Man alive, what next!? Now we learn about the insidious Nasal Swab toxicity!
They insert the Nasal Swab right up into the middle of your head! As if that’s not bad enough, now we learn the swabs made in China are coated and saturated with a very dangerous chemical called Ethylene Oxide (EO).
Cassandra S Dunn, Registered Nurse and Certified Federal Medical Investigator, shares with us how the Nasal Swabs made in China are saturated with a very toxic substance.
Let’s see what the following agencies state about Ethylene Oxide (EO) on their Safety Data Sheets:
- United States EPA
- Department of Human Services
- Canadian Centre for Health & Safety
Ethylene Oxide (EO) is:
– a human carcinogen
United States Environmental Protection Agency
– increases risk to Lymphoma, Myeloma, Leukemia and Breast Cancers
– mutagenic – therefore can change the DNA in your cells – children are more susceptible
– Nausea, Vomiting, Neurological disorders, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Miscarriages, Reduced sperm count, tumours in the brain, lung, connective tissue and uterus.
– a human carcinogen
Department of Human Services
– DNA damaging activity
– Carcinogenic risk to humans
– very toxic
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
– Cancer causing / carcinogen
– changes in your genetics and reproductive toxicity
– fatal if inhaled
– damages fertility
– genetic defects
– known to cause reduced fertility

Listen to Registered Nurse + Certified Federal Medical Investigator, Cassandra S Dunn talk on Ethylene Oxide (EO) the Chinese swabs are saturated with:
Nasal Swab toxicity – a crime against humanity
Many folk, including children, are subjected to continual nasal swabbing. This is just to be able to enter their workplace or go to school.
This is truly a crime against humanity!
Therefore, those perpetrating this act need to be brought before the courts. They need to suffer the penalty for this crime.
In my last post I talked about the conditions many of them are made in… and it’s horrifying:
This is all information that we need to be aware of. Many think that it doesn’t hurt simply to be swabbed, but really, what does it do to you?
I do not like to spread fear and panic in any way. But if this kind of information doesn’t get out into the general public, how will people ever be aware of the potential dangers they face. And… in becoming aware, learning to stand against it.
Injections, facial masks, nasal swabs, even our food supply… all fraught with potential dangers:
A time is coming, hopefully in the VERY near future, where all of this will be truly a thing of the past. However, that time will come all the quicker when we all stand up against what our governments are doing and say no!
In conclusion, Nasal Swab toxicity is just one more way they are trying to bring our health down. All of us who realise these things, need to learn to say no! Moreover, everything we do must build our health while shunning potential health-harming tests and injections.
Marilyn: In my book, you are an angel! God Bless you for your hard work and attention in these matters. Jerry
You’re welcome Jerry… thanks for the nice comment.
I am going to some western country in two days time and leaving my country, a test swab is needed. Once I land in that country, multiple test swabs using portable PCRs will be required. Any information on nullifying ethylene oxide? Or should I use my young to swab and wash mouth using something?
Oh dear… this is a problem for you Allan.
The very best thing a person can do is not travel while these awful ‘mandates’ are in place. I realise there are some times it’s impossible.
I have heard that Listerine mouthwash works, and maybe so… but it comes with it’s own set of problems. Mind you, it wouldn’t hurt to use it only a few times.
Well actually Charlie Ward had it on his site also on Judy Byington who does Restored Republic mentions her on there once in awhile
Oh, that’s great Jerome! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Of-course, I can’t read everything, everywhere, so any help such as this, is much appreciated. I’ll check it out.
Hi Marilyn….you can go to telegram if you want to join and she is on there with lots of info or if you want I can send you things on her if you want me to
Thanks Jerome! I have joined her on Telegram and am reading with interest. At this stage, I don’t understand why others aren’t talking about it… such as Mel K or Charlie Ward. At least I haven’t seen anything at this point.
I’ve read their are Youtube videos discounting it, but what else would you expect.
No, I will dig with interest to see if I can find out.
Thanks again.
Hi Marilyn..Have you ever heard of Romana Didulo she is the Head of State and Commander-In-Chief of the Republic Of Canada..any thoughts on this and also will the masks and lockdowns come to an end ..I heard that we were starting in nesara/gesara with banks etc…
This is very interesting news to me Jerome! Thank you!
No, I had not heard of her, but I was interested that her party is called Canada First.
I will research it deeper.
Hi Jerome!
I just watched this video… where it was confirmed by Gene Decode… https://rumble.com/viaf6n-gene-decode-41-dumbs-in-chinaasiaaustralianznetherlands-and-europe.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=6