This is such wonderful news for so many who are in pain and/or under the weight of costly medication. I’ve had so many people write to me asking many questions as to how they work and when can we expect them. The Holographic Medical Pods are on their way… I don’t think they can come soon enough!
As I cannot give any real input into how these beds work, I’ll allow the videos to showcase you.
Here Khoi Turner gives a rundown:

As some of these beds look very futuristic, and many of us have seen similar in the movies, this image is a good one to show President Trump being informed on how they work.
It brings them into reality, don’t you think?
Can we believe the words of President Trump back in June, 2020? What was it he knew back then that the general world population had no idea of?

Now we have heard that they are being used in The Netherlands. I’m not sure why they managed to get them before the rest of the world.
But the encouraging thing is that they are out there and in use!
Imagine ‘surgery’ on a patient’s brain… without surgery!
For the rest of humanity who are waiting patiently, or maybe impatiently, they can be rest assured that it will not be too long before they are being put to use in both your country and mine.
Will they look like the images portrayed on this website?
Really, I don’t know. This has been a repressed technology and hidden from the public for a very long time. It’s been top secret. They are very careful as to what they show to the public.
They have been keeping it away from the C/a/b/a/l, so until they can be quite sure they are all taken care of, it will remain pretty much under wraps. It’s quite possible that not one of the illustrated images are as the new med-beds will be. But, it’s just to give you an idea. They may not even be called med-beds… only time will tell.
Men and women have been at work on these new technologies for many years… listen to what Jared Rand says here:
Holographic Medical Pods and other advanced technologies
“I am not an attorney, not a lawyer, not a financial advisor, and not a wellness expert.
I have been in one way, shape or form, involved with the entire global transition for 40 years (2020).
I’ve lost countless friends. I’ve been shot at, poisoned, just about everything you can think of.
Our attitude is we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
A lot of us don’t know each other, have never come across each other, maybe once in a while on occasion, but the compartmentalization is absolutely huge. A lot of times the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
Is that a positive? Maybe in some ways it is and in other ways it’s not. We have a wonderful group of human beings that have collaborated and worked together for a very long time.”
Jared Rand
Here are just some of the benefits?
- Age regression therapy
- All of the three Med-Beds have been adapted for different treatments
- Combine with 3D scanners and refracting lenses
- Grows missing organs and limbs
- Immediate surgery will be performed
- Lasers are surgically precise for opening and closing wounds
- Organ transplants
- Produce health care without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, toxins, chemicals, organ removal.
- Regenerate old tissues
- Scan the entire body to diagnose and then interpret findings
- Scans your Bones, Glands, Hormonal efficiency, Muscles, Neurological, Organs, Skin etc.
- Suppress of all unwanted memories
- Surgery will not produce an scars
- Treat illness with greater accuracy and far less invasion
- Use vibrations and frequencies on a Quantum level
When will they be available?
I believe they will become available after the revaluation (RV) has taken place. That is to be anytime real soon.
They are currently working on bringing forth the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the RV. But, the White Hats need to know they have completely removed evil C/a/b/a/l from the world so they can safely be released.
Charlie Ward related in recent times that while they have been endeavouring to release the QFS, over 8,000 international bankers have been arrested. This is because they were pretending to be on the ‘good side’ but just as soon as the money came into their banks, they tried to steal it.
The great news is that you cannot steal anything from the QFS. If you try, you are nabbed! All these people fell head-long into the trap!
Can you imagine how it is for the bankers? They are used to using our money to make money for themselves. But no longer, praise God!
Hang on in there!
I can really appreciate that some people are trying to hang onto life as they wait. It’s not always easy, but please, hang on in there… your time will come.
The amazing thing about all of this is that I have never heard of there being any cost involved. I believe they will be free to use.
I imagine first up will be the most urgent cases first before the general public. I’ve not been told that, it’s just what I presume.
When they are available, the word will go out, so try not to panic. God knows your need.
Holographic Medical Pods, together with Regenerative and Re-atomization Med Beds coming soon worldwide.
Oh Lord do I need this !!! I hope to get on a waiting list for a med bed. Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 2, I am 64 now, all joints are gone. Fatty liver from the RA, gum disease and tinnitus…. I have struggled through the pain on no meds the last 14 years !!!
Hi Diann,
I have added you to my prayer list:
You have suffered a long time. People will be praying for you, and I’m believing your time will come.
U.S. Army
Dennis Spicknell E-5
Retired U.S. Army Europe
NATO & U.N. Command Special Unit.
In Munich Germany
I have a military injury in my back I have a desk that is gone there trying to talk me into surgery which would just make it worse. I would like to have a med bed overnight or sleep and one for a couple hours to fix my back and a couple other ailments that I have.
Hi Dennis!
I feel for you! I so wish I could arrange it on the spot for you!
But we have to wait until they release them for public use. Personally, I believe this will be very soon, but unfortunately I cannot give a date.
If you can hold on… you will receive your turn in the medbed.
My 3 yr old grandson’s brain cancer has returned after surgery to remove it a year ago. He desperately needs a med bed!! No telling what a 2nd surgery will do to him! We live in Arizona! Please help with referrals!
I’m so sorry to hear that Cara. I have added him on to our Prayer Vase for people to pray for him.
KirstenW and others are saying that the Med-Beds will be released as early as 1st or 2nd week in December. I don’t like dates, but it does seem like they are coming ever closer. We will see. When I hear for sure I will post on it.
Hello Marilyn!
It is very exciting to know that such “off world” technology might be available in my life time. I am 65 years of age, having practiced chiropractic for 40 years. I have practiced in 4 different countries helping hundreds of people have a healthier life.
I was involved in an accident about 5 years ago that has caused me to have nuero-nuscular skeletal problems. I cannot practice as I once did due to this injury. I would love to be a med bed patient as well in some way be a part of any programs associated with this technology. Thank you so much for what you do and your prayers!
Peace and Love!
Lovely to hear from you Douglas! I’m sorry about that accident and trust it won’t be long now until you are lying in one of those med-beds. After that, who knows what you’ll get up to.
I believe if you truly want to operate a med-bed the way will be made for you.
Thank you so much for sharing a little of your world with us.
Marilyn, I will be happy to build a plant to build the Med Beds after the RV.Please help me with this project.I will also have to build the housing for the plant workers. I have been working with all the local city management.
Hi Billy,
That sounds wonderful.
I was just asked ‘what are the 7 companies building the Med Pods?’. I have to say I didn’t even know there were specifically 7 companies currently building them. I don’t know how they knew that information, but it must be around somewhere.
Keep your ear to the ground… if God is leading you this way something will definitely come up.
It sounds like you know what you are doing… I’m excited. Wish I could help more… but I will keep an ear out too.
Don’t give up… keep searching.
Hi Marilyn, I would be very interested in the training for the use of the med beds as well as in need of the healing. Do you have any details on the staff that will be needed in these centers?
Hi Debbie, it’s good to hear you are keen to be trained on med-beds. Unfortunate at this stage, I have no information as to who you should talk to etc. But whatever you do, keep your ear to the ground! Once they are ready to be released I’m sure they will be looking for good personnel. I wish you well Debbie!
If you hear anything about staff please let me know. I am an RN and walked away from my 26yr career when the jab first came out!!!! I knew something nefarious was going on and I did not want to have anything to do with it!!!
I wish I was helping these children right now!!!!
Hey Marilyn. Berwin here! I was reading about the Quantum Healing Technologies – Med Beds and my one question to you, if you have the answer is “Are we able to afford ($$) this treatment for ourselves?” Thanks Marilyn..
Hi Berwin,
Good to here from you again.
All information I have ever received always says that the med-beds will be free to all. Seems almost unbelievable I know… this is not something we are used to in our current life. But, once the med-beds come out, life will be different and will not be focused on making money.
For example… they will not be available for people to purchase and then set up shop to make money from them. No, free for all.
Hello Marilyn, My name is Pete,74 yrs young and I just came across your website and want to thank you for having a very professional site and quite a informal one as well. At this moment I have just two questions to ask you if all possible.
#1. On these Med-Beds my concern is on this Earth there are over 8 billion people and I imagine 7 & 1/2 of them could use the said beds. Heck my wife and I are very much need of them to say the least. I know you said you are not privy but how are they, authorities, going to get to all that need them so one doesn’t have to wait yrs?
# 2. My wife and I have been watching what I call the ” Round Table ” crew, Charlie Ward, Mel K , and a host of other creditable people and they keep saying to do your own research. I wanna do just that but for instance Charlie said on the Clay Davis interview start with ” Vatican “. Did the DuckDuckGo thing all we get is the every day headings. How does one get into behind the scene info? Away from what the general public have? For instance even you have stated that there a massive of miles of tunnels under the Vatican with Gold beyond belief. One won’t find that info on a general search so how do they do it and as you?
Thank you for your time Marilyn and a great website. :0)
Be Blessed,
Pete, Tacoma, Wa.
Hi Pete! Thanks for contacting me, it was lovely to hear from you. Thank you also for your positive comments.
#1 It’s a very good question! I believe they have been making them hand over foot with the endeavour of getting them out to every city around the world. That is my understanding. Are they making just one each? Don’t know… there are supposed to be 4 different types, so are they making 4 for each city to start with. Or, am I way off the mark???
#2 I’m happy to know you are watching Charlie Ward, Mel K etc. We do too. We’ve watched a lot of people, but over time you tend to gravitate towards those you get the most out of. Some of my information comes directly from Charlie Ward in particular. I really like him because many times he has first-hand experience. He was actually involved in the movement of the gold from out of those tunnels. I’m not saying he was there personally, but he was at least one of the organisers.
But even though you hear things from him, I like to have it confirmed through some other sources as well.
I just went and entered ‘vatican’ into DuckDuckGo and yes, there is plenty there. You need to dig down deep though. Open up page after page. Try to find different sources of information to see how they all line up.
Happy searching!
Thank you so much Marilyn and God speed, :0)
Be Blessed,
I find Brave to be better than the Duck!!!
Just checking to see if you have any information as to how to get on a list for med beds. I understand the demand is insane. I was just diagnosed with terminal cancer and have 2 young kids at home
And a distraught husband so trying to keep my spirits up. The past few days have been a whirlwind for my family. Thank you for any words of encouragement.
At this time Stephanie, I’m sorry but I am not privvy to that information. I so wish I was as so many people would like to know they were actually on a list and it was counting down towards them. Just as soon as I know anything I will certainly be posting on it.
We are not expecting the med-beds to be released for use until after Nesara/Gesara has been announced. This could be very soon. In fact, some countries are already experiencing it to a degree.
I’m so sorry to hear of your news but please, do not give up! It is not a death sentence. Search out alternative treatments as much as you can. Stopping all sugar is an important one.
I have just added you to the prayer list on this site…
Hollow Marilyn, God Bless you and Donald Trump for your Humanitaring Efforts.
Please add my email to your waiting list for the Med-Bed healing technology clinics.
I am a disabled 84 Veteran with cancer and prostrate problems living in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Thank You Jack
Jack, at this present time I’m unaware of any waiting lists. I’m sorry about that. I’m sure once they are given the green light to begin we will be all made aware of it. Meanwhile, I have added you onto our prayer list. You can find it when you click on the Prayer Vase.
My sister is 65, has had two strokes, two anneurisms and is mildly diabetic. She has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She is very stubborn. Has had two chemo treatments. Her body needs help. Is there a waiting list to be placed on?
Hi John,
At this stage, I’m not aware of any waiting lists. As far as I know there hasn’t been yet a green light for them to be used. Currently they’re being used for the rescued children and the military who were involved in those rescues.
Just as soon as we have any definite knowledge, I will be posting on it here.
I have added your wife on to our prayer list found when you click on the Prayer Vase.
I am a 64 yr old Marine Corp Veteran recently diagnosed with lung cancer. My crippled mother depends on me and if I can finish my own invention, it will benefit all of mankind and hate to complain but I’m in a lot of pain so getting to a Celestial Chamber as soon as possible, I deeply appreciate!!
Hi Karl!
My dear man… hold on in there!
It is believed that they have them rolled out around the world and they are simply waiting on the green light for the GO.
It’s coming… and I’m quite sure you will be quite high on the list and one of the first to be attended to.
Once they are ready to go, the news will get out and we will be posting on it.
God bless you!
PS… Please severely reduce all sugar. Sugar feeds it while cutting it out it cuts off it’s life source.
PPS… Meanwhile Alexia left a post to say that there is Nano soma (Metadichol) available right now. Personally I don’t know anything about it but she left a link which I’ll give here:https://www.magicdichol.com/store/mdusa/?aff_id=6095 It does look like an affiliate link so do your own thorough research as I cannot recommend it in any way. But… it may help you and I’m all for that.
I pray that severe scoliosis and neuropathy can be healed. I can’t imagine nerve damage being reversed but I am hopefull.
Hi Sharon!
I am praying the nerve damage can be reversed as I have a son in great need of it.
From what I’m hearing, there doesn’t appear to be anything they can’t deal with.
So let’s trust together, shall we?
My husband is 100% disabled veteran. There is not enough room to list all that is wrong . I pray they are available soon. (PTSD , cancer, agent orange, bladder cancer, high blood pressure, prostrate issues).
Hi Donna!
I’m so sorry about this long list… that is not cool.
I do trust that you have your husband eating a very healthy diet these days, and taking substances that will detox his body. Food is medicine. Good truly organic foods wherever possible. No junk foods. No highly processed foods. Talk to me more if you would like a bit more direction.
Meanwhile we pray they will come quickly…
Thank you Trump and everybody involved for the future of mankind!!
Agreed! 🙂