Do you know that you can have your PCR Test re-done to prove you didn’t have SARS-CoV-2 in the first place?
Listen or read what Professor Doctor Dolores Cahill has to say on the matter… it could be life-changing!
Please share this post so that the information reaches far and wide!
Who is Professor Doctor Dolores Cahill – Ireland
- Molecular Biologist & Immunologist
- Known for work in Bio-Medicine
- World leading Scientist and Academic
- Professor at University College Dublin and recognised international expert in this field
- Worked 3 years in Munich,
- 8 years Max Planck Molecular Genetics, Berlin
- And has a lot of experience in academia, research and running companies and advising governments.
As she talks on bodily integrity, she explains how we can put people on notice for crimes of Malfeasance.
What is Malfeasance
This legal term refers to intentionally doing something that is wrong, either legally or morally.
Malfeasance is a dishonest act, an action undertaken for improper purposes, or an act that the individual knows exceeds his authority.
Malfeasance is a broad term that describes conduct that is inherently wrong or unlawful. It is most commonly used in reference to actions by public officials or employees who have failed to perform the duties required of them by statute.
Legal Dictionary.net
Pertinent questions to ask yourself…
Has someone in your family died from a disease such as terminal Cancer, but it was recorded on their Death Certificate as Covid-19?
Did you experience loss of income, great or small because you were quarantined?
Were you not allowed to return to your country or state because you were required to perform a PCR test for which you did not consent?
Did you experience additional stress of not being there to see a dying family member?
Were you not allowed to see your child, or grandchild because you were forced to quarantine?
Did you have to cancel travel plans because you refused to undergo a PCR test?
Or did you have to cancel your travel plans because you refused to undergo a CPR test to do so?
You can sue them by saying they infringed upon your Inalienable Right of Bodily Integrity of Privacy Travel!
Professor Doctor Delores Cahill
So, who can I sue?
Under Common Law, an individual can take a crime of Malfeasance in a civil capacity against a doctor, police officer, coroner, administrator, Minister for Health, Prime Minister or a manufacturer etc.
When can I sue – examples?
- If someone does something to your body without full informed consent, (like the doctor not giving you the whole information of any adverse events) it’s unlawful because they are infringing on your bodily integrity.
- If the legislation for the lock-down was based on Sars-CoV-2 but it turns out you only had Influenza A or B, or it’s human DNA, you can sue your Prime Minister and your Minister for Health.
What should I do?
If you have had to undergo a PCR test for any reason (say to re-enter your country or state – (which is completely unlawful):
- Ask for the test you had done
- Have it sent to a testing laboratory for sequencing (there are labs in every country)
- If the DNA sequence in the CPR test is not SARS-CoV-2 (which I’m saying is a biologically impossibility that it can be now in January 2021) and maybe instead it shows up as Influenza A or B…
- You can then sue for the crime of Malfeasance
Do I need a Solicitor?
- You can do so without any solicitors, court or police.
- You just have to write and tell them ‘I’m putting you on notice … I do not consent’… using a Notice of Liability.
- Send a copy to any other parties concerned.
What do you sue?
When you sue for the Crime of Malfeasance, it can be for the person’s personal assets, such as their home, or their Indemnity Insurance.
How do I make the request?
Example of a Letter to write regarding crimes of Malfeasance by Professor Dr Cahill
You ask:
- Who specifically wrote the Procurement Notice for this test (which civil servant in the Department of Health in Australia)
- Under a Notice of Liability on such and such a date I could not return to Australia because I was required to do a PCR test for which I did not consent.
- Can you inform me who wrote the Procurement Notice for this test specifically, (which civil servant in the Department of Health in Australia)
- You copy it or write to the manufacturer of the test, the doctor, the immigration official who required you to do it
- You can just say that under Notice of Liability I am providing you with evidence that it was Influenza A. Therefore I was unlawfully not allowed to return to my home, which is my inalienable right as a citizen of Australia to return home.
- I have had a loss of income in the two weeks (or I missed my mother’s funeral which causes me stress for the rest of my life, or I was unable to see my child, or my grandson) I am going to, in a civil case, charge you for the loss of that.
- You ask them what is your indemnity insurance.
Let’s shut down the lock-downs!
- So say you have in Australia, 2,000 people caught around the world who are unable to go home.
- They can write 2,000 individual letters, addressed to the first name of your Prime Minister.
- They get 2,000 letters!
Doctors can loose their Indemnity Insurance and therefore be prevented from practicing. We do not wish to sue doctors, but if they are using the PCR tests to make money unlawfully, they get what they deserve.
This could send the insurance companies into bankruptcy and put a complete stop to the whole thing!

Watch Professor Doctor Delores’ Video here on BitChute
I have transcribed the 11 minute video for your convenience. Please listen or read to exactly what Professor Doctor Delores Cahill said so you know exactly what to do.
Transcript of Video
By Marilyn Williams
She was speaking on the 14th February, 2021.
… If someone does something to your body without full informed consent, like the doctor not giving you’re the whole information on any adverse events, it’s unlawful because they are infringing on your bodily integrity. It’s a crime of battery because they haven’t given you full informed consent.
It’s a crime under Constitutional Law, natural Law and the Rule of Law. The crime is Malfeasance.
Because it comes from the Common Law an individual like me, can take a crime of malfeasance in a civil capacity against the doctor, or a police officer, or a coroner, which I’ve been doing in Ireland from the beginning. You just have to write and tell them I am putting you on notice … I do not consent.
So the beauty, and why this will actually take down the lock-down world-wide, which we have been doing, when someone committing the crime of malfeasance and doing something unlawful, one person can sue the other person. Whether it’s a police officer, whether it’s the Prime Minister, whether it’s a minister, this is also in Australia… or a coroner, or a doctor, or an administrator… without going to court.
It’s person to person
It’s from one person to another because it comes under justice which in the Constitutional Law or Common Law. It is just one person against another which you can do without a court or without a police.
Since May I’ve been working with 5 or 6 people, writing to doctors and coroners. I’ve been copying the police to ask them under Notice of Liability, where families have come to me for people that have died of terminal cancer. Or people who have died of heart attacks in their home. They never had a test (for Covid) back in April, May, June… even though they had terminal Cancer they were given a Death Certificate of Covid-19.
Anyone found reporting incorrect data in the crime of Malfeasance is 5 to 10 years. Someone like me, an individual, can take the Prime Minister in a civil case and also sue them. This is once you (they) have committed the crime of malfeasance. It’s personal property that can be sued for loss, so your personal house, or your indemnity insurance.
Indemnity Insurance
So the thing about doctors who have Indemnity Insurance, PCR tests… I’m launching, spearheading an initiative worldwide. I’m telling 50 countries, every country in the world, they should seek a PCR test… if you need to have a PCR test to return back into Canada which is entirely unlawful… you can sequence that.
It’s your CPR test… you can ask for it back, you can send it for sequencing – there are labs in every country. If the DNA sequence in the CPR test is not SARS- CoV-2, which I’m saying is a biologically impossibility that it can be now in January 2021, the person can sue the manufacturer, the doctor, the minister for Health, personally.
If a person has lost out on their income, say $2000 a month in income. Because they’ve been quarantined. Or can’t see their family. (it could be $100,000). If the test is Influenza A or B. There have been reports of 1500 PCR tests being sequenced in October 2020 where all of them were Influenza A and B. That means that all the legislation for the lock-down is based on Sarvs-CoV-2. If it’s Influenza A or B, or it’s human DNA because of increase in cycles of the PCR test is not specific then each individual person can sue your Prime Minister and your Minister for Health.
No need for a solicitor
You just write to them, no need for solicitors, with a Notice of Liability. You say on such and such a date I could not return to Australia. It was because I was required to do a PCR test which I did not consent to.
Can you inform me who wrote the Procurement Notice for this test specifically? Which civil servant in the Department of Health in Australia?
You write to the manufacturer of the test, the doctor, the immigration official who required you to do it. You can just say that under Notice of Liability I am providing you with evidence that was Influenza A. Therefore, I was unlawfully not allowed to return to my home. This is my inalienable right as a citizen of Australia to return home.
I have had a loss of income in the two weeks. Or I missed my mother’s funeral which causes me stress for the rest of my life. Or I was unable to see my child, or my grandson. I am going to, in a civil case, going to charge you for the loss of that. You don’t need any police. You ask them what is your indemnity insurance.
What if you were prevented from returning home
So say you have in Australia, 2,000 people around the world who can’t go home, they can write 2,000 letters, and I would say to them to write individual letters to the first name of your Prime Minister because it’s person to person, and they get 2,000 letters!
If anyone is a doctor, they have Indemnity Insurance that they have to inform their insurance company if people are taking civil actions against them, because each action might be $100,000. They are required by law to immediately report it to their Indemnity Insurance.
If a doctor, or whoever is the doctor, in our case the Prime Minister of Ireland (Dr Leo Eric Varadkar) was a doctor when he brought down the lock-down, and in the crime of Malfeasance there is no deadline for crime, so that it means the Dr Leo Eric Varadkar should have known what he was doing was entirely wrong that the PCR test if it isn’t actually Sars-CoV- 2, everyone in Ireland can write to him personally and he can never get away from that either and the crime of Malfeasance and the Malfeasance of public office is you either knew, or you should have known.
They cannot say they didn’t know
You cannot have a defense to say I didn’t know and people like Nobel prize winner Michael Levitt and they’ve been using the drug hydroxychloroquine in countries and Asia for 15 years, that all of these politicians, there was huge information for what the issue was and that it was mainly over 80.
Half the people, of-course there was a treatment of prevention it was an absolute crime to prevent people getting medication that could save their lives, particularly if you are a doctor like Dr Leo Varadkar our Prime Minister at the time.
So that’s it… you just write to them individually and ask them do they have Indemnity Insurance. Then the professionals who have it have to report it to their Insurance Company, which means that the Insurance Company, once they get 10 or 20 letters, their insurance premium will go up.
They’ve had plenty of time to change their behaviour
Or the Indemnity Insurance would say that you’re engaging in unlawful behaviour so you should change your behaviour. Also they will not get Indemnity Insurance and as a doctor, if you don’t have Indemnity Insurance it’s a crime to practice.
So anyone falsely requiring or making money from these PCR tests from today 20th January 2021 that is multiple crimes and they will not actually get Indemnity Insurance and the medical insurance companies of the globalist will be bankrupt.
…Now obviously I did not do 25 years of study to go around suing people but enough is enough now.
They had plenty time to change their error so everybody involved in this crime, it’s multiple people not allowing the health information so that people died unnecessarily which I’ve been saying from the beginning should be manslaughter and crimes against humanity literally is the definition.
So we don’t want to sue doctors, but if doctors are making money from faulty PCR tests and involved in unlawful and criminal behaviour and they’ve had multiple months and years to change their behavior that this whole lock-down because of this globalist system because of Covid coming along or some other strain, we have to give people the tools to stop it.
Was the PCR Test checked?
If the doctors engage in criminal behaviour falsely saying that a PCR test is something and they haven’t checked it out themselves (or a minister hasn’t checked it out) or they’re writing falsely on a Death Certificate that it was Covid when they know it was terminable cancer or this year’s flu, that is forgery as well, a misrepresentation.
The doctor, and the coroner and the pathologist, or someone who doesn’t do an autopsy… it’s all crimes and Malfeasance has no intern, they can be criminally prosecuted or civilly prosecuted in 5, 10 years as more evidence comes to light.
Note: I have tried to catch all the words but will not be held responsible for any misrepresentation. Please listen to the video for yourself for complete clarity.
These PCR Tests are being thrust upon us whether we like it or not. They are very unpleasant and potentially harmful, plus they give countless false positives. Why do we put up with them? Please share this information far and wide.
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