We need to be very careful regarding medbed scams. Unfortunately, they are going around everywhere.
I have no reason not to believe that medbeds are coming out for the benefit of humanity. But please beware of the scams.
Here is an email I received just this morning from a KC who is in severe pain, which obviously encouraged him to reach out to Skye Prince in desperation.
I just wanted to share with you my experience in attempting to get an appt. schedules for a med bed. I contacted the med bed center listed on Skye Prince's website/Telegram account.
I have been trying to get a session scheduled since March. Finally, I had appts. scheduled for April 4 and May 5, but before I received final instructions and an address, they kept asking for more money: First was the $300 application fee. Then the $1500 insurance fee (supposedly refundable). A $2500 fee. Then a $500 per session accommodation fee (I needed 2 sessions) for a total of $1000. Later on, at the end of May, they said the application fee had expired and I needed to pay it again, $300. Finally the bombshell: they said the accommodation fee ($1,000) had expired, even though I did not use it, since I never had a session. It certainly was not my fault I did not receive a med bed treatment. I have practically begged them to schedule me since I am in extreme pain from a degenerated disk and sciatica, among other things. I refused to pay the additional $1000, and I have heard nothing from them since.
Is this one of the medbed scams?
While reading this email, my heart fell! Oh no!
All along we have been saying that the medbeds are free, and yet we see sites wanting payment after payment for all manner of reasons.
Could this be true? Do they really require all these other payments so that you can then use the medbeds for free?
Has the green light been switched on?
So it’s time to use a little bit of critical thinking. What have we been told to look out for?
- Will the medbeds be released in a world that still contains evil minions running around?
- Have we been told they will come out under J/B’s watch?
- Isn’t the technology being used for medbeds, part of NESARA-GESARA? Has it been released to the public yet?
- Do we still have lower level evil minions running around? YES!
- Has J/B been removed from his fake office? NOT YET
- Is NESARA-GESARA public knowledge? NO
Am I saying that all the last of the minions will be taken out before the medbeds will be released? Maybe not completely. The job is more than massive and potentially they might still be digging them out for months or years to come.
But, the medbeds will only be fully released when it is safe for the Military Alliance to do so.
From what I’m hearing, it won’t be long before the removal of J/B in the public’s eye. I certainly hope so.
Although NESARA-GESARA is being gradually outworked around the world, it’s not at this stage, public knowledge.
As everything is building up to the most amazing climax the world has ever seen, we can anticipate the release of the medbeds to come very soon. But as everything is ‘events driven’, there is no possible way of putting a date of when this will happen.
A list was put out that we have to see the public collapse of:
- Stock Exchange
- Banking system
- Housing market
- Food chain
All this will be accomplished behind a lot of distractions. Be aware, if it’s in the news, LOOK elsewhere to see what’s going on…
- Arrest and removal of the B/i//d//e/n family
- EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System) also know as the EAS (Emergency Alert System)
I have no idea if this is a specific order or not. It doesn’t matter. It is a list you can tick off in your mind as it goes public.
After this is when we can most probably expect NESARA-GESARA, the medbeds and whatever else.
I definitely smell one of the medbed scams!
My poor dear email contact continued…
I smell a scam. I asked for a refund. Contacted Skye Prince for help with a refund, and she deleted me from her Telegram account.
I wouldn’t mind betting that Skye Prince knows absolutely nothing about this. Once the scammer realised that someone was on to them, they’d be quick to delete.
The question here is, was it Skye Prince’s Telegram account?
I seriously doubt it. How easy it is to open up a Telegram account under any name you choose. I have people impersonating me on Telegram. Only the other day someone contacted me to ask me if they had been chatting with me! No, I hadn’t seen anything from that person. Of course there was something a little strange in the way the scammer spoke that made her ask me that in the first place.
No-one else can answer as me! But they try to… fortunately people that have an idea of who I am usually smell a rat and often contact me to confirm it or not.
But scammers are out to get you one way or another. Because Skye Prince is ‘out there’ with a lot of information (I’m not confirming what she says, remember), she would have dozens of imposters making out they were her.
$4,300 gone on another scam
In total I paid $4,300, and I have had no correspondence from them since.
I guess I have been a fool; I have been scammed and I am out $4,300, at a time when I have financial challenges and cannot afford the loss.
I do believe that the med beds are for real.
I guess I just have to wait for a public announcement and try to schedule with a legitimate med bed center.
My experience certainly makes me wonder about the legitimacy of Sky Prince.
KC could not afford to pay out all this money. I seriously doubt he will ever see it again.
But then again, I do have a thought:
When I responded back to KC I was reminded that the QFS is mirror imaging all bank accounts. The (Quantum Financial System) QFS would know where that money went to, and why.
Is it reasonable to think that in due course he could be refunded?
I’d like to think so, but it is just my thinking. I do not know for sure.
The long and the short of the medbed scams
Be careful!
Please do not part with your money on medbed scams without first checking and double checking if it could be the real deal. Talk to others. Ask questions.
I quite understand why KC parted with his money in the hopes of obtaining medbed treatment as soon as he possibly could. He’s is great pain. He needs help now!
This is just one of maybe countless other medbed scams out there waiting to take your money. While I have no reason to not believe that the real medbeds are on the way, meanwhile I do know that there are others out there who have developed their own style of medbed.
How good, or not good they are, I cannot say, so this is not a recommendation. It’s just that potentially others have managed to bring out their own private version sooner than us waiting for the military version.
In most cases, and probably all, as these are privately owned, there would be fees to pay. If you have the money available to try them out than why not? It’s up to you. Just as long a they’re legitimate.
So we have three different kinds:
- The medbeds that President Trump told us about… the ones that will be operated by the military.
- The privately owned variety.
- The medbeds that don’t exist that the scammers are putting out there!
Please choose wisely and don’t choose the third one!
Note: Please be aware this website is copyright. All posts and images are freely available to the public to circulate just as long as they link back to this original source…. marilynjwilliams.com.
Dear Marilyn, When I asked my son about all the scamming going on with Skye PRINCE.. he asked me ONE QUESTION. Mom who is the Prince of the sky? I will say no more.
Just realise that at this time, we don’t know for sure that the scamming is done by the real Skye Prince. My thinking is that she is out there too much to get away with such things. Interesting thing your son came up with… time alone will tell.
Also, I just want to let anyone that came this far…. they are also offering training courses and JOB vacancy for anyone interested to learn how to operate the med beds and potentially work for them. Scamm, Scamm, be aware!!! I just cancelled all and any appointment with them. Thank God they scammed me with only $300. I am so sorry for the others that were scammed for much more.
Oh Elizabeth, I’m so glad you have come out of it relatively cheaply. I know others who spend many thousands before they realised. 🙁
I am in contact with Skye Prince right now on Telegram, and by the way her REAL name is Kerrie-Ann Thornton from Australia. She sent me a Registration Form which looks very generic, and like many forms I’ve filled out in doctor’s offices over the years. She told me the fee is $1000 and I am to fill out the form and mail it in with my check or other form of payment. I’ve been suspicious from the start which is why I did a SEARCH and found this website. Since I don’t have a printer I can’t print the form to mail it in, so that’s my excuse for not getting it done very fast. And she seems to be very impatient about it. Another RED FLAG. I can only imagine how many people have been scammed, and how much money they’ve been scammed out of.
Oh Gary, I’m so relieved you have been taking your time and not going ahead with the $1000 payment. You are quite right NOT to follow any advice on that telegram channel. Skye has others who are impersonating her and certainly scamming a lot of people. Praise God, you are not one of them!
I truly hope that the real Skye Prince is the real deal but with so much deception around, all we can do is move very carefully. When the time is right we will all be given proper directions we can trust.
Good morning, I am so glad that I found this page. I am in the process of registering to have my med bed session. I already paid $300 for the initial registration which at the time, no other follow up fees were mention. Upon paying the $300 fee, they sent me a second email saying that they “forgot” to mention that I need to pay for an ID card to go in and out of the center and for extra visits and a refundable insurance fee. They send me an email address (@gmail.com) as the person I suppose to pay for the registration and I did even though I found strange for a military center to have a gmail address. So, my $300 dollars went through. Now, for the second fee, they send me a different email account (@yahoo.com). I realized that throught out this process, I never had the confirmation that I was dealing with a legit military department. The only sign that makes it legit is the the little design at the upper left corner of the page when you receive the email from them. I opened a facebook account just to follow Skyes (the person that says to be the official spoken person for the military med beds quantum healing) and be updated with news regarding the medbeds. Just few minutes ago I sent her a message through my facebook account asking her/him for the legitimacy of those email accounts and instantly my Facebook account was blocked. I thank you so much for having this page where we can connect and share our experiences and help others not to be victms of this scammers. In appreciation.
Hello Elizabeth! Firstly, let me tell you I’ve been hacked and unable to open my computer. Hense the long delay in answering this comment. I’m so sorry. I’m happy you realised you had been scammed, which is a terrible thought in itself. No-one, absolutely no-one needs to pay money of any sort. If they ask for money… run!!! Scammers are using Skye’s information to do what they do. I’m really sorry.
Put it this way
Skye Prince is a scammer. Many are speaking out against this person
Why Skye PRINCE. Prince is a males name. If she / he was a female, surely it would be Princess.. But it is true. yes a male
Medbeds WILL be free. due out to the public around 2026. but the sickest will go first.
Any medbed out now is not a true medbed. only a make believe one.
Why pay money to these PAYtriots if we have been told for a long time they are free.
Yes it was her site that took this persons money as many have complained, even from facebook and telegram.
If you question this person then you are cut off.
Why does he also say Oh I am sick of the Galactics not answering me to going against me. I amd going to shut all my groups down. The his loyal followers says OH No please dont go. Stay. So a couple days later he is back
It has happened on numerous occasions.
He also says to have a medbed centre you must have zim bonds. What a load of toss….
Prove me wrong! No because you cant. this is true
I was an insider, but I guestioned and no I am blocked as well
His crimes will catch up with himand he will be punished. Watch this space
So save your money and dont fall for this scammer.
Interesting info Jack! I have never taken the time to sort out if she’s for real or not, but I certainly do know such a lot of people have been scammed, whether through her/him directly or from those taking her off.
Whatever, please be very careful.
Dear Jack, I can totally understand. The same thing happened to me. In my case, Skye Prince had me go to Walmart and purchase 2 $500 Walmart cards, plus $300.00 card for some kind of merchandise. I canceled my appointments when she said I needed to open an account online. I’m so sorry that you have gone through all of this.
I think it must be made clear that I don’t believe it’s Skye doing all the scamming… she’d never get away with it all when she’s so ‘out there’. Many are using her name though, so yes, beware!
I have read something about SP and my heart is telling me something is off with her . I have been following her for three or four years now , she said one time she was a RN,but one day she talking and she said she was not in the medical field ,so she couldn’t tell someone about what she was asking . That’s what made me suspicious. If I’m wrong I am sorry but I have been scammed before and it’s hurts to find out people have taken you for a fool .
Hi Judy,
I have to admit I’ve also found some discrepancies… but not really sure. I don’t wish to put down any truther because there are enough ‘others’ to put people down without us turning on each other.
I do not follow SP although have listened on occasion.
Just be ever so careful with whatever you do and check and double check everything. 🙂
Hi Marilyn –
What is belief? – From looking it up it seems to come down to accepting something to be true WITHOUT seeing proof.
What is proof? – generally indisputable undeniable evidence attesting to a claim or fact. For example: proof of residence could be one’s utility bill with one’s name and address on it.
Believing someone lives at a certain address could be based on an observation of someone just going into a house. That observation doesn’t ‘prove’ it.
And even the above discussion can have discrepancies.
So how can we really know the truth? Here’s a link to Gregg Prescott’s site examining the veracity of Nesara/Gesara, and medbeds…
Aside from it’s mention of extraterrestrial entities, it sure seems to negate any reality whatsoever to medbeds. I sorely wish this wasn’t so…
kindest regards, gene
You know what? I don’t bother reading information of this kind. It’s always so tiring to wade through things that are written from a negative perspective.
Just keep your faith up.
Look to God, not man. Man will always let you down, but God never does.
Be encouraged and determined. Believe and see the salvation of the Lord.
ERROR: Your comment appears to be spam.
Please go back and check all parts of your comment submission (including name, email, website, and comment content).
Hi JW,
There is nothing I do that checks your comments for being spam. Maybe there is some algorithm in WordPress, I don’t know. I haven’t had anyone else tell me of this problem although it could have happened and they didn’t bother to contact me.
Hi Marilyn
I recently received an email from a gmail address (MedBedTeam.US@ gmail.com) offering me an opportunity to make an appointment for a med bed evaluation. They say all the right things until they ask for $350 to schedule it. (They also use the official US Quantum logo on their email header).
Would you call this a classic scam?
I’d like to know if there is law enforcement to contact to catch these scammers.
What’s your suggestion for me? I have a string of emails that led up to them wanting payment now to confirm my appointment. I live in Alabama and they say there are 10 med bed centers. Once I pay, they say I will receive a letter confirming location and details.
I’m not sending any money. But I do want to expose these theives. Any ideas?
P.s. I am a retired Fire officer of 30 years so I’ve been around. Look forward to hearing from you if you have time.
Oh dear… Stan I certainly would keep right away from it.
I would call it a definite scam. That is the same email address the person I wrote about received.
I would take a copy of all the emails and go to your local police station. Yes I know, we’re hearing they’re corrupt too, but they may go after a scammer, or at least direct you who to go to as they may not work with the online.
Your information lines up with what they told me in the article above, so please don’t move forward with it, no matter how desperate you are. You will only end up losing a lot of money.
I would be extremely interested in what the outcome is if you do go to your law enforcement agency. Please update us.
Got scammed by Medbed. Was doing it to see if it was true and test it out for my chronically sick friends. Got an appt, paid the $300, then $1500 so called insurance fee. My $300 has been reimbursed. Still waiting on the $1500. As soon as I questioned other people’s posts with horrific stories, they kept insisting I send a copy of the $1500 confirmation which I refused. Haven’t received a return comment yet. Why isn’t an investigation being made about these scammers preying on desperate people?
Anyone who is awake or believes med beds will come out once ebs has been activated should know they are not ‘out’ yet so how can people fall for this? I understand desperation but everyone knows you never hand over money without seeing the goods!
Hi Rain… yes, I guess it shows just how desperate many people are. Trouble is, it all sounds pretty much the same… and with all the promises of them coming, it’s hard. We need to trust it’s all going to work out in the end.
KC should try grounding/earthing. It’s free and has produced results for many people. Also try a TENS machine. Used for over 20 years, has helped many. Helped me with an abdominal issue a month ago. Fairly low cost. I would find a wholistic/natural health practitioner who can assist in discovering why the spine is degenerating. There might be a toxin, a postural issue, or a dietary element missing.
Thank you Judith! See KC, there are people out there who can and will help you. This is God working through His people for the good of all.
I 100% agree with what Judith said. 🙂
Meaning maybe the K cousins announce it.
Who really knows? I guess it doesn’t matter who announces it when the time is right. It will just need to be someone we all trust.
IMHO, until it is officially announced from Trump – AFTER he is RE-instated. OR JFK Jr or even RFK Jr -it’s all Bs. They’re real, though, the chamber Jay Leno was in after his car caught fire is proof. It’s been all drips thus far. However, they have not been released to We the People, yet. To me, it doesn’t make any sense, for the White Hats, to not do some kind of announcement beforehand. Knowing it’s suppose to be free and bring the corrupt healthcare system down in the process 🙂
Yes Bobbie! We may not comprehend why they do things the way we do, but afterall, we only know such a little. They see the whole picture. We just need to continue to have faith that what they’ve told us is true and it’s a-coming soon! 🙂
I am so sorry KC was heartlessly scammed. I know and feel the desperation, and I think there are many of us who are having a tough time waiting, fiercely praying to have our once-active lives back. We are the ones most likely to be taken advantage of. On a positive note, I believe help is near.
Thank you Andi! I agree with you, I too believe that help is near. We must keep believing this and holding on. Once this time comes, KC will soon forget what the scammers put him through as he will receive more than sufficient. This is not to make light of his desperate need at present. Our hearts and thoughts go out to him.