It’s so true that nothing worth doing ever comes easy. I think President Trump is a perfect example of a leader who shows us how to keep going and not give up!
I wanted you to see this video but I couldn’t embed it. Please click on the link below the image which will take you to Dr Charlie Ward’s website to view it.
He Caught Them All – The Best Is Yet To Come
When we follow our convictions, we have to be willing to face criticism from others. We have to hang in there to do what’s right.
Our time here on earth is ever so brief, so what legacy will we leave behind? What will they say we did in the scheme of things?
It’s never easy to do what’s worth doing
I believe President T]rump will be remembered throughout the ages for being one of the bravest men in the face of extreme adversity.
He is not doing what he’s doing just for America. We know it’s ‘America First’ for him, and so it should be… but every person living on planet earth if directly affected by the moves this man makes.
He and his incredible team are in the midst of taking down the most evil beast the world has ever seen. For too long it’s been free to ravage our countries and all of humanity.
Evil demonic people have kept us in captivity, and the wonder is, that most of us had no idea we were even in captivity. That’s how clever they were.
There has been so much suffering, but God has said… enough is enough! He has raised up people to be specific in removing this evil on a world-wide scale.
We the people, are privileged to live in an age to see it all come to pass.
Let’s set the trap of all traps!
As expressed in this last post (below), they are saying of the possibility of JB being inaugurated on the 20th. Could this be the trap above all traps?
Look what they are doing in DC… surrounding the whole area with a barbed-wire fence! They would think it was to keep them all safe… but…
Remember too, how T]rump stated he would not be attending the inauguration on the 20th?
We all know that JB is far from suitable to become the next president. Even the person having done no research at all knows that he’s not up to it. (This is beside the fact that the real JB was dealt with long ago!)
Imagine this… just a Marilyn thought… what if the inauguration drew all of the swamp rats into the fenced in area… allow the ceremony to go ahead… then the military closed off the area! Trapped! No escape! Got them and all showing on TV’s around the world!
Remember also, in the post below, J]uan said they could ‘put a lid on DC like a dome’ and capture them all! They would be all caught in their own bubble.
Haha, I don’t know if this could possibly happen but sounds good to me. 🙂
President Trump and his Alliance Team are playing everything out… drawing it all out in fact… but the reason is they are encouraging every last rat out of it’s hole.
Snap! Snap! Traps going off everywhere!
Remember it’s a movie!
If you feel scared by all the happenings, please turn OFF the news media. They are kicking and screaming and pouring forth all manner of deceit and lies.
Keep the faith. Enjoy the journey. We know that the destination is good… and worth it all. Just remember, nothing worth doing ever comes easy!
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