In this article I’m going to cover a little information on how to prepare for the official EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System) that we are told is coming soon.
Many people have been asking me to give them specific information as to what we can expect in the near future. This is an interesting request, as we who are sharing as best we can, have to dig through looking under rocks to find what we hope is information worthy of note.
In many ways, I have not been able to give specific answers because we have’t been given any exact timeline.
So today I’m going to direct you to an article written by Judy Byington. Her writings are a compilation of what she finds across the Internet. It’s mainly not her thoughts alone.
The State of Emergency
A State of Emergency is being declared around the United States… it’s believed so far to be in 17 states. The State of Emergency will start in the USA and then reach out across the world.
This is all a military operation where much will be shut down and we’ll enter into the 10 days of darkness. This is also known as a ‘Blackout’.
People everywhere are being warned to prepare for such an event. If you haven’t already, it would be a great idea if you attended to it now.
So what do you need to do?
It’s recommended that each household try to have food and water on hand, together with all essentials… for 2 weeks.
What you need to do is think… what if I can’t buy ‘such and such’ for two weeks? Would I have enough on hand?
What if, for some reason, your taps didn’t run; the gas didn’t come through; electricity wasn’t available?
Would you be able to survive? So think it through, without panic, so you can think logically.
- Fuel for the car – not wise to be caught on empty.
- Food of all kinds – what if the shops were closed for 2 weeks? What do you need outside of your garden?
- Water – what if the taps didn’t run? Maybe not likely, but what if? Where would you get your water supply?
- Medical supplies – do you have sufficient medications to last for two weeks?
The truth is, you may not need it. We cannot tell exactly what will go down, and what won’t. In fact, it’s really difficult to advise. Maybe nothing will. It might just be the Internet and not more… we don’t know.
But you know what they teach the Boy Scouts… ‘Be prepared!’
Prepare for the official EBS
We will be advised when it’s to start through alerts coming to our landline phones and mobile/cell phones. This is known as the Emergency Broadcasting System.
Each country has it in place just in case an emergency comes and they need to alert people as quickly as possible.
This same system will be used for us.
What will happen during this time?
It is sometimes referred to as being a ‘blackout’. Normally when we think of a blackout, it means our electricity has gone down. I’m sure we’ve all experienced one or more of them.
I cannot say when it will happen, but from what we are hearing it could be very, very soon. I can think of many reasons why electricity going down would not be good, such as Nursing Homes, Hospitals etc. etc. Especially if it were to last for 10 days.
I don’t think it will include electricity, but don’t you think it’s better to be prepared. What if it does?
Meanwhile, all our TV channels will go off so there will be no watching the news to hear what’s going on.
Instead, we are told, that the new Quantum Internet will be sent forth around the world. This wonderful new system will provide us with censor free Social Media and fact-based documentaries. These will begin to teach us what our real history is, as much of what we have been taught is nothing but lies and deception.
It is believed, that during this time, they will run the tribunals of all those who have been arrested, tried and sentenced, belonging to the Cabal. These are the ones who have had tyrannical control of the entire world… up till now.
The reason they want to show us is to help us all understand where things have gone wrong, and why. It will be liberating. Finally, the truth will be revealed for everyone to see.
We can be thankful that the White Hats have worked tirelessly to bring down the Cabal. Their world is crumbling around their ears right now.
Are you helping to spread the news?
Of-course, each person who is sharing this kind of information is also aiding this war. Isn’t it amazing we can sit at home, at our own computers, and be an integral part of helping to bring down the enemy!?
Everything is coming to an end as we knew it. The government, politics, financial, pharmaceuticals, social media, even the news media are all toppling over as we speak.
In their place, we can expect:
- True and proper government… as it should have been
- Politics with fresh new blood… people who actually care about us
- The old system of finances will be no more as we experience the new Quantum Financial System
- Big Pharma will also be no more and in it’s place wonderful natural healings and Med-Beds
- yes, the list just goes on and on!
Judy also shares quite a bit of other relevant news… read and enjoy.
As we prepare for the official EBS, please don’t be afraid when it all begins to happen. Because you are in the know, it will be important that you are there for others, especially the elderly, who may not have had any chance to learn what is to come.
ok, I have to go to the comment section to get the date on this article… Nov 18,2022.
NOT HELPFUL!! Well, I must admit somewhat informative.
Thank you so very much for uploading it
Hi Marilyn –
Lots of comments here. An EBS seems very much in order. We need that to explain what’s going on –
Have you seen the latest news from Ivan Raikin concerning swatting 350 DS actors through local and state sheriffs backed by support of 80,000 veterans?
The man’s announcement seems smart, confident, and timely.
Let’s hope it’s legit. Maybe there won’t be an EBS.
kindest regards, gene
No I hadn’t seen that before Gene. Thanks for the info.
How do the EBS and everyone else involved plan on getting this overwhelming amount of people,the majority of which have no clue,to all fall in line and stay put in there homes or wherever they go to ride this out,without a totally chaotic panic event…? I , for one can’t even fathom how this could go the least bit smoothly and I’ve been following and researching for upward of three years and I don’t believe I’m more than partially awake…
Like you, I have questions… many of them!
I do think that this is where a lockdown would aid them tremendously… perish the thought!
They need something to happen though, that somehow causes people to ‘want’ to go inside a safe place, whether its a threat of it happening, or real.
I think a nuclear threat would help even though from what I’ve seen, all this talk of nuclear is no more than photoshop. Time will tell.
How awake are we really? More awake than many others, but they do say that all our jaws will drop when the truth is fully exposed.
All we can do is wait and watch and make sure our trust is firmly upon the Lord and not on men.
“How awake are we really? More awake than many others, but they do say that all our jaws will drop when the truth is fully exposed.” Please stop playing guessing games with life. This statement is a clear indication of guessing games, in so many ways. Who are ‘we’? What is ‘awake’? Who are the ‘others’? Who are ‘they’? What ‘truth’?
Hi David… please go to https://www.goodlion.tv and watch the movie “The Greatest Show on Earth’!
We = We the people
Awake = Those who have been having their eyes opened over the last number of years – realization, awareness etc.
Others = Those who are unaware of anything going on
They = The Military Alliance
Truth = Everything that’s been going on in our world secretly for a very long time
Will the EBS go to all cell phones? Well we know two or three days in advance so people can prepare?
The information I’ve always heard Michael, is that we will receive an alert to our cell phones. It’s hard to know if this is world wide, or just the US. Concerning the EBS, they have always said we will have 3 hours only, but lately I have been hearing 3-5 hours. Whatever, it’s not long.
It is expected that we will prepare beforehand as best we can.
why would you not post my comment and discriminate my post? I said nothing inappropriate.
I have no idea what you mean… I treated it the same as all others.
VIDEOS after VIDEOS of PEOPLE dying and being permanently injured by the COVID vaccines. Even the CDC has over 40,000 recorded deaths and over 800,000 serious side effects and injuries to so many yon:
Amazing isn’t it! Thanks for sharing Andy.
Stumbled across your site and whilst its fascinating, it scares me to death. I know the world is not a safe place and there is bad going on and all is not what it seems. But all these nuclear weapons and wars scare me. I hope this passes with minimal disruption to all and we come out the other side unscathed with those that deserve the punishment punished.
Hi David!
The purpose of my website is yes, to bring out a little of what is going on, but at the same time, to bring peace to the hearts of the readers.
Yes, in many ways, it’s a scary time, but we do have to realise that much of what we are hearing about is really the White Hats ‘teaching’ us what would have happened if they had not stepped in.
I believe this video will help you: https://marilynjwilliams.com/take-down-of-the-evil-plan-did-you-know-this/
Also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B6hLZroLtFyI/
They both give you some of the history you may not have heard of.
I really do not believe all this talk of nuclear wars can or will come off… and yes, everyone caught in crimes against humanity are being dealt with even as we speak.
Hello how do I know if my EBS is working?
If you have a mobile phone you should receive 7 alerts. If you don’t, keep your ear to the ground. Turn on your TV. I don’t believe it will be hidden from anyone that is connected electronically one way or another.
The Lord has told us that WW3 will not happen-yet. It’s not time. Too much for the Body of Christ to do, as they too have been asleep. We are waking up! Lots of folks on the side of Good hidden and working behind the scenes. God has this, Son. Trust Him. And, if by chance you haven’t asked him into your life, now is the time.
I understand we dont know when military take over when EBS is happening. Will military take over the hospital behind closed door as there have been so many death Cov protocol in Australia and other nation too due to evil 100k cash splurge?
Hi Tony,
It’s really hard to say. Gradually we are seeing a great many places ‘catching fire’ and being destroyed. Was it Black Hats destroying evidence or White Hats?
These military are very smart people! They’ve got all the evidence! It’s just a matter of how they bring down all the evil without causing dreadful civil unrest from the masses.
Each one of these hospitals will be dealt with as deserved for using human lives for monetary gain. The hospitals will need to be closed as they weed them all out.
Some of the hospitals will be used for the medbeds in the future, according to what I have heard.
Can’t you just imagine the massive sting operation taking place, potentially in all the hospitals, at the same time?
The NWO is the Great Reset
QFS is the freedom from fiat controlled currency. Nesara/Gesara
That’s right!
Shalom Marilyn Williams. Thank you for your info on EBS. I live on John’s Island in South Carolina and have been watching the Prophets on tv since last year. The people can go to YouTube or Rumble.com and look up Elijah Streams, and this will take you to the prophets the Lord has raised up for this time on earth. Robin D Bullock, Kent Christmas, Kat Kerr, Hank Kunneman,Timothy V Dixon, Julie Green, Amanda Grace,to just name a few. I highly recommend people watch and learn what the Lord God is saying to us through the prophets for this time on earth. The LORD is coming soon to do a might work on earth!! God bless you for your info as well. We will soon be in a God given time of great health and prosperity and revival around the whole earth and all the evil wicked leaders and news people will be gone. Praise God, prepare by getting silver and gold because the dollar is going away. God bless us all! Hallelujah!!!!
Thank you for this encouraging word to us Susan! The Lord never does anything without first speaking through his prophets… old and new. It won’t always be easy for everyone, but good times are coming…
Flyover Conservative on Rumble has a weekly show on Wednesday that features all the prophecies that have been shared for the week. Crazy good sometimes when you hear several of the prophets all on the same page with the exact prophecies!
Flyover Conservative on Rumble has a weekly show on Wednesday that features all the prophecies that have been shared for the week. Crazy good sometimes when you hear several of the prophets all on the same page with the exact prophecies!
Just watched video on Freemasons. I know its not related to this thread but was a bit dismayed to see Trump and Putin on the list of members. Bearing in mind Trump is in possession of all worldly funds and gold…dangerous.
This is my take on it Caroline!
Maybe, just maybe, Trump and Putin were in the masons at some point in time.
Or… maybe, because they knew what was going on, they joined so they could get closer to those carrying out the evil… to see it for themselves. (this is pretty much what I believe has happened)
Maybe they are on the bad side… with all the misinformation in the world today, anything is possible. (I do not believe this).
By their fruits you will know them… watch the fruits!
Yes Marilyn I did think after posting maybe they infiltrated to see what they could find out a bit like a double agent I suppose. I don’t know why I have always admired Vladimir Putin, he’s a man that means business and always delivers. Ex military and KGB I know but always reminds me of a real-life James Bond. The world has always been taught to fear Russia probably by the Globalists. Always blame Russia it’s their fault as in the Novichok poisoning in Salisbury, Wiltshire in England not far from where I live. I believe Mrs May was involved and the US Secretary of State I recently read. The Skripols were about to give vital information in a court case!!
This is correct Caroline! In general we have always be taught to fear Russia and of-course Putin. Like you, the more I hear about him these days, the more I like him. Maybe he doesn’t do everything as we would, but nevertheless, he does get things done as you say.
I agree it would be the globalists who would be bringing out that Russia are the badies! Anyone else will do, just as long as we don’t focus on them.
I don’t know anything about the court case mentioned above, but interesting…
Trump rededicated his life to the Lord over a year ago. He listens to the prophets and is a praying warrior for this country. God calls him His “David,” and His “Cyrus.” If you read about them in the old Testament, you will see that while both men were flawed and not perfect, they honored God and He raised them up. Trump loves this country, its’ people and his God. Don’t you dare “sew discourse among the brethren.” Be cautious, yes, discern, yes. But you be real careful before you slam a godly man. He is not a Pastor-true. But he is Gods’
A lot will not be ready as they don’t know what’s going on except a virus! You try and inform them and they just think your Batshit crazy!
Yes Caroline! Sometimes it’s easy to tell if people really take any notice of what you are saying… there’s a hesitancy in their voice… sometimes their eyes glaze over!
Once it arrives they will know… and remember!
Indeed the look is there 😆. After all the conspiracy theorists are the ‘crazies and the uniformed are the ‘normies’.
I sometimes ask myself why do I know what I know, why do I insist on digging out the truth. I think 1. I am inquisitive or maybe nosy.
2. I’ve always looked to the sky even in my teens and thought there must be other life out there. We can’t be the only life form in this huge Universe and why are we here, what is our purpose. I think I know now.
I’m actually quite comfortable with the idea that this entire universe was built just for us… that we are the centre of it all. Of-course, time alone will tell. There is so much talk these days of ‘other life forms’ that it pays to keep an open mind. I think we have to. None of us could possibly know everything, in fact, we hardly know a little scratch…
We know there are others in the sense of God’s Messengers (Angels) and all the fallen type that I believe we are dealing with, especially throughout this war of wars.
I ask the same question, even as a child. I’m so excited for the future.
You are batshit crazy
Thank you Kate for your thoughts. Only time alone will tell if either you or me are correct.
I always wonder why people who don’t believe all of this, are doing on this site!
Where I live NO ONE has died from Covid (flu) or gotten sick/died from their mrna jabs. While they ALL voted for Obiden.
And “all I did is tell someone YOU TOOK ABIOWEAPON”!! (NOW I’m publicenemy#1 for saying it)
While there is STILL NO EBS!
While they’re all know it all, arrogant yuppies who really haven’t a c l u e.
(While many millions more have yet to know about our crystalline universe,
where gas giants, DON’T EXIST!)
I myself am sorry you feel this way! You need to research more. Go to Rumble app. for one. Subscribe to Situation Update & start that after you subscribe to Qanonstorm with Derek Johnson’s Military Occupancy video. Then go from there.
Hi, my mother and I have been following for quite sometime , I even went out and bought Vietnamese money, my question is where and how do I get on this tier list for an appointment to exchange it or the 1-800 #? I don’t know how to get connected.
Hello Karla!
Good for you! Really, I think the best things would be for you to follow Dinar Recaps or MarkZ. https://dinarrecaps.com They are usually saying what the latest news is and what you should do.
Hi Marilyn. As a patriot and a researcher, I am telling the truth on all the news sites I use and YouTube when the globalist Google lets my comment stay, (very rarely now). We can pull together as a nation by proclaming the truth as much as we can and opening eyes as often as we can. This is how people are waking up. They are listening to their fellow citizens instead of the fake media. Go White Hats. Best minds on the planet. Thank you, Lord.
Hi Patriotgirl! Yay, how good it is to connect with like-minded folks. Thank you for sharing what you are doing and may the Lord continue to bless your work.
Thank you, Marilyn.
As a member of the reality-based community, I can assure you that all of this is total bullshit, and the people promoting it should be ashamed.
Only time will tell.
Your reality or the new reality!
When the sirens blast out have faith you Will need it. When first contact is made you will need it.
When Military take over and reveal the truth of the world you will need it.
I seen video today saying, in the next few weeks EMS will tell us what to do have 3 weeks cash and food and stay home and watch it unfold. It will only be on one channel.Also that as we speak they are going in with plains clothes and pulling celebs out of their homes kicking and screaming. That Trump won Arizona and Georgia.
It would be good Darla if we had the link to the video!
Yes, I definitely keep hearing that it’s inching closer, so we must prepare. We shouldn’t put it off as we may be caught unawares. I’ve heard it said that once it happens it will be immediate.
Thank you so much for sharing this information.
I’ve heard from two sources that many of the Hollywood mansions are empty-the celebs have vanished.
Yes I watched a video a month before Christmas 22 of someone who tried to make it in Hollywood a few years ago but decided to walk away (no reason given) probably thought it wasn’t for her. Still has some connections through Hollywood and they told her all the A-listers (as they describe them ) have gone, all their mansions are empty and all the bars and restaurants they frequented are closed down!!
Looks like we’re in the same boat … GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE act the same. The people gather to take back rights, our children and freedom. The control must be with us the people.
The future looks so bright and nice that it dazzles.
👋🏻 Hi from Europa
Yes Tone… I really do think we are all in the same place indeed. We have all been ruled by the same ‘head’, so I guess that’s why.
Hi from Scotland 🏴 I’ve been watching this pantomime for three years, I wish America the very best when their beloved President takes up his rightful place again. MEGA
Hi Marilyn….I got a question about the vaccine…I’ve read that the vaccines that are out aren’t even FDA approved or tested on animals..why are they still pushing it for people to get with some major side affects is this all part of the pantomime…I’m confused
Hi Jerome,
You are quite correct about the vax… they are not FDA approved and there is no current animal testing performed. Apparently when they did test them previously, all the animals died.
Humans are the test.
So how does it relate to pantomime. These vax are real and potentially deadly! The problem is that because people believed there was a pandemic, they all screamed out for protection so they can all get back to their old lives… or so they thought.
The Black Hats are pushing the vax hard… and until such time as the White Hats can bring out into the open what these guys are up to they have to let them.
Many would not have believed Trump if he spoke against the vax, so part of what is going on is that he had to step aside and appear to no longer be in control, while they put out as many pantomimes as possible to try and wake people up.
I cannot pretend to fully comprehend everything that is going on, in fact much is still a mystery, but we have been told to ‘trust the plan’. This means, we need to trust that the White Hats know exactly what they are doing and are in ultimate control under our God.
Our job is to alert as many people as will listen to the dangers of the vax. In doing so we will be responsible for saving many lives.
We are still all under evil governments… we are not free yet. The White Hats are trying to show the people how life would be under them… to make them think… to cause them to rise up and cry for no more. Only then can they expose the bad and fully sweep in the good.
I’ve consulted several doctors regarding the vaccine, as in my primary care doctor, and several neurologists. All of them have the vaccine, which I continue to refuse despite my wife and one of my daughters getting it. Originally, Dec to Feb, I was considering it, but the more I read and heard away from MSM, no way. I can’t believe the docs keep pushing this. How can I be so smart?
How wonderful it is Greg that as you’ve continued to learn it’s changed your mind concerning it.
What worries me are all those who just blindly believe the doctors and take it, believing they are doing the ‘best for humanity’.
Why is it that some of us are so aware, while others are not?
Why is it we’ve been awakened while others snore?
All we can do is trust that God knows what he’s doing… and Trust the Plan
Some of us aren’t susceptible to that kind of mind control and propaganda. I can trace my lack of susceptibility back to my childhood. It’s different for everybody.
Agreed. We definitely are all different.
I have spent time trying to find official mortality data for the US. It has been hard as some sites, maybe not official ones, continue to try to offer up 500K+ deaths from Covid. That isn’t true. Some people died from Covid, but not in the numbers portrayed. As near as I can tell, the US death toll for 2020 was not that different from 2019. You have to separate who died from Covid and who died with Covid. Lots of financial incentives to report death from Covid.
Hi Greg!
Yes, there is a lot of disinformation, that’s for sure. It’s a full time job just trying to decipher what is really so.
With this war going on, I’m guessing it will continue to be that way until they can declare the official victory.
Everything I have heard has suggested that the death rate has remained approximately the same to the last 5 years.
As you say, with all the financial incentives available, it will always be hard to tell.
Anyway, what is ‘Covid’? They have NEVER been able to isolate a virus…
Thank you for your comments… much appreciated.
Hi Marilyn..Have you heard anything about indictments against Donald Trump lately..I saw video about it ..then I looked it up on DuckDuckGo and found some that they really don’t give you a yes or no …confusing
Hi Jerome!
All I can say is to remind you that it’s all pantomime!
The Dee/p Sta/te are kicking and screaming in their tantrum on their way out.
They will do anything to place DT in a bad light.
They, and the news media, have been doing it for a long time, so they are very good at it.
I don’t think I’d be bothered worrying about it.
Hi Marilyn..got another question for…I was reading where they brought in New Zealand troops to be a priority for vaccinations here in Canada. Would this have anything to do with martial law when it goes worldwide or is this just another theatrical thing going on or is it real for the vaccine?
Hi Jerome!
I hadn’t heard of this at all so I can’t really comment.
I did find this https://www.facebook.com/CandiceMalcolm/posts/2323699301095869 so maybe it’s what you are referring to.
The NZ prime minister is pushing hard on the jabs so it doesn’t surprise me.
What are NZ troops doing in Canada anyway? Quite possibly real by the sounds of it, but still part of the pantomime.
Anything to keep us all distracted while they finally set up the QFS and work on the vote recounts.
If you learn anything more, please remember to share…
Any word on these horrible laws state legislators are passing in the mean time – will they be upheld?
Hi Betsy!
Charlie Ward and others are saying that the laws they are passing are just to increase the pantomime in the hope that they will wake people up.
Maybe they may be enforced, but illegally.
Anyone standing against them would win.
Remember, they are all operating illegally as the country corporations world-wide are all defunct.
That will not stop them from making all kinds of insidious laws.
It is believed that the White Hats are in control.
They are the ones who are orchestrating what the Black Hats do.
Don’t forget… make it look so bad that people begin to say “Whaaatttt – this can’t be right!!!”
It’s kinda hard to get your head around it and this is why we have been asked to ‘Trust the Plan’, because it’s easy to be side-tracked into thinking the world has turned up-side-down.
Hi Marilyn..got a question about when the QFS when it kicks in …I watched a video on Charlie Ward and he said that when the QFS kicks in that the covid and the mask wearing would be gone and that we would be able to travel around free without this crap going on…any thoughts on this
Hi Jerome!
Yes, Charlie Ward has always maintained that as soon as the truth comes out including the start of the QFS, that covid and all related to it will strangely disappear!
I read something this morning, unfortunately cannot remember where, that said that the WHO have asked the CDC to declare that the covid is over because the CDC have been found out for lying about it. Not sure if it’s true but I do think it will ‘just go away’ when the time is right. I’m not sure all people will let it go immediately though, time will tell.
Thank you for the info. I’m so ready for this. God is good. Thank you to all involved in saving us from evil.
I’ve worked in tech for 22 years and I do not share your enthusiasm for Quantum computing. This, coupled with 5G and other tech, will inevitably be the beast system used to employ a one world digital currency and the mark of the beast. In fact, this whole dark to light business is just us moving from one beast system to the next. The pantomime is that they aren’t all working together to destroy the economy as a means to usher in Nesara, which is also the Great Reset.
Do you realise there are two different financial systems in play here?
One is the Great Reset by the Glob/a/lists and the Quantum Financial System being brought about by the Alliance… (good guys).
I do not believe either has anything to do with the Mark of the Beast.
I understand Justins fears. We have been so manipulated and lied to on so many levels. He has every right to feel the way he does. I feel that if the reset was what is to happen why all the drama just set off the bombs and on with it. I have been following the plan since Trump go elected and it has all made since. The plan was to depopulate and bring in the bio humans with a reset to keep control, but their plan has failed because on this thing we are on information highway. If you are asleep, it is on you. All the information you need is on here. Trump dumped a table high of files of declassified documents for us to look at and some took them a ran with it. That is what we have been seeing. So, people need to take off the blinders and wake up. Do some research and stop relying on others to find the truth.
I couldn’t agree more Sue. Yes, it’s understandable how people feel at time, I mean, we are all tempted to feel this way! But understanding the truth is a much better road to travel on. It will all work out, as you say. Thank you!