Many of us ask why you have been chosen!
It’s not an answer that can be given quickly, because really, only God knows!
What I can say though is that we need to be grateful that for whatever reason, out of all the people living in this world, we were chosen to be awake at this time.
I know, I know… we only know such a little of what is going on in this great big world of ours, but at least we do have that little bit.
As we look around we see people who have absolutely no idea, in fact, seem to be totally oblivious to that fact that the world is changing before our eyes.
We get to see it, little by little, day by day.
Be grateful you have been chosen
I received these words from Greg, one of my readers. I was impressed by them and felt to onshare. Thanks Greg!
Be grateful that God has allowed you to see what is unfolding. Others who are asleep are not so lucky. Ask yourself: Why you? Why now?
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We often become impatient just wanting everything to move at a more rapid pace. Oh, wouldn’t that be good!
Yes I guess it would be for us, but this is where we allow our compassion to shine through on behalf of those who are asleep.
We are the lucky ones. They are not so lucky!
Faith and Confidence
It will shoot your faith and confidence sky high. Make no mistake – You Have Been Chosen. Our footprints will help others find their way, our light will guide them and our compassion will make their awakening more bearable.
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As we come to realise that we are not awake simply because we are somehow special, no, it’s because we have a job to do.
You see, God knew beforehand that for whatever reason, we would somehow come to grips with the lies and deceit that’s been in charge of our world for a very long time.
Declaring the end from the beginning,
Isaiah 46:10
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying, ‘My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’
This is why He chose us… not for any other reason but to make ourselves available to others who are struggling to wake up.
Let that shoot your confidence sky high. Let your faith rise to the occasion. We are here to help others. For this we need compassion and to be a guiding light.
Many the time we feel like saying “I told you so!” don’t we? Oh how many times we’ve wanted them to see and comprehend what we’ve been trying to tell them, but they don’t. They come back at us, calling us names.
We don’t like that. None of us do! Because what is so clear to us is nonsense to them.
But a time will soon come. It’s well on the way.
We need to pray they are able to discern the truth when it’s spoken. And of-course, for us too, on a continuing basis.
It will be a time for us to let out light shine as we use compassion and gently lead them to help them see.
We have been chosen for our Role and Destiny
I believe this is our role and our destiny, it may not feel fair at times and it certainly has not been easy, but we were chosen for a reason. So be proud for it and take on your role with courage and responsibility.
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No, it is not easy for us at the moment and it’s just as well we have each other! We’ve lost friends and even family members who believe that we lost it a long time ago.
We’ve been cut up on the inside.
We ask why, but no answer seems to come.
At the moment, we do what we can. There is a time to open our mouths and a time to keep them shut.
We need to ask the Lord for guidance and let Him speak through us.
We gradually learn more and more when to speak and how to keep quiet.
No, it’s not easy, but we must!
So keep coming back and be grateful that we do see at least a portion. It will help us when the Great Reveal takes place. Others will not be so fortunate at that time.
Some may not be able to take it at all. They may decide that life is not worth living. This is very sad.
That’s when it’s your turn to shine, however gently, so they can begin to see clearly what has been hidden from them for a very long time.
What do you intend to do to help your friends and family come to grips with what they’re learning? Will you be kind and considerate, or have you been far too hurt and don’t care any longer?
We all commiserate with you on this, but it doesn’t make it right. You have been chosen because God looked on the inside of you and saw your potential. Whatever you do, don’t let God down!!!
Last comment had bad link. Maybe this one’s better.
kindest regards, gene
Thank you so much Gene for forwarding this video to me. As you would know I used it to create a post from. I love how we work together. 🙂
Hi Marilyn –
More ‘stuff’, video by ? about the GESARA reveal putting it within 3 weeks.
with the lockdown.
It’s time, don’t you think –
kindest regards, gene
It feels like it is really coming very close. Let’s hope we are all correct in that.
Hi Marilyn –
Just saw a video on ‘Sunny’s Journal’ entitled
“QAnon” shaman or Jacob Chansley tells you more than you have ever heard about Q
If it’s legitimate it’s great news –
It puts a great reveal to occur during ‘Easter lockdown’! Now that’s a mouthful!
Reveal to come about anti gravity, free energy, and super conductors.
My question is ‘What about Peace in the world’ (stopping the killing)
kindest regards, gene
Hi Gene,
Haven’t gone looking for that video… it sounds interesting.
I fully believe, without a shadow of doubt, that peace is on the way and then it will be better than anything we could ever imagine!
Meanwhile, many times it’s hard to differentiate between what’s really going on and what is movie. I mean, did what they’re reporting on now happen a few years back but now the movie showing us is playing. Maybe most of it is all over.
I’m having trouble hanging on. I am in constant physical pain, 90% bedridden; I left the house once in ten years to attend my son’s wedding. Like so many people in this Movement, I’m alone in my beliefs. I again showed my husband proof of the evil happening in our world. He is blind to all of it. I’m tired of living this way. What is strange is that while reading to him I felt the pain lifting, and I told him that. We’ve been married a very long time, I love him and hate that this is between us. There is nothing I can do until he watches the broadcast on TV.
Oh Andi, I had no idea! You are really so strong in your beliefs and I believe that’s what will pull you through.
Just always remember, you are not alone. Countless thousands/millions are in difficult situations, all of them different, but really, all the same.
We are still in that dark tunnel, and although the tunnel seems so long, there is an end. And, it’s oh so worth waiting for.
Remember, God sees all, and He knows all you do and think. Your heart is in the right place.
Bless you.
Andi –
I pray for you and the immanent arrival of the med beds –
Praise Our Lord Jesus, gene
Thank you, Gene! It’s so nice of you to say that.
Hi Marilyn! Once again, thank you. As I shared with you earlier, I’ve pulled those words out on a number of occasions to lift myself. I’m lifted again in reading your words with those words. I will continue to draw upon my faith and remember that there was some reason I was chosen to know, along with others. God is in control. I’m so tired, along with so many others, I’m sure.
Greg, I meant to add in that I had received these words from one of my readers. Once again I thank you for them and for your participation in my blog. I’ll go add it in now.
Oh, that’s nice of you. That didn’t matter so much to me as I had shared they were someone’s words I had found some time ago. I continue to read them at times in trying to lift myself up. What is happening is so massive and some in my life don’t see it, despite me trying. I have been made into something bad for simply trying to share the truth. God is in control.
Still I like to give credit where credit is due! Yes, God is in control.
Today my youngest said, “Mom, you’re in a cult.”
Oh dear! Hang on in there with all you’ve got! I’m sure they’ll be so sorry when they finally realise.