The White Hats have been telling us for such a long time to prepare for an EBS. Is it almost upon us? Let’s look at this EBS Update to see.
Of-course, anyone listening to the mainstream mockingbird media never hear that it’s coming, so we have to rely on Alternative News and sincere patriots to provide the information. They rely on information/intelligence coming from trusted sources, usually in the military.
Even then, we need to put together what different people are saying to grasp the whole picture. This is why it’s important to update the EBS news regularly.
What is the EBS?
It stands for Emergency Broadcast System. This is where the White Hats, and the military, are pulling together to reveal to the world, what the evil tyrants are doing. How they are harming and totally destroying life as we know it.
Those of us who comprehend a little of this say “Bring it on!”
This system bypasses the ‘fake news’ and gets the message out to all citizens of the earth.
You’ve heard this before!
Yes, you have. It has been coming out for a long time that the EBS is coming, but it never comes!
Will it come this time?
No guarantees unfortunately.
Because we are in a war! Things change and there are such a lot of variants.
EBS Update moves us towards a bright future
We need to use eyes to see and ears to hear. If we don’t, we will be caught up in panic mode and dread.
Please don’t. Before you panic, think!
Time and time again, I have said, as many others are saying, that we are living in a live movie show… a pantomime really. Although it sounds really scary, much of it is so stupid that it’s designed to make you laugh. That’s what you call a pantomime.
Before you allow negative questions and comments to start rising in you, sit down and have a good think about all that’s happening. Never stop researching. Even when you think you know what’s going on, continue the research. You need to comprehend so you can help others who have no idea and are scared out of their wits.
Will we all be safe?
POTUS (the true President of the United States) has confirmed they have initiated fail-safes to safeguard the public. He himself will also be well insulated and safe somewhere abroad. Of-course, no-one knows where but those privvy to this classified information.
Temporary military control and riots coming
This is to occur because a lot of special ops will be carried out during this time. The final arrests will take place, but the dark side of-course, will do all in their power to prevent that from happening. They are/will organise riots in large numbers.
False leaks have been let out. This has been deliberately done in the endeavour to cloud the waters, so to speak. It would also explain why we hear about things about to go down, and then they don’t – as far as we know. They will, but they didn’t happen when we expected.
‘Swift fury’ is what is about to meet those still needing to be arrested for crimes against humanity. This will happen everywhere.
On 3rd July, 2022 ‘Q’ NEWS OFFICIAL TV #WWG1WGA has put out information that suggests it’s almost upon us. I will share it with you below together with further comments.
EBS Update
Confirmed: Army in training to implement emergency broadcast system
The trigger for EBS will be Vaccination is mandatory all over the world with blockades. When this really happens just know we’re just around the corner from the new world people, don’t be mad or panic.
This is what is needed. Yes, it really needs to happen this way so that we can move to the bright future.
It’s part of the script and the final stage, a truly painful, awakening movie that was necessary to awaken the masses.
This will ensure that everyone is safely settled in their home and witness a historical moment that reveals all truths, cover ups, etc. through the E B S which is inevitable. Everything is planned to happen.
Now this information is potentially frightening! You mean, they are going to lock down the entire world and make the j/a/b mandatory?
- We’ve got to go through this again?
- Will they force us to comply this time?
- What happens if we don’t comply?
A statement like this brings many questions to the fore.
But there’s a clue… they say, we are ‘not to be mad or panic’!
In fact, it’s stated here that this is exactly what we need.
Can we trust that? I believe so.
If it happens this way, it’s always because they have work to do… like the rescues. This time it will be more because they are making many more arrests. This is a war… keep out of the way!
The practice test will take place so prepare yourself.
There must be a test and then a review of all events and activities. The possible implications at the national and global level could be quite complicated so things must be kept inside compliance with the protocols.
Yes, there are many consequences if things are not done precisely and perfectly. This is what I’m talking about practice running in front of the right people to see answers and accuracy of what lies ahead that changes humanity.
We hear the schedule is finally set, but then again I’m just the messenger. Be prepared to adjust if necessary with regard to possible weather changes.
Only a select few know the moment of the exact and precise time of the event. For safety and other obvious reasons, it must be properly protected. E B S to air the 8 hour video again. It will be replayed 3 times a day for 10 days of Communication Darkness.
The Apocalypse should start now!
Judy Byington
Apocalypse means:
Revelations of the darkness –
the veil has been lifted!
A great flood of truth will start soon.
The name Apocalypse has always sounded so scary, hasn’t it! Many interpret it as the end of the world. But this is what it really means… the ‘revelations of darkness’ for all to see!
And we are living during this specific time in world history and seeing it all happen before our eyes. The dark entities that have inhabited people all around the world are being taken down and removed… and severely dealt with.
This is truly a time of rejoicing!
EBS Update shows us the way
Where would we be without an EBS update? Imagine how it would be if we had no idea! Unfortunately for many people, this is exactly how it is… they have no idea at all of what is to come.
We have a very important job to do, don’t we.
7 Trumpet Blasts!
Will we literally hear trumpet blasts? Seven of them?
That would make it interesting indeed, but no, not really. This is taken from the book of Revelation where we learn there were seven angels, and seven trumpet blasts.
During those 10 days of communication darkness, the following will happen. We will receive 7 “Trumpets” aka EBS text messages to our phones warning us to turn on the TV at this time. Our phones will only work for 911 (emergency calls) and we have been advised that the Signal app, which is military encrypted, will be available.
So I ask you, are you on Signal?
It is expected that this will be the only method of communication during that time.
You are welcome to join my Signal group so we can maintain communication during this difficult time. Simply click on Marilyn J Williams Chat group link here, or CLICK HERE on the right hand side of my webpage under Signal… and join up. Don’t write to me and ask to be added to the group because I have never been able to work out how to do that. You can do it yourself.
Make sure you are in connection via Signal with people that matter to you. It just may be the only way of communication for your friends and family who have not listened to you. They will see the ‘reveal’ and it will frighten them very much. You need to be there for them if at all possible.
When we get through this… very soon I believe… we will be receiving a new Quantum phone. Can’t wait for that.
Inside watching movies!!
Our TV’s will only show 3 movies with explanations on a continuous loop for 10 days. It will cover topics of arrests, tribunals, corruption, fraud, pedophilia, etc.
Doesn’t sound like the kind of movies I would want to watch! But this is so necessary, as without it people will never comprehend the vastness of the corruption. Many have not listened to us, so hopefully this will jolt them awake.
No Internet
Our internet will not be working during that time.
Are you prepared?
Have you already downloaded everything and saved it across to an external hard drive? I don’t mean that you should save it to the cloud… oh no… that’s not safe! Make sure you have a copy of everything that you can pick up in your own hand.
Documents, business, photos, etc. etc. Everything that’s precious to you must be saved outside of your computer.
No ATM’s
Our atm machines will not be working.
During this time, you will not be able to go to the bank to use the atm…. in fact, all the banks will be closed anyway.
It would be totally wise to have some funds on hand. You may not be in a position to buy anything, anyway, but as for me and my dog, I’d rather know I had some for emergencies.
They are telling us not to be too concerned about your bank accounts. The Quantum Financial System has a mirror image copy of all your transactions, so even if for some reason the bank doesn’t get to re-open, your money will be safe.
It’s up to you. What if your bank fell over and your money was gone? Are you in the position to wait until the QFS kicks in? Yes, your money will still be there, but will you be ok short term?
But as I said, keeping some on hand certainly seems to make sense.
After 10 days of communication darkness, we will connect to the new quantum internet.
Not only will there be no Internet for the period…but we will be going over onto a completely different system when it ‘comes back’. This will be the Quantum Internet System. Apple and Windows etc. will be no more. In fact, they are saying they are going to ‘burn out’ the insides of our computers. The systems have been used for evil purposes and must be done away with.
The good news is, we will also all receive a new Quantum Computer… that should be very exciting!
We were promised a new Star-link Internet system by the end of the month.
Stock up!
People are being urged to stock up on food and water for at least three weeks.
Again I repeat be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators, etc. for this great awakening revelation.
Have you been preparing? Do you have food and water stocked up in your home? Have you thought of everything you may need?
Being extra prepared is not a bad idea, when our food crops have been and are being destroyed. What about all the food processing plants that are being destroyed because they were doing unimaginable things to our food?
It might take awhile for everything to come back up to full speed again.
Prepare for Truth to be released
As we speak, the teams coordinating this important historic event are renovating E.B.S to ensure greatest safety for all involved, so please be patient as things are finalized. They want to make sure there are no interferences of any kind at all. The plan makers don’t want anyone to panic because it’s simply putting out the truth.
We have no reason to panic. No matter what happens between now and when we come to the reveal, we can remain calm and peaceful. Even if we don’t comprehend what’s going on… just know, everything is OK.
The ‘others’ will be relying on you for that.
Will we then go back to normal?
After E B S and going through a ten day blackout by mainstream media and spending it all 24/7, (eight hour long movies), are we back to normal as usual?
The answer is:
After E B S and 8 hours of 24 7, movies will change. Life support, bound to old and evil systems, will be withdrawn. Humanity and planet Earth are simultaneously transitioning into a quantum reality awareness system (Peace and Prosperity). End the slavery of financial and human consciousness. Old systems of government, education, finance, healthcare, trade and commerce etc., they will all be dismantled and replaced.
I do not believe for one moment we will be going back to where we were before. Yes I know, countless people long only for that… but not us! We are longing for the ‘new normal’ which we believe is coming into existence.
Just think… never before in the history of humanity has there been such a huge round up of evil. We didn’t even know that this evil was going on… we thought it was something done thousands of years ago. We truly had no idea it was ‘alive and well’ and happening in such a mammoth way.
No… please don’t bring back the ‘old normal’!
‘Old systems of government, education, finance, healthcare, trade and commerce etc., they will all be dismantled and replaced.‘
You really mean it???
We won’t know ourselves without tyrannical governments, sick education, ‘what a joke’ healthcare, etc. etc. Yes, it’s worth putting up with all this drama to be free to move into the new world.
Never forget… only God could have brought this all to pass. This is a movement of God like we have never seen before.
Are you giving Him praise?
Even our currency will change!
We will have a new currency called USN US NOTE and protected by gold.
Guess what? America will have it’s new gold-backed currency, but so will we all. Every country in the world!
Warn everyone you can… be gentle… but truthful!
Now is the time to warn as many as possible who will listen. Don’t have too much pride. Go warn the ones you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is to really help absorb the shock of what’s to come.
We have been urged to remain vigilant, to stay alert and above all, pray!
Please move on this EBS Update. Get it out to as many as possible! Keep it moving. We all have a part to play and we’re relying on you.
Good Day to you Marilyn,
I have been following you for years. Very informative. I am so excited about our new beautiful AWAKENING. Our lives will be FANTASTIC and I am so happy to be alive and watching all of it. PRAISE GOD Stay safe and I will write you “On the other side” of our new happy lives. Viv
Thank you Vivian! It’s so lovely to hear from those who have been following my work over the years. It encourages me too.
Yes, I do believe we are nearing the other side… but we must continue to be patient and allow those doing the ‘hard yards’ to get the job done.
Thanks again Viv… I look forward to receiving that email!
I am just wanting to thank you for your info, yes everyone I talk to seems to think I’m just simply nuts when I try to warn of all these things. I’m not very tech savvy and am hoping I have everything ready to go as far as signal app goes. Maybe you can help me with my ignorance in computers and technology, ti kniw Im set and ready, if nit I understand ?I do know that I have strong discernment ,and know beyond a shadow of a doubt from all my research for about 4yrs now it’s all very true what I have read here, and thank you for the confirmation
. We definitely can’t give the enemy too much information of course, however my big question is will it be this yr? I assume it will be. is all this arraignment garbage part of this terrible movie also? Thank you and God Bless all of man kind this great day of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Hi Randy, nice to hear from you.
I’m not sure what you want help with.
It can be a lonely journey, but praise God, you are on it. I feel so sad for those who haven’t even begun the journey with all they have to learn so quickly.
We are in this together… so stay close and we encourage each other. You can join my Signal Group (which is very active) and/or Telegram.
Will it be this year? What a question! I do believe so because we have so much happening, especially with the way the military are all set in place around the world. They wouldn’t do that if things weren’t close, would they?
Yes, we are watching a movie play out before our eyes, as you said. Designed, not so much for us, but for those who have still been blind to what’s happening.
Hold on tight… however long it takes, it will be so worth it when it’s over. 🙂
My Wife and I don’t own cell phones, I lost my job of nearly thirty years about to weeks before c19. Is there another way for me to receive these messages?
Hi Jim,
I believe you will certainly find out about them. There are many people who do not own a cell phone, so other methods will also be employed I’m sure. Maybe TV… radio…emails… I’m not totally sure, but it should be fine.
Amen, and thank you for that good vibe you have. I appreciate and, love all my fellow Patriots and Pray the best is yet to come. In His timing. To God Be all the Glory, forever More!! And AMEN!!
We have been played like a fiddle. 3 years of brainwashing and nothing more. Not one piece of evidence of military tribunals happening, other than sources say. Show me the Proof!
You are entitled to what you believe. Don’t you comprehend that we are in a war? Not a pretend war… a war! The biggest war the world has ever known. The military in general, cannot say anything about what they are up to, but sometimes things slip out… I’m not too sure how. 2023 is the year of disclosure. Just wait, you will see.
So, has SCOTUS already turned over the election or not?
From what we’ve been hearing the answer is yes, but it hasn’t been officially announced.
I found this website while writing a bible study and adding links for context. I dont even know how to address folks that continue with the Q stuff. I love you all and think you people hope for the best but this is very fantastic and always has been. over and over ive heard for years that “its right around the corner” baiting people into a false hope and its sad. this is how we got J6 because of Q. We need to turn to scripture as too what happens. here is my tribulation bible study and you let me know if you got some links that would help with context. youll have to put the link together since i had to separate it to post it. tinyurl. com/tribulationstart
You are quite right we must turn to scripture to see how it all plays out. I have taken a look at what you’ve written but I’m sorry, I do not find what you have written to correctly show all the truth. Look, I know we all try the best we can with Revelation and accompanying scriptures, but I feel it’s incredibly important you realise that Revelation has been written in code, so to speak. It’s not literal. When you do realise this, it’s so freeing. You can clearly see that what is stated there is happening, right now, to the DS. Yes, it’s happening right now.
Ask the Lord to show you… He will!
As for ‘Q’, time alone will tell! What has been written by him is brilliant to say the least!
It’s so important during this time that we stick together and don’t speak out against each other. That only brings negative vibes. We must remain upbeat and positive and trust in God’s Word. It’s all coming to pass.
You know when you know, when you know you just have that discernment that God is moving. Thank you for that confirmation you responded to him about. Amen Praise God!and Thank you Father God for rescuing the children first. Your an AWESOME God!! Amen!!!
Trump is in control. He is the King of the World…….
Ultimately, God is the one who is in control and yes, He’s using Donald Trump just as He used men like Moses, back in the day. We live in very exciting, although very dangerous times… for some!
As much as I look forward to the truth-telling movies, I have a concern to voice. That is, that I hope there’s an alternative for children and the sensitive. I include the sensitive because I know some people are simply too empathetic to be able to withstand all that news of cruelty all at once, and are gonna need breaks from it.
It is really something to be considered isn’t it Steve? All we can do is trust that the White Hats have thought this through well.
On the one hand we really need it to finally come out, but on the other we are concerned for those who may not be able to take it.
All we can do is trust it is in the hands of the Lord.
Yes, it’s in God’s hands. I supported Trump twice in elections, but did not understand all that was happening until January of 21. This is when I began to awaken based upon all of the digital/citizen journalists. I remember some at the time talking about how many people are going to lose their minds when they learn about all that has been occurring. It’s bad, really bad from everything I know. I’m sure it’s been even worse than I’m aware. This can’t happen again. The people must wake up and see all that has been occurring.
You are so right Greg! The time has come when the veil has been removed from our eyes. All this information on evil doings was sealed up so that we couldn’t see. Now is the time of revelation. Together! WWG1WGA!
Praise God you woke up!
I am new to the signal app, so I went to one of my old-time favorite tech sites and low and behold they have what I need.
How to use Signal: Everything you need to know
Thank you Henry!
I’m hoping everyone who has committed crimes against humanity will be listed, famous or not, they all must be on the public wall of shame.
Oh dear yes! It’s a terrible thing isn’t it? But yes, it must be done. It’s the only way that people into the future will think twice before they involved themselves in such things again.
Hi, Marilyn;
I am not very active on Signal, but tried to look you up there and came up empty. I tried with and without the J. I used the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the app and typed in your name.
You seem to be more fluent in this app, so could you provide any hints on what I am may be doing wrong?
I’m presuming Mark, you are already a member of Signal. This means that when you go to my website and click on the CLICK HERE under Signal, it should take you directly there.
Judging by the amount of others who have recently joined, I have no reason to suspect it’s not working.
Maybe this direct link will help you:
You can find the Signal CLICK HERE link on the right hand side of my page (computer) and scroll down to find it on a mobile phone.
Once you are on, please say something to let me know you found it ok.
If not… contact me back here and we’ll see what else we can do.
Did my messages go through, if not Im just curious about Quantum Computer and mobile, You mentioned it will burn and we need to saves any photos or document in external drive.
So you saying the Starlink i8nternet will be completed by this month July and when likely do we think EBS will eventually happens. I got one interesting question do we pay for bus transport and how rego will changes
Hi again Tony!
Yes, I received your message. They come directly to me first to answer before they are uploaded on the site. (Just for future information)
I answered before about the phone and computer.
Yes, save all precious things to an external hard drive.
I’m not sure any of us can say exactly when the EBS will be. I wish I could… how much easier it will be. But remember, as we are in a war, many things are hid from us. It doesn’t always make for easy posting!
I have never actually thought about paying to bus transport, but I reckon we most probably will. But… if houses and food are going to drop back to 1955 prices, how much would a bus fare be? I’m thinking… not much!
Even rego. If they need something to make sure a car is safe, I’m sure there maybe a charge. I don’t really know. But I’m quite sure, if everything else they are saying is definitely true, I can’t imagine for a moment they will be anywhere near as expensive as they are currently.
All good news!
I have already informed few friends and when you say end of the month. Would that could possibly be around August or September. You mentioned new Qphone and new Q computer so how much would this be and how do we know we get it thanks Marilyn. It seem it getting closer for 10 day of darkness so im looking forward when they been exposed, Bring it on and keep up the good work
Thank you Tony!
we have been told ‘by the end of the month’. We are in July, so I’d reckon July it is.
We always have to remember that things can and do change.
From all the information I’ve been told, the new Qphones and new Qcomputers will be free for everyone.
I do not know how we will know but I’m quite sure that when the time is right, somehow it will be out there clear enough and we’ll know exactly what to do.
Of-course, I plan on posting if/when I hear anything.
Yes, bring it on!
Bring it on the sooner the better. Yes am prepared. Have tried to tell people about foid shortages in Australia and not believed as shops still have food and they don’t believe anything I say.
Hi Debra,
All we can do is tell people… whether they believe it or not is up to them. Time alone will tell of-course… and they will remember how you tried to tell them!
I can relate with my own family.