Have you ever been Cable Hang Gliding in Launceston, or anywhere else for that matter?
I have! It was fun! I loved, loved, loved it!
When you’ve got some energy to burn, what a great way to use it.
Now let’s face it, I’m not the bravest person in the world, in fact… I won’t go on many of the rides in amusement parks. No Sirree! The main problem is a lot of them make me ill. Ugh!
The other day we were on a little drive to the Trevallyn Dam (water supply for Launceston, Tasmania, on the South Esk River) when about 8 minutes along the way we saw a sign for “Cable Hang Gliding Australia”, so decided to check it out.
Video from online until I have my own.
Now please understand, I’m not talking about “Hang Gliding”… I said “Cable Hang Gliding”. Do you see the difference? I don’t believe I could ever go Hang Gliding, but this I could certainly manage. You see, we’re attached to a wire and can only end up in one place. Hmm, not quite so scary, hey?

We had to park just down the road a bit and walk up to the gliding platform. Carefully picking our way along a rough bush track, we climbed up around the side of an old unused quarry… then finally up a set of steps onto the platform.
There we found a very nice woman who explained what was in store for us while we considered our options… to do, or not to do!
Photos First

From our vantage point we looked down to the landing spot far below but to get there we’d have to fly out over the 18 metre cliff-face of the quarry. As we’d never done anything of this nature before, it did take some consideration before we thought “Just do it!” But beforehand, time to ask the operator to take a photo!
I Went First

All strapped up in a thick harness and attached to the “mean, green, flying machine”; helmet on, and a few more explanations… remember this and remember that.
This was it… it’s now or never!

Down the ramp and off, off and away!
Hands out in front I felt like I was going at an enormous speed. As soon as I was airborne I felt the harness tighten around me. I’ve got to say it felt amazing. For the first time in my life I was flying.
Then out and over the cliff… wow, what an experience!
Actually, I didn’t find it frightening because I felt so secure in my harness. I could do anything… nothing was too hard. Yay!
I couldn’t help but let out a loud “WhooHoo” or two as I was soaring through the air! I was going faster and faster… but before I knew it the end was near.
I remember the operator had told me she’d slow it down at the end. Hmm… a few questions flew through my mind…
- Will she?
- Is she concentrating?
- Is she talking to Selwyn?
I realised that if she didn’t stop it, I’d smack against the pole that I was fast approaching!
They were only quick thoughts as before I knew it, I felt the pull-up begin… ahh, so she is concentrating after all. Phew!
I experienced a little difficulty getting myself out of the harness, but finally I hooked the harness and helmet onto the “wings” and gave her a wave to to draw it back to the top.
Then it was Selwyn’s turn

As I waited for Selwyn to juggle his way into the harness, I was beginning to think it wasn’t going to happen. Don’t know what they were yarning about, but finally he was standing on the “Go” spot.
Before long, he was coming down, faster and faster, yelling and yahooing as he flew through the air. Unfortunately I have no photos as I’d left the camera with Selwyn. Darn it.
All up it was a totally exhilarating experience for me, but most importantly, I felt safe.
As we walked back to the car I asked “Can we do it again?” I felt like a little kid who wanted to enjoy a ride over and over. But in reality I didn’t really mean it… the thought of that steep walk up around the quarry again took care of that! Another time.
Let’s Do It Again!
But we have both decided we definitely want to do it again. It was so much fun and hopefully next time we’ll capture some more photos, and a video.
How do you think you would go on one of these? Do you believe you could do it? Have you already been on one, and if so, what was your experience?
Anyway, if you come down our way and you’re looking for some fun, you need to check out Cable Hang Gliding in Launceston. It’s only one of a great array of interesting pastimes that can be enjoyed here.
Warm regards,
Marilyn Williams
It looks kind of like ziplining. Recently, I’ve been wanting to try the actual Hang gliding but it’s still up in the air since it’s not something that’s on my bucket list. I get very obsessed about my bucket list so if it’s on it I must do it, and if it’s not I’ll just put it on the side and maybe it’ll appear again in the future.
Yes, I have a bucket list too but I know that hang gliding is definitely not on it! LOL Just the same as jumping out of an airplane or off a huge cliff. None of this is for me! But cable hang gliding, yes, that’s a different matter. I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for your comment… appreciated.
Hi there! OH I love to try this cable hang gliding! 🙂 I love these kinds of sports but my husband is afraid of heights so I would not be able to try those. But I really love trying this kind of activity. It looks like a zip line. Feeling the fresh air all over your face gives you the best feeling, it’s like flying! 🙂
Hi Kathe… I don’t know what a zip line is but maybe it’s something similar. I don’t know. It certainly gave a great feeling flying through the air like that. I can only imagine the buzz people get when they go flying in those suits, or go real hang gliding, but I don’t believe I could ever do that.
The harness was really snug around you so it made you feel safe. I think if I had just been hanging on somehow it would have been a much different story. 🙂
Thanks so much for your comment.
Your post was fascinating. I’d love to try it. Where is Launceston? I’m in Iowa in the U.S. How do they slow you down at the end? What control do you have over your flight (little I imagine with the cable)? Having tried that, are you more or less likely to try the free hang gliding experience?
Hi David… Launceston is the second largest city in Tasmania… island state of Australia, to the south. I’m not sure how she actually did it but I know she was fiddling with some buttons up her end as it was all motorised.
I didn’t really have any control but at the same time, felt very much in control. Does that figure?
Uhm… I don’t believe I could go Hang Gliding. I mean, the places they fly off would frighten the wits out of me! Going over an 18 metre cliff on the security of a wire was about my limit. 🙂
Thanks so much for your comments… much appreciated.
Hi Marilyn, very nice blog! I went through most everything and found several things that I will be following up on to benefit my own health. As for your site, it is very diverse and full of useful content. Best of all you come across as someone who really cares about what you are doing and that I believe will be the key to your success with this venture. People will very likely pass your site on to others for two reasons. One, they like the content and two, they like you. I really have no suggestions for improvement other than to keep adding quality and personal content and start offering links to products that you have personally tried and like and think others would like. Best of luck to you and thank you for the nice blog. I will check back in a while to see how you are doing.
Thank you so much Lee, that’s all very encouraging to me. Yes, I decided when I first began this that I wanted to come across naturally… just tell it as it is! If I’m accomplishing that then I’m happy. I’m glad you found information that could be helpful to you as at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.
Thank you again. 🙂
Hi there! I come across with your post Cable Hang Gliding! It’s looks like you and your friend had awesome time and a lot fun. I am person who dont like hight but I always like to challenge my self. This is really something I would want to try! Thanks for this post!
Hi Vigo… I’m sure you’d enjoy the challenge. You may be a bit frightened to start with, and your heart may begin to pump faster, especially when standing on the “go”… but once on your way it’s exhilarating!
I’m glad you liked the post… thanks.
wwwww:) I would really like to try it 🙂 is not dangerous?
I read your post and I am tempted 🙂
I think you adrenaline goes higher and higher doing this :)))
Is it good for any age? can children or elder do it?
I think gives you a feeling of freedom 🙂 you can fly :))))
thank you for the refreshing post 🙂
waiting for more 🙂
Hi Christina… thanks for commenting.
I don’t believe it’s dangerous, I mean, if I did think that I wouldn’t have gone near it! It certainly does get your adrenaline pumping, but it’s over very quickly unfortunately.
The operator told us that she has people from quite a young age, to fairly elderly, and even physically challenged people go for rides.
I found the feeling of flying unbelievable… like I wanted to keep on going… on and up over the trees and away!
Glad you enjoyed it… there will be more. 🙂
Wow, I had no idea that cable hang gliding even existed! I have never really fancied trying normal hang gliding as it looks a little unsafe to me. But I love roller coasters and that kind of thing, so I think I would really like to try this out! It looks like you guys had a really good experience.
Ooh yeah, we surely did! Thanks for your comment Andrew and I hope you’ll find something like that around so you too can have a blast! 🙂
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for the beautiful and entertaining pictures and adventures.
I am still reading and watching, had a few difficult days, not at home much.
Hi Hannes, I’m sorry to hear you’ve had difficult days. I hope everything is OK with you. Thanks for reading my “stuff”… and glad you are enjoying it. Marilyn