Are you ready to watch this exciting show? Then… take a deep breath, hold onto your faith, and… remain calm!
We are in God’s hands, in fact, our whole world is in His hands.
Below is a video where J]uan O]’Savin is being interviewed by Michael Jaco. Juan is sharing very pertinent information for us all, right at this time.
This man is very much in the know. Will it play out the same way as he describes? Only time will tell.
I’m sorry the video image looks black… but it does work.
This is why he asks us to take a deep breath…
According to him… B]iden is to be sworn in. But at the same time, truth will prevail and we will win!
I’ve heard that people are wondering if B]iden will then be arrested. What an incredible twist in our real live movie that would be!
Continue to Trust the Plan
‘Trust the Plan’! They tell us that ‘they’ve got this’…
What they are asking from us is for us to pray… and not give up on them.
Like a game of chess, this is all part of the greater plan.
No, it’s not a time to lose faith. There has never been a better time for us to ‘Trust the Plan’, than right now.
We have be warned over and over again… the road is about to get rocky!
It is a test of our faith. Will we lose it? Will we be reduced to depression, feeling like all is lost?
You can’t afford for this to happen. Not now, actually, not at any time.
We are on the winning team. God wins.
Once the operation is over, it appears that the United States will need a new capital. Washington DC is full of swamp rats. Fairly fitting I suppose considering it was built on a swamp.
Good times are coming, and coming soon.
Think David and Goliath as we watch this exciting Show

The army had given up. They didn’t believe they could defeat this huge giant of a man.
David’s brothers were all a part of that army… they too were shivering in their boots.
But along came David, youthful and strong. His faith was in God who made sure that David’s stone hit the mark.
Down he went! David only had to use one stone!
How would he feel if he knew that all these years later, we would still be talking about ‘the great defeat’?
In the same way, for a very, very long time, people will be telling stories of our current ‘great defeat’! How wonderful is that?
The show is exciting, watch and enjoy. Share the good news.
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