara is very close, possibly this weekend. Everything is in place and it will all go at once all over the world. I watch MarkZ everyday without fail. He is, to me, the best informer around. Michael Contrell, Mr. C, is the man who pushes the buttons for the QFS is on his program every Friday. I have health issues and very definitely plan on looking into all of the new technologies that have been suppressed from us. This one about teeth is of definite interest to me. I want to get on a list for a med bed also. I would encourage people to check around to get the right information. For me, it’s been MarkZ and in my time zone, mountain standard time, it’s 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday and Saturday 10 am. He is on Youtube. He is so down to earth and caring. Again, thanks for your research and information. Love Nick too.
Thanks so much for sharing this information Joy! Yes, we gradually find people we resonate with more than others, and that’s good. I like him too.
All information coming out does point to it’s almost upon us… only time will tell for sure.
Hi Marilyn, I just read the comment I made almost two years ago. We are there now, this is August of 2023. Things are happening this coming week and looks like this is our week for it all. What is so neat is that August 22nd is my daughter’s birthday. She doesn’t know anything about this. We do not communicate and hoping God will help with that. I need a med bed for my teeth ASAP. From what I’ve heard the beds are coming very soon now after Nesara is announced hopefully next week for that announcement. We are GO!!!! Love Nick and Maria too.
What wonderful encouraging news you shared with us Joy! We are definitely hoping for the announcement to happen very soon as there are so many people with problems of all kinds. Thank you!
Back in Eisenhower’s time, Inter-dimensionals offered medical technologies, and to teach us all about good health. The Dracos offered weapon systems. In return they wanted a certain amount of humans yearly, but they reneged and take as many as they need. It is obvious which was more acceptable to the American government.
That contract has to be broken, but there is no human who can deal with the hostile race.
All the good technology has been hidden and will remain out of our grasp until, literally, the evil ones are defeated.
If people could stop fearing and listening to the brainwashing propaganda, and if they visualised and believed our Earth would be rid of the evil and start to be repaired, people too, it might be so. It takes more than prayers for peace as we’ve been finding out for YEARS..
I realise this comment will be deleted, but it’s about time people understood there is so much more truth to be known than they think. ONLY the truth will set us free. We mustn’t keep self-censoring.
Hi Tony… I can’t see any reason why I would delete your post. You are telling it as you believe it to be. That’s all any of us can do.
Yes, it does take more than prayers. Prayers are very powerful when prayed in faith, but prayers needs to be given legs!
The Old Testament is full of battles, but it was the people who fought in the battles under God’s direction. God didn’t do it for them.
I am so happy to know the future is filled with hope of health and vitality. When you have lived your life with chronic health conditions it is this hope that keeps you going day after day. THANK YOU! Just know you both made a difference today in my life. I appreciate your time that you took getting the information out. Thanks again, K
Hi Kay,
It is for people just like you that keeps me writing! Praise God for the release of this technology… we have been robbed of this for far too long.
I trust you will be able to use one very soon.
Bless you. Marilyn
Reading your comments makes me feel like I do when a buy a lottery ticket. I just sit there and think about all the people whose lives I could improve. Life would become like a stopping place on the way to heaven. I think about all the rest of our brothers and sisters in all the disadvantaged countries throughout the world that would have thought what a blessing it be to live in a country like ours. And now it seems like it could be a reality for them now.
Hi Bob!
Oh I completely understand what you are saying here. My husband and I have been wondering what you have to do to sponsor a medbed into our area, whether that would hurry it up or not. What a blessing that would be!
The wonderful thing is that there will no longer be any disadvantaged countries as these medbeds will be rolled out everywhere around the world.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts!
Oh come on! That’s only about teeth whitening – not bone replacement, physical healing of all and any illnesses and re-growing missing limbs.
Don’t even try pushing new age mumbo jumbo into the mix.
While I didn’t read the entire article, I suspect you failed to mention that no one will be permitted to financially profit from med beds and that their healing will be FREELY available to ALL, irrespective of their financial standing in life.
As I understand S. Miller, from my research, it is for so much more than teeth whitening… as you say. Shame you didn’t read the whole article to get the context.
I am so thrilled that, as far as we can ascertain, they will be made freely available to all. How incredible it will be if that is truly the case.
I think there is much we don’t understand yet.
The teeth whitening was talking about other technology… other than what we currently have available today. 6,000 patents to be released would contain all kinds of technologies, over and above the Med-Beds.
We have so much to look forward to by all accounts.