Dr Sherri Tenpenny is seen in the video below sharing how to protect from vaccination shedding that is causing a lot of people to panic.
Dr Tenpenny’s list
This is a list of alternatives she recommends unvaccinated people take in the endeavour to protect themselves from the ‘shedding’ from those who have been vaccinated. I don’t believe she meant you to consume the entire list, but suggested that all of them can help:
- Hy/dr/ox/ych/lo/ro/qu/ine
- Iv/er/me/ct/in
- Zinc
- Quercetin
- Vitamin D (80-100)
- Medicinal Mushrooms
Don’t you think it’s strange?
They pushed social distancing and mask wearing on all people to protect themselves and others from contracting the ‘Co/vid virus’, whether or not there was any truth in it working. Dr Fau/ci didn’t seem to know. He said first one thing and then another… changing his mind like the wind.
Believers became quite violent at times against anyone not wearing a mask. They believed that the maskless people put them at risk. Now it’s the opposite. Unvaxxed don’t want to go near those who have been vaxxed!
Also, to keep the narrative running they are trying to enforce this:
Dr Tenpenny sees it as:
A global catastrophe of unmitigated, uncountable disaster!
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
Unfortunately, this is exactly what the C/a/b/a/l want… it’s right up their alley!
But listen, their days are numbered… and they know it. They are just trying to cause as much havoc as possible on their way out.
Build your immune system and keep it strong
Of-course, as a Nutritional Counsellor, I fully recommend that you take care of what goes into your mouth. My website is called ‘Mouthful Matters‘ for a very good reason. Every bite you take matters… it’s either building your health or knocking it down!
So, if you can take any or all of the above list, that’s good, but also you must be conscious of building and maintaining your immune system:
- Cut the junk food
- Side-step highly processed foods
- Cut the sugar
- Drink plenty of pure water
- Eat nutrient-dense whole foods
- Vary your hot liquid content to include a variety of nutritious, health-building drinks
- Get out in the sun and maintain daily exercise
- Essential Oils
- etc…
You cannot simply rely on slipping a few pills for your health. They help of-course, but if the food and drink you are consuming is pulling your health down, the best the pills can do is maybe rise you back up to neutral again.
Junk food reduces the ability of our Immune System to protect us
It’s time we realised that junk and highly processed foods are causing our health to crumble. They will not and cannot protect you from any pathogens floating around, instead it’s like giving them an open invitation.
Tip-top health does not just happen… you have to work at it. Especially these days when ‘they’ are doing everything in their power to poison our food and water supplies. It’s horrific to say the least!
You can view Dr Tenpenny speaking here:
We are so thankful to doctors like Dr Sherri Tenpenny and her willingness to speak out. Follow some or all of the suggested protocol, and always THINK before you eat! Ask yourself… will this make me better or worse?
Have you, or someone you know, got sick from this? Please share with us.
I trust this will help you to protect yourself from vaccination shedding.
Do you know if children are less likely to suffer the effects of shedding, since they are not prone to getting a severe version of the virus? Is there a specific paediatric protocol you can advise of? Thanks!
Hi Nessa!
It really all depends upon the strength of their immune system. If children are living on junk foods, their immune system will be low. If, on the other hand, children are eating a good healthy diet, this will definitely help to protect them from any shedding.
If it were me, I would be supplementing my children with a natural vitamin and mineral drink. I would make sure my children were out playing in plenty of sunshine.
If they were to come into contact with someone and some symptoms develop, I would immediately put them onto the MMS drops until the symptoms departed. If I didn’t have that to hand, I would be keen to given them the quinine/hcq mixture, although you would need to give it in a sweetened juice as I believe most would find it too abhorrent for their young taste buds. Grapefruits… you know!
There is also the Pine Needle Tea which has great results as well, or tea made from star anise or fennel.
If you would like to have regular plant-based minerals and vitamins, I fully recommend checking out Paradise Nutrients as one of the very best sources. Most minerals are metallic minerals rather than plant-based.
It is all well and good to put out this information about shedding and transmitting from those given the shot, but how long are these people a potential risk to those not taking the shot? I don’t trust any of the local hospitals or physicians to give me an honest answer to anything anymore. It “appears” that the J&J shot is the least of the shots out there, but is it any less dangerous to the unvaxxed? Do I need to avoid people that I know have gotten the shots? For how long? I do take the quercetin, zinc, Vit C and D3 daily. It would be nice for more information on the longevity of the shedding/transmission. Thank you anyone who can give me an answer or a thought on this.
Hi Jayne,
I think the problem lies in the fact that really nobody knows! I’ve heard to try and avoid the va/xx/ed from anything between 2 weeks and 4 months!
My thinking is that we cannot possibly avoid all the va/xx/ed people, especially as they become more and more.
Also, we can’t possibly live our life locked away from people… I mean, that really does fall right into the hands of the Cab/al, doesn’t it. It’s what they want.
All you can do is take whatever protocol you decide upon on a daily basis, and work very hard at keeping your immune system strong. Eat well. Drink well. Sunshine. Exercise… etc.
What was the “S” word to help women with “shedding” exposure? It was posted on FB yesterday (July 7,2021) I did not write it down but would like more information on it. Thank you!
Hi Charlotte!
I think what you are after is SURAMIN. Another ‘S’ word is shikimic acid! The Pine Needle tea contains both. You will also find it in Star Anise and Fennel… both of which can also be made into a tea.
Is Pine Needle Tea safe during pregnancy? I’m 25 weeks and surrounded by vaccinated people (not my husband, though). If I call my OB office, they’ll tell me I’m fine, but I just want to know if it’s generally considered safe to drink while pregnant. Thanks!
Hi Giselle!
I would err on the side of caution while pregnant or breastfeeding. Unless you can buy Pine Needle Tea that’s states clearly it’s safe, I wouldn’t.
Go to https://mouthfulmatters.com/wellness/ and the first 4 posts you see will give you some ideas that may be suitable, to give you some choices.