It is 100% agreed that we live in difficult times! But, my dear readers, this is the perfect time to ‘Raise a Hallelujah’!
Please be encouraged by this song and by the words. They are both perfect – if only we do it!
Raise a hallelujah
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me
It’s as we raise a hallelujah in the very presence of our enemies that it will drown out the unbelief and fear. As we continue to put our trust in the Lord, the melody of this song will bring heaven right in the midst of it all.
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the king is alive!
Tell yourself, and the Lord, that you are going to exchange your thoughts from ones of fear and doubt into faith in Him. As you sing along, allow your praises to get louder and louder to drown out anything else but victory!
Hope will arise in your heart.
Your fear will be defeated.
Why? Because the King is alive and fighting on your behalf.
Raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me!
Let everything go. Yes, use everything inside of yourself. Put your whole heart, mind and soul into watching the darkness flee. See it happen. Expect it to happen. Receive nothing less.
Much is a mystery these days but one thing we know that we know, and that is that God is in total control. We have nothing to fear. In fact, fear will lose its grip on you!
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the king is alive!
Absolutely we are in the middle of the storm. As it continues to rage around us and we hear of many happenings that would bring fear to the best of us, let your praises roar!
Wait for that hope to once again arise.
See death and all related to death, totally defeated!
Heaven comes to fight for me!
Sing a little louder (in the presence of my enemies)
Sing a little louder (louder than the unbelief)
Sing a little louder (my weapon is a melody)
Sing a little louder (heaven comes to fight for me)
Sing a little louder (in the presence of my enemies)
Sing a little louder (louder than the unbelief)
Sing a little louder (my weapon is a melody)
Sing a little louder (heaven comes to fight for me)
Sing a little louder!
Close your eyes and sing. That melody from inside of you will overtake all unbelief. Heaven will come, which means the Lord God Almighty Himself, to fight this war with all the hosts of Heaven with Him.
Decide now to sing in the middle of the storm
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Raise a Hallelujah – Bethel Music (with lyrics) Words & Music by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the king is alive!
Don’t allow fear and doubt to enter into your soul. Stay on top of it no matter how things appear to be around about you.
You will hear of wars and rumours or wars… don’t let your mind go there.
Nuclear they say… be convinced it’s not going to happen!
Because God has this!
And… we will live to see the victory of evil removed and great things in store for us.
Raise a hallelujah whenever doubts try to creep in and never, ever give up!
Hi Marilyn –
just wondering if you’ve seen this latest Dr Ardis’ video of the serpent and our DNA:
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Snake Venom, Satan’s Spawn & the Corruption of Human DNA
Kindest regards, gene
That video is amazing thanks Gene! Scary too. For 40 years!!!!
Dearest Marilyn,
Thanks for posting Larryhannigan.com.au. There’s more info about what’s going on in America in foreign news than in USA news.
Wow, that’s amazing Andi! We just don’t know sometimes…
Its been 23 years and nothing
Oh dear Paul!!! Where are you? Where have you been? Not a day goes by without monstrous things taking place. Go onto larryhannigan.com.au and receive his daily newsletter…
Dearest Marilyn,
I have no fear for my family and friends as they are good people.
Thank you for this, it’s positive, and we all need that these days.
Yes, it’s something we can all do… which is wonderful!
Hi Marilyn –
Thank you !
kindest regards, gene
Thanks Gene!