New quantum technology is busy entering the market place. This is part of the hidden and suppressed technologies that have been long promised to us.
As we know, the medbed uses this quantum technology, and all of us are eagerly awaiting the green light for their use.
I have so many people contacting me regarding when the medbeds are going to be released, and how can they get onto a list for treatment.
I understand they are usually quite desperate people with great needs.
Unfortunately, I have no way of adding them to a list, in fact, I don’t really believe such a list exists… not at the moment.
A time will shortly come when people will be able to call a centre and make an appointment. We are all anticipating this moment.
I do have one list – a Prayer List!
On this blog I have what I call a Prayer Vase. It’s a list of people who have contacted me and asked to be added to the prayer list. You are MORE than welcome to do the same, because I have some pretty solid prayer warriors on the job!
Please watch out for scams
While I’m talking about this, please be aware, that if you do hear of someone to call and they are requesting money paid up front… run for your life! This is NOT how they are intended to work.
You will simply go in for an appointment, be assessed and then told when your treatment will be. The word is that there will be no payment required for these treatments.
We are entering into a new world where the previously suppressed healing technology will be available for all. The ‘enemy’ has kept it from us… but soon they will be gone!
OK… but when will we be able to call for an appointment?
I don’t know… it’s in the hand of the Lord God! But everything does point to it being soon.
What can I do while I wait for the Medbeds?
Meanwhile, is there anything else available on the market place?
Yes there is!
But these are NOT free.
Quantum technology is gradually being brought out to the public, but they come with a price tag. Different companies have been perfected them and offering them to the public.
Personally at this stage, I have only used one of these technologies, but there are many more available. This one is:
Quantum EMF Shield & Earthing Card by Nature’s Frequencies
“The emf shield + earthing card is a revolutionary, carbon-fiber effective & easy to use, earthing technology that works naturally to assist with improving your overall health & well-being.
The emf shield + earthing card is formulated with earth-grounding-frequencies to balance, harmonize and restore the body’s energy to bring the mind and body into balance, while also providing EMF protection. The card is designed to enhance strength, endurance, balance, energy, vitality and sleep, while also providing relief from stress, worry, tension, discomfort, weakness and fatigue.
The card is also designed to harmonize and enhance food, water, skincare, health supplements and more.”
Nature’s Frequencies
(*** These urls for Nature’s Frequencies are affiliate links. If you purchase from this company I may receive a small remuneration on your purchase.)
The main reason I went for this card was to protect me from EMF. I wear it on my body at all times.
This is not something you can see, so I can’t say anything about how it protects, but I trust that it does.
I also like the way it earths my body, especially as we’ve just past through our winter season. It’s not that wonderful to get outside on a cold lawn with bare feet!
When I received that card, it also came with some extra EMF Shields that we’ve used on our mobile phones and computers.
They have many other products produced using Quantum technology. Please feel free to peruse them. I’ve heard many good reports from people using them. For example, one woman I know, if it wasn’t for these products, would not be able to walk at all. Brilliant really.
With 14 major awards & 6 US patents, they have also featured on Fox News and USA Today.
Their hottest products are:
- EMF Shield – designed to assist against 5G
- Food Freshness Card – helps to eliminate food wastage
- Earthing Card – protection with other healing benefits
- Relief Patch – for any discomfort
These are all easy to use. Either place them on or very near your body, or in a bowl of fruit, or in the fridge for food freshness.
Quantum Technology
As there are a great many people waiting to go on a medbed, many of whom are suffering great pain, it certainly could be well worth your while to look into some of these alternative healing treatments. Look, if all they do is reduce the severity of your pain as you wait, I think it would be more than worth it.
As always, do your own research. For many of us, this information is quite new. We are so used to the mainstream methods, but hey, it’s overtime for something really cool to come our way.
Quantum technology is coming. There is much being heralded concerning how wonderful various products are. There are more currently available, but I’ll talk about them another time.
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