Victory! Isn’t that what we are all waiting for?
We’re so tired with all the waiting. So many are complaining, just wishing it would all end!
But… are we all actively involved? Is there anything we’re doing to aid the process of bringing this war against evil to an end?
“But it’s not up to us!”
Oh yes it is!
Well, that’s what I’m about to explain…
Speak words of victory, not defeat!
You see, it all comes down to our faith, and our faith comes down to the words we are speaking.
Are you speaking complaining words, which does nothing to bring this huge battle to an end? Or are you speaking words of faith… words of victory?
It’s a good question.
We need to become more aware of the words that come out of our mouth. Are they victory words or condemning and/or complaining words?
I keep on saying, that during this amazing war we’re currently in, we need to stick together unlike ever before. This is not the time to be speaking out against our fellow soldiers.
OK, ok… so you don’t agree with everything people say. So what! The important thing is that you don’t go spreading it around. Others may, or may not, agree with you, but this is not the time!
Positive words of faith should be the only words coming out of your mouth.
If you keep it that way, some incredible things will happen. The most of which is victory over the enemy. After all, we receive enough from the dark side already, so please be careful not to join their ranks.
Evil runs deep
As we now know, Baal worship has been going on for thousands of years. We believed it was something from the dim, dark past, but not so.
Baal, or Moloch actually means nothing more than Satan. Satan has a thirst for blood, so the people who worship him offer their children as a sacrifice.
I know, it’s unthinkable to us, but perfectly normal to them.
Basically, in a nutshell, this is what this current war is all about. The removal of all those caught up in this evil which has tentacles that reach far and wide throughout our communities.
It’s the release of all those precious children they have had locked away from our sight. It’s stopping the money chain the evil ones use. No finance = no dealings!
That’s the new QFS (Quantum Financial System). Suddenly, the dr/ug lords, the huge sums made from organ harvesting, all the various tr/affi/cking etc… all comes to a grinding halt!
This is a battle that requires us all to put on the armour of God and do our part.
A man who could take it no more!
Back in the day, Ahab became the ruler over Israel. Instead of leading the people in truth, he chose the side of evil. He took Jezebel to be his wife who was from the dark side… and to please her he went completely into Baal worship.
As a result of this despicable thing:
…Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him.
1 Kings 16:33
Now there was a man named Elijah living at that time. We know nothing about him before he entered the scene. We read: And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab:
As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.
1 Kings 17:1
Who’s word? My word = Elijah’s word!
Imagine that! He just marched up to Ahab and declared there would be no more rain for three and a half years! Not even dew on the ground! Zilch! Nada!
He was warning Ahab to repent and change his ways, or else.
Did he seeks God’s face with words like: “Oh Lord, if it be thy will, cause this man to repent of his evil ways… blah… blah… blah!”
He said!
Or in other words… he declared.
My… (Elijah’s) word!
This wasn’t a time for talking to God, no, it was a time to declare to Ahab that because of his evil, this is what is going to happen.
Did he go home thinking, oh my goodness, what have I done? I’d better go and check with God about this as He’s the only one who can stop the rain.
No, because he was fired up and spoke in the power and authority of His Name!
Long story short!
It didn’t rain for three and a half years, just as Elijah said it wouldn’t. This exciting story continues through chapters 17 & 18 telling of how he gathered together all the prophets of Baal and slew the lot of them with the sword. Not one remained!
You really should read through these chapters as we are seeing this very thing today. People think these incidents are just ‘Bible stories’ and don’t have much relevance to today.
Many don’t even take the time to read through the script that talks of how it was then, is how it is now!
So sad!
There is nothing new under the sun
As God’s chosen people of today… we call them the White Hats… are removing these same evil people from the face of the earth, we are called of God to pray.
This is not a matter of praying some insipid prayer, but to speak forth the very words given us to lead us through into victory.
God’s words… found in His Book!
Speak them with the power and authority that He has given us.
Every time fear thoughts enter, drive them out using God’s words.
God not only will win, He has already won! He always sees the end from the beginning. He asks us to do the same.
The only way we can do that is though speaking as He speaks! Seeing as He sees.
I also encourage you to listen to Pastor Jurgen Matthesius. What a powerful message he brings here as he encourages us to not give up. So very relevant to current events.
He says to ‘Pray again!’ Not insipid prayers… speaking God’s Word type prayers.
Victory prayers!
Another man gives us the example
As I wrap this up I want to bring your attention to another man. His name is Peter.
They came across a man who had been lame all his life. He was begging Peter and John to give him a little money.
But Peter asked him to “Look on us!”
Now the man was really expectant of receiving something, so sure, he looked them right in the face!
Then Peter said:
Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
Acts 3:6
It goes on to say that the man was ‘walking and leaping and praising God’!
Now, the point I want to make here is that Peter did not pray for him! No, instead he simply told him to rise up and walk!
Peter didn’t have that power and authority to do that in himself! Of-course not… he was just Peter. But he was using the power and authority that Jesus gave him.
We have this very same power and authority to speak in His Name.
So there are just two men, Elijah and Peter, who didn’t set to praying about the situation, but rather, they spoke forth what they wanted to see take place.
Are they special? Many think they are, but really, they are just two men who dared to do what God wants us all to do.
We need to rise up and be counted.
Victory is ours and we claim it in Jesus’ Name!
Thank you so much Marilyn I was so looking forward to your response and it certainly makes sense. Yes, we will stay tuned fingers crossed for most of us here are waiting for the Best is Yet to Come a certain person said. ) sorry for some reason my quotation keys and several punctuation keys I see are suddenly not working on laptop…Lol
LOL! Yes, we wait…
Hello, I really have enjoyed your information Marilyn. I too might not understand what to personally do but I love learning. Are you at all aware of American State Nationals? I am asking because apparently other countries have been studying this. I never know whom to exactly trust but wondered if you have come across David Lester Straight and Bobby Lawrence? Millions of people are attempting to get out of the defunct govt and filing their new status to claim their wealth. Just as many that are doing this many are now saying its a scam…? There are some very interesting You tube videos of David Straight titled Arizona event or Utah event. At least 6 different groups of people besides this one hold seminars, Zoom classes and teach people how to claim what they say is our MINOR Trust money and how you stand up for oneself in any court. You cannot be pulled over for the police in your car and no more paying car registrations etc etc. Ann Vandersteel from her old show Steel Truth discussed on a video or Rumble channel how she too recently completed all of this. A man named Dennis Knill spoke in detail on a podcast about it how much money we are all worth! I wish it was easier they say it takes time to go record your documents it’s a process to stop needing a drivers license, no more illegal taxes etc… Have you come across this yet its been out for years apparently and I heard a freedom of information act request revealed millions of people have already revoked their citizenships and stopped pay9ng all illegal debts. I am not sure if this is true but they say this is the only way to receive the money coming to us is by taking physical action making a stance and changing ones status legally the correct way since our birth certificates were illegal with the cusip numbers etc etc. The only main stressor is that each group states they are the only real legit party that can help you the rest are telling you the WRONG WAY and you could land in trouble. Geez. I look forward to your thoughts. Ann Vandersteel said she went with Bobbys group. The seminars were not close for me and no funds to fly around the country so it would be lots of studying online. Thank You!
Hi Amber!
I have delayed in replying to this because I was trying to remember who it was I heard speaking about this very thing. I’m so sorry, but at this point in time I can’t work out who or where… but it was just recently.
We have so much info coming to us that it can be quite difficult to go back on it unless we save it at the time.
Anyway, whoever it was, was talking about this very thing… how millions of Americans have been hoodwinked into following this information. She (I think it was) stated that they have now put themselves into a very difficult place.
But I say… the fact that they say it is the ONLY way for us to receive money, I believe to be quite untrue. If it were, this kind of information would be worldwide and we’d all be instructed how we must follow through with it.
It would also mean that only SOME people would receive the benefit of GESARA… those who went to seminars and spent much time organising.
What is taking place through GESARA will benefit every person on the planet! It’s a whole new age! Not ‘New Age’ but a new and exciting period that the whole world is entering into.
The very fact they are all saying they are the only RIGHT ones, says a lot to me.
The person I heard speaking on it did mention that Ann Vandersteel said she had done it.
Trust God… He will direct your path.