February come, and February go! How was it for you? I know for some it was an extremely hot time, but not so for us. In fact, our summer was a bit of a write off as far as heat went. Oh, nice days for sure, but in comparison to the heat felt in NSW, it was nothing like it.
I think maybe our hottest days hit on the first days of Autumn… hot, really quite hot, especially the afternoons. Dry too, the grass is beginning to crackle… but so late to previous years. Normally it’s dry long before Christmas, but we’ve only just lost our green over the last few weeks.

Trent is happy though as it let’s more of the morning sun through onto his cottage. Anyway, it’s all cleared up now, at least, I have a great pile of branches waiting until the fire restrictions are lifted so that I can burn them.
I don’t like piles of branches lying around because I always think it’s a good hidey-hole for a snake or two.

Talking of snakes… a week or two ago I found a dead carcass of a small tiger snake in the chicken pen. It was strange as it died with its head in a hole. I guess it hoped it could get away but, it was only a hole dug out by one of my ducks – they like to do it to find worms.
Anyway, the curious thing was that the back of the snake had been thoroughly pecked – it was ripped to shreds. Now, there is no way the ducks would do that, nor the chooks… so that only leaves my guinea fowl.
I originally got the guinea fowl as I had heard that they will drive snakes away and kill small ones, and guess what… it looks like they have done the job. I would have loved to have seen it happening – it must have frightened the snake so much that all he could think of was getting away.
Guinea Fowl are such brave little creatures… I have four pairs, most born here on the property… brought a couple in to stop the boy’s fighting and give them all a wife. Now they’re all happy little chappies.

Gorgeous white sand with turquoise water. He said there were heaps of people swimming but not caught in this picture.

We’ve since put in a temporary window instead of that old broken one. We’re waiting on brother Warren to bring us a glass sliding door.
Actually Warren and family were here last Sunday. It was so good to spend the day with them. I was so annoyed after they left when I realised I didn’t take a single photo. 🙁

I tell Selwyn I like things pretty… I want to be able to look out every window and see “pretty”. I’d have to say that we’re getting close.

Hey… see the Toyota parked near the house? Trent bought it with the intention of doing it up so he can go 4-wheel driving with his friends. It’s a bit of a shell at the moment but they’ll work on it up in the workshop until it’s ready to go. He’s really very excited about it.
Parked right outside his bedroom window in the same way my brother did when he brought home his first car… needs to be the first thing they see when they get up in the morning!

The overflow pipe from our water tank snapped off so had to be replaced… but he’s gone a whole lot further and taken a pipe virtually all the way to the dam. This will be a great improvement in the wet season as the area won’t be so waterlogged.
We still will have the water that runs all the way from the road out the front, to the dam. We’re working on a way to capture it and direct its pathway. It’s quite a lot of water but sure helps keep the dam levels up.
Well that’s our February news. As you can see we’ve been busy. Hoping to have the painting finished by the end of March. That’ll be good I’m sure.
Selwyn has a week off at the moment and we’re going up to Sydney and Gosford to stay with various friends & family. I don’t know how many friends/family we’ll manage to see but looking forward to catching up with as many as possible.
Until next time, hugs and kisses…
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