Age Reversal Med-Beds
This is Part 2 of a 4-part interview of Nicholas Veniemin and Maria Benardis. This time we will look closer at age reversal Med-beds.
In Part 1 they were discussing mainly on wonderful new dental technologies etc. You can read about them here:
To continue…
When will the Med-beds come out, do you think?
Nicholas: Wow, that’s amazing. So when do you think that the Med-beds will come out?
Maria: I’ve been following the intel. Some intel is saying March. I actually think it’s highly likely that it will be the end of March because in March we have the amazing celebrations with our beautiful president. I’m so excited!
Currently being used with the Rescued Children
Maria: So I think that once that announcement is made with him there is nothing stopping these Medbeds coming out. We know they are already being used for the rescued children, and already being used for our service men and women, especially because they are experiencing a lot of trauma. These beds actually deprogram the mind, and heals all that sort of trauma.
Holographic Beds for lost limbs
Maria: For the people that have lost their limbs, there is the other bed (the holographic bed) that actually helps to heal and recreate these limbs.
Age Reversal Med-Beds healing Eyesight, Hearing and much more
Maria: I’m personally looking forward to the one that’s going to reverse age, help with the eyesight and hearing. I currently have to wear glasses for long distance and am looking forward to not having to wear them.
Age Reversal Med-Beds Stopping Hair from Becoming Grey
Nicholas: A friend said to me they are looking forward to something that stops the hair from becoming grey. I said to her that I actually like the grey! Just as long as I don’t lose my hair I’m happy.
Maria: Well, that’s what the Med-bed does. It actually restores your hair back to the original colour. So if you are going back to the age of 20, hypothetically speaking, when I didn’t have any white hair, it takes me back to my natural colour automatically.
Is it real?
Nicholas: You make a very good point about the Med-beds, they are being currently used with children as well. People are saying, when is it going to come out? Is it real? We look forward to them because it will heal every disease out there and save so many lives including our loved ones.
As Effective as your Energy
Maria: But Nick, there is something very important that people need to realise. The Med-beds are only as effective as your energy. They are based on intention. I need to go into the Med-bed with the intention of healing and I need to uplift my energy, and then what this Med-bed does is it joins me and lifts up my energy a little bit more.
So if someone is gong to be really negative and go in there with a 3D vibrational frequency, it’s not going to help them heal. This is why there is such an emphasis as to why we all need to rise up to the 5D level because that’s where the healing will be maximized.
What other technologies are currently available?
Nicholas: It’s all going to be fantastic when there is access to all these cures and what not. So what have you heard that has come out in the last six months that was wow for you, or you’re using now… or recently heard of?
Oxygen Therapy
Maria: So one thing people could be using now is Oxygen Therapy. There has been a lot of research that was done in Israel, and in actual fact, it’s being used in a hospital in Connecticut at the moment, to help cure people with c]ancer, and other illnesses.
A lot of people don’t realise that hospitals now have Oxygen Therapy and you can choose that as an option instead of chemotherapy. I highly recommend that. Of-course, Oxygen Therapy has also been used for age regression. If you Google Oxygen Therapy you can find that but people are not telling you about it. I think that’s a really important one.
Dr Biezunski
Another really important one, and I really love the work of this doctor… his name is Biezunski (?) – a doctor in Texas. He was shut down because he was curing people with C]ancer. So what’s happened in the last few months he’s all of a sudden opened up practice and he’s freely using all his technologies to heal people of C]ancer.
So if anyone has this disease, look up this wonderful doctor and start using his therapy. He’s developed what he calls, Peptide Derivatives that you can ingest and cure C]ancer. There are things happening.
Ultra-Violet Red Light
We’ve also seen the benefits of Ultra-Violet Red Light. I encourage people to start using UV Red Light on their body. It kills viruses. It was used in the 40’s and 50’s to treat blood pressure, to treat pneumonia.
Precision Smart Toilet
There is a toilet that has come out called a Precision Smart Toilet so that when you go to the bathroom it actually does a diagnosis of your body and your health and you can upload it to the cloud.
Taychon Beds
So there is also electro-magnetic field technology. For example, we have a Taychon Beds. They are available in every state, but you might find only one or two.
This is an energy bed that basically helps heal your chakras and heal all around you any sort of negative field. People who are depressed and so on should be researching this and actually going there.
King Smarty – Pure Soul Energy Science
You had a guest on your show, King Smartie… I actually use his products Holotech, Holographic. I have to say that I use that in my life to constantly have my energy elevated.

So I wear one of these. It’s made a tremendous difference in my life. My vibe was already a 5D but now I’m looking to go up higher. It’s another sort of maintenance.
These are just a few examples… there is a lot happening.
Age reversal Med-Beds are so much more than just age reversal. It will be wonderful for that to happen, but even more important will be the healing of degenerative diseases, and some of the debilitating conditions people find they have to live with.
Here is the link that Maria said she would leave with links to all the various technologies she was discussing:
Mind Blowing NESARA/GESARA Healing Technologies
I was wondering, if menopausal woman has completed her menopause. Will the MedBeds reverse menopause?
Hi Linda!
From what we are hearing it could very well be the case! Maybe if someone didn’t want that to happen they might be able to organise it that way. I don’t really know though. If someone really wanted that to happen and maybe have the ability to have another, or long awaited child, they would be so delighted!
So these Med Beds will not be rolled out for another month or two? How will this work? Is there to be a Center for each town city or State to accommodate the thousands of people who need to use these? So many of us are ill and need this technology now. I am totally confused about the difference between the Med Bed technology you are talking about or the one Jared Rand is trying to produce called the Celestial Chamber? Is Mr. Rand for real? His Celestial Chamber sounds incredible like it does much more than the Med Bed can but can we trust Mr. Rand? Doesn’t sound like the Military or Trump is working with him.
Hi Susan!
We don’t know exactly when they will be rolled out but there is a bit to take place before they do.
Currently, they are being rolled out into every major city in the world, according to information I’ve received.
Furthermore, they are producing them at about 1,000 more each day.
Somewhere, I don’t know where now, I saw a list of the different companies who were involved in making them… I think there were about 8 on the list.
First up, people will go in for a consultation. From that they will decide how urgent you are, as I believe they will do the most urgent first.
How they measure up against what Jared Rand is doing (the Celestial Chambers) I do not know. I think we can expect, as time moves on, that various people will be involved in making bigger and better ones along the way… at least, that’s the way it usually is.
I don’t know too much about Jared Rand. I have never followed him although I do know about him of-course. How trustworthy he is I cannot say.
We do nee to be aware that there is a lot of disinformation around so just take your time and continue to research.
Hi Marilyn. Thank you so much for the reply. We have our fingers crossed that this can happen soon as illness does take its toll on the body and time is against us. As far as Mr. Rand, I guess time will tell. For now I agree, it’s best to stick with something that is trustworthy and can be offered a lot sooner.
Hello Marilyn,
I felt the children were using the med beds it thrills my soul. I pray 2 times a day that they are using the med beds they have beautiful lives beautiful families and beautiful memories with lots of people involve with the rescued children. My question is who invented the med beds. I thought Jared Rand was involved with them and the Celestial Chambers and I was told he has nothing to do with the med beds. Is it also looking closer in us using them soon. My husband is a veteran and in very bad shape. I can’t wait for him to get repaired. His mother drank to much when he was young and ended up with FASD can his brain be repaired it’s been a rough ride as long as we have been together but I have always helped him almost 18 years. I’m hoping this can be repaired as well?
Hi Heidi!
First let me say I love your name! I had a friend in primary school called Heidi and she was always special!
Yes, although many people are waiting, waiting, it certainly is wonderful that the children are receiving the first benefits of them.
This is how I comprehend where they came from, and it’s fairly simple really… I believe our Father in heaven is releasing more and more technology into this world, and that it’s just another way people will be able to receive from Him. We’ve seen down through history how technology gradually opened up to those who were searching for answers, technology that ultimately benefitted us all. This is just the next incredible step.
Do I comprehend how they fully operate? Absolutely not! Do I have to? No, not at all! I just need to accept by faith that they do and I will receive, just as it’s the same with everyone else.
God is so good!
I’m quite sure when your husband’s time comes he will receive the answer to his needs.
Hi Marilyn,
I know you have said your not New Age but I would say I am. Yes our Lord indeed is involved and a lot of off world beings. I know I will probably get ridiculed for this but I have been on this personal discovery of my own for nearly 7 years and I have been down so many different routes and avenues of research. It is the Lords will but it is also Exterrestrial technology. We have always been taught to fear other species or Aliens/UFO’s as they have been termed. These technologies are ‘out of this world’. They have been suppressed for a century or more. When you ask yourself “but why”. Think why it was suppressed if we have med beds, dental aids, good food, things that can keep us healthy, no diseases, no vaccines the likes of big pharma, vaccine companies etc wouldn’t make any money from us…that’s why it’s been suppressed. We have been kept in chains for 100+ years to keep us sick and in their control. THEM being the Cabal/illuminati low life’s in my book. Ever since my teens I’ve looked to the skies and wondered and thought there must be other life out there. Its the controllers on Earth we should be afraid of not other life forms.
Hi Caroline!
I guess there are two ways of looking at things…
1) There must be other life out in that huge universe
2) God has created ALL of this just for us and we’ll get to enjoy it all in the future.
Which is correct?
It doesn’t really matter because we will all learn in the future which is correct.
As for me, I believe I have an open mind. The reason being I don’t know everything!!! In fact, I know just a little tiny dot of what there is to know. I know that there is so much going to be revealed to us that we need to be open-minded about quite a lot.
What I do Caroline is this… I always ask myself… what does the Word of God say? It doesn’t matter what any man says if it’s not based on the Word.
There is only one truth, and I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to many things being revealed… aren’t you?
Hi Marilyn,
Yes indeed I’m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting. Although a bit scary as it will be different and we have a lot of new things to learn. I can’t wait for the new future bring it on I say. As Trump says it’s going to be biblical.
I lost my Dear Dad in 2018 and read Revelation 21:7 it just appealed to me out of all of them. I chose the same for my Dear Mum last year. Its wonderful about the new Earth and there being no more death and no more tears.
Our Lord is definitely the Alpha and the Omega.
Yes, we need to be patient, don’t we. Things will be different, for sure, and the more we can learn right now about the lies they told, the easier it will be for us to transition.
Beautiful choice Caroline! Your mum and dad would have been pleased with your choice!
Thank you Marilyn for all your information.
My question… How can we be trained in Med Beds? I would like to help the elderly.
What a beautiful question Julie! I just wish I could answer it for you! I guess though, when the day comes and they are finally released they will be looking out for people with a heart just like yours. Keep your ear to the ground.
Do you know how others can be of assistance? I would love to work with pediatric patients in using the Med beds. I have no medical training though (I’m a school/children’s librarian, lol!) but I’m just looking for any way I can be of assistance. Also, do you know if it can help children with autism/adhd? I work with these kids (and have a few of my own kids that are on the spectrum, although very mild) and it would bring a tear to my eye if I saw these kids having a higher quality of life instead of so many struggles. Thank you for sharing all of this information! I pray this comes sooner rather than later!
Hi Sheena!
From what I’ve heard, everything will be so different to how it is now. Currently we are all caught up in debt enslavement and we’ve not known it to be different.
There will still be jobs to be done of-course… houses to be built… etc. etc. etc. People working in this industry will be there because they love to do it… not because they have to just to survive.’
It will be the same in all other areas as well.
I believe that if you truly desire to work in that area, there will be nothing stopping you. Everyone, everywhere are all going to need retraining in the field of medicine… so why not you?
It’s been clearly stated that autism is definitely on the list, but I’ve also heard through Charlie Ward that all conditions can be/will be aided tremendously. Will it be in just one session, or multiple sessions… I don’t know.
I also have people I’d like to tumble into those beds at the first opportunity!
The Med Beds are currently being used on the rescued children and for those who have had to deal with it all. It’s only fair they all receive the first go at them.
We believe that they will be rolled out into all countries just as soon as the QFS is announced and a reality… which is supposed to be just around the corner 🙂
It’s a year gone since the beds have been talked of, of being rolled out ‘soon.’ Now we are threatened with World War lll… they are trying to take our guns… trying to lockdown again with new plandemic, threats of being taken to camps..etc., And cancer is rife now, with many debilitating illnesses, much of it caused by the deadly Covid shots. It looks as if there will be enough beds to go around as so many are going to die meanwhile.
You keep talking about Charlie Ward, but all his timelines have never amounted to anything. It’s not fair to keep people waiting in desperation and hope for those med beds. Until the Cabal are taken down, distribution of the beds will be banned or re-possessed. The battle is still on, but it seems, getting near the finale.
My close relative, who is already so ill, has now to go through the most intensive, invasive operation for head and neck cancer. If he survives the operation which is a 10% chance of surving the trauma of it, he has hopes for the med-bed. Without the operation, he will only live around two months. He’s been waiting for the beds, and cannot avoid the disfiguring operation any longer, probably like many others.
I’m so sorry to hear of your close relative…
I know it’s hard when their is so much need. I truly believe the ones who are in control of their release must struggle as they would also know there is a huge need.
As I wrote on another comment: I encourage you to go to a website like ‘The Truth About Cancer’ Ty Bollinger. If I were to find myself in that situation, that’s where I’d start. Dig in and then apply whatever they say, as you can.
We were always told that it would get worse before it gets better. I forwarded this post into my Telegram group this morning:
“It had to be this way. White Hats had to let the Deep State Cabal unleash Deep State plans and had to record the crimes in progress, in real time. (It was the only way for Military Intel to track the money, players and compromised institutions, doctors, scientists, lawyers, banks and Deep State Military – and to record the Crime of the Century” – Judy Byington
They have to have absolute proof and catch them in the act. They have done this… all will pay.
Do not worry about WW 111, it’s all part of the ploy. We will enter a time of Marshall Law and come under the military. Always we have been told this would be so. It has to be this way.
CW has gotten things wrong, just like every other person has. The most informed person only knows around 20%, that’s all they can release. It can be hard at times. Sometimes they’ve used CW to deliberately put out wrong information to allow them to do what they need to do. They usually tell him after the fact.
I’m glad you can see we are nearing the finale… that was a good positive statement.
I have been ubder a satanic attack all yr wish i could get to ned bed now i am arcturian star seed completely blocked off from Arcturians wbo healed me for 8 yrs on their ship pls help sos
Med bed that os like the children any info pls help
Hi Debra!
I’m not sure I completely understand your question/comment. If you are asking if they are being used for the rescued children, my understanding is that they certainly are.
If I haven’t covered your question, please feel free to ask again.
Hi Debra!
I know this type of thing is talked about on the net but I have to say I know nothing about it.
The medbeds will be rolled out first in Texas and then in Florida. After that, I believe, they will be gradually rolled out around the earth.
There are just so many people who are crying out for help, and I trust the medbed will come to your area, wherever that may be, quickly.
I’m a Plieadian Starseed, and indigo child. And I have also been under Demonic attack for a long time. I don’t know if they’re blocking me out of contact but, I haven’t been able to make contact at all. And they have been messing with me for a long long time. Just recently figured out who it was. I thought it was humans all along.