Nesara Gesara – a jubilee of peace and prosperity! But have you asked yourself… how do we get there?
Do you understand what needs to leave our world before we can come into the reality of Nesara Gesara?
What are we fighting against?
Do we know what this is all about?
While thinking about it, do you think it’s about:
- Getting rid of the C/o/v/i/d restrictions so we can get back to living a ‘normal’ life?
- Or is it about bringing down the disgusting pedophile rings?
- Is it the banking cabals?
- Maybe it’s about getting rid of a hopeless ‘pretend president’ and replacing him with the one who won the election?
In a nutshell, what would you say we are trying to achieve?
The above ideas are all good, and yes, the sooner the better for all of them.
I want to lift your thinking… up, up, up and away from all the ridiculous happenings you see going on around you, into a place of pure imagination! I’m going to entitle it…
(Update: Now known only as “Global Economic Security And Reformation Act as it refers to the whole world.)
Nesara Gesara – Can You Imagine a world…?
Where Humanity experiences:
- A place where truth is first, foremost and the norm?
- A world where humanity is free to be who they were created to be?
- A world where love rules supreme, where loving each other is the norm?
- Where we are all our own sovereign being in our own right?
- Can you imagine a place where we are no longer a commodity being traded on the Stock Exchange? No longer any sales being made from off our Birth or Baptism Certificates?
- What about living in a world based on merit, where each person has the exact same opportunity to achieve and succeed?
- An earth were the news media spreads only the Good News, encouraging and uplifting those who watch. No more spreading lies and deceit?
- A world where everything is straightforward. No more subliminal programming. No more brainwashing, and no propaganda of any sort?
Can you imagine true Peace and Safety?
- Where all poverty, disease, and hunger are no more, and crime no longer exists!?
- A world where the children are safe to play in the streets and wander the far paddocks and bush lands safely as we did as children?
- A place where criminals of all kinds come to justice?
Are you able to believe in Government Officials who…?
- Are good, solid citizens elected to serve the people? People desiring to work on behalf of the people and happy to be held accountable to all?
- Use the new Quantum Voting System with no more fraudulent elections?
- Where government offices and local councils contain only sufficient workers rather than an overload of people and red tape?
- Where law and legal matters are under Constitutional Law, or God’s Law?
Imagine eating truly healthy Foods…
- With no harmful food additives for long shelf life, but rather foods treated with substances that add to food value while keeping it fresh for a longer period where necessary?
- Imagine clear blue skies with lots of sunshine. An end to all toxic and harmful chemtrails!
- Where taking a deep breath fills your lungs with pure life-giving air?
- Try to imagine each glass of water tasting like it was fresh from the nearest spring… no fluoridated or chlorinated water.
- Imagine wholesome foods with no GMO or carcinogenic herbicides and pesticides.
- No pasteurization or homogenization of pure milk.
- A place where family businesses are the norm rather than large conglomerates taking over all the smaller businesses.
Health and Well-Being
- Try to think of a place that has no disease! Zip! Nada!
- Where countless, previously withheld technologies, are released to aid and take care of every sickness, disease or injury.
Amazing Education…
- Where children receive true and proper education, critical thinking for themselves. An education encouraging them to be creative!
- An educational system that teaches our roots.
- Where we learn not to follow in the steps of evil-doers.
- Education that truly prepares children to become independent adults in every way. No more relying on state assistance.
Dripping with Wealth… just imagine…
- Peace is established throughout the entire world.
- No more aggressive government military actions (wars).
- All government and banking debts, mortgages, loans and fees forgiven and to be no more.
- A world where taxes are no more and keeping all the money you earned!
- All food, medicine, the sale of old homes and all essential items tax-free.
- Only 14-17% tax on non-essential new items for the government to run the country.
- Where Senior Citizens have more than sufficient to live out a full exciting life.
- Where currency is backed by gold, silver and precious metals. No more monopoly money drawn out of thin air.
- A Quantum Financial System for all personal banking with instant transfer of fund.
- A restoration of our financial privacy.
Together with Humanitarian purposes…
- Enormous sums of money allocated solely towards humanitarian purposes.
- No going without.
- Houses for everyone.
- No living in tent cities or on the streets.
- Fresh running water for all citizens, everywhere.
- No third-world countries.
How did you go? Can you imagine it? Can you think of more… I’m sure there’s plenty!
What I have just described above is what the Bible calls Jubilee! A time of peace and rejoicing for all.
Nesara Gesara – help the Alliance remove the enemy…

Unfortunately, this is exactly what we are fighting against!
Words Related to Luciferian
‘hellish, infernal, baleful, evil, sinister, malevolent, malicious, malignant, heinous, monstrous, black, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, barbarous, cruel, ferocious, inhuman, savage”
This is their plan… de/pop/ulation (they call it ‘cleansing’) and all remaining people of the earth under their total control.
BUT… There has been a plan aloft for more than twenty years… the bringing down of these evil people! And, it’s happening even as we speak! Hallelujah!
A world of peace happens once these tyrants are removed. That is, all those who worship Satan through satanic rituals, both above and below the ground. Those who use babies, children, women and men as sacrifices to the devil.
Yes, this is what we are fighting against, and fight we must.
Not out in the streets with guns and batons. No! The fight must remain peaceful at all times. However, we must do whatever we can to support those who have boots on the ground, rooting out our enemies from tunnels underneath and freeing the children.
They need our support. While the worldwide Alliance travels throughout the world arresting evil government officials, and all connected personnel, all those who have been part of this sinister satanic cult… the so-called ‘elite’, they rely on us, the digital soldiers, to hold their backs.
Keep on sharing
As we share with others, opening their sleepy eyes, and take a stand against those perpetrating mask wearing and shut-downs… as we rise up together as one… we are fighting the battle!
Each time we alert yet one more person by opening the eyes of their understanding, it helps to tilt the Tipping Point in our favour.
So as each day goes on, we become that much closer to the final victory. Be aware, planes are flying into Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) daily with those facing tribunals, with the potential for life-imprisonment or death.
Therefore, just because we can’t see this happening with our own eyes, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
Pray! Pray and act! Both are requirements of this nefarious battle.
Keep the faith! Keep up your strength and share whenever you can, with whoever will listen to you.
Move this page on… get it out there! Keep it going… going… going…
The battle is already won in our favour, but we must keep it going and not give up. Don’t be slack! We are in the final mopping up stages… it won’t be long now.
It’s important… help bring forth Nesara Gesara! It will be amazing. Yes, we need your help to bring it into reality as soon as possible… are you willing?
I’ve read Gesara/Nesara is all based on consciousness so no one will lose out. The Cabal have tried to steal from it. The computer must have sensed evil vibes as they weren’t successful.
Yes, exactly how it all works, I’m not really sure. I’ve heard many explanations.
The good news is that soon we will all know and comprehend.
Rather exciting really!
Will Mortgage Companies still exist? My son loves his job as a Mortgage Processor. He has worked so hard to have this position. Any information would help me understand hat he can expect. Thank you. 😀
Hello Julie,
I really do not believe there will be such things as a Mortgage Company… they are to be completely done away with.
I can appreciate he loves his job and that is fantastic, but look… once Nesara/Gesara kicks in he will be able to be involved in whatever he loves doing… I do not think he will be complaining.
Will all companies just fire everyone once this profession is no longer needed? This is all my son knows. It will be quite the shock to redo to something else with only mortgage knowledge. How do you start with something else in your 40’s?
My daughter is a high school French teacher so I do not believe her profession will be hurt.
There will be as much need for teachers as there ever was… but the whole curriculum will change. I don’t know about language, but under the new Quantum Educational System, things will be very different.
I have a feeling your daughter will be very excited about her profession in time to come.
I don’t really know exactly how things will turn out. Really, I don’t think the companies will do the firing as the companies themselves will be dissolved. You see, under the new Nesara/Gesara insurance (which is basically run by the Glo/balists) will become obsolete.
There will be so much money around… your son will not even HAVE to work. The prices of houses are going to drop dramatically.
This is how I see it, taken from what I have gleaned.
Listen, maybe I’m wrong. But somehow insurance, or even banks, or hospitals as we know them… will be a thing of the past.
As I said, I do not believe your son will be in a panic… far from it.
Here it is 10/23/21 I duckduckgo.org searched EBS; and came across your website. So thankful I found it.
Thank you Marilyn for your work.
Have you corrected your birth status from corporation to living soul? Can I proceed with mine (I have most of the information to do so)?
Hi Susan!
Glad you did find me. I really hope I can continue to help bring peace and assurance, along with comprehension of what is really going on.
Really, I did start but haven’t actually followed through. I think it’s a good move, especially during this time of transition.
Please let me know how you get on… and maybe we can encourage others to do the same.
Bang on!! I love it!
How will it be fair for mortgages to be forgiven when so many have lost there homes already and still are
Hi Wackey,
There will be restitution for everyone, one way or another… this is what Nesara/Gesara is all about. It’s the Jubilee.
What you may lose on the one hand, you will gain on the other.
I cannot give details because I don’t know them… I only know the bones of the structure at this time, just like just about everyone else.
But we will all rejoice as the details come out.
I have been thinking about this for a while and have asked several people about it but I do not get any responses. If illegal immigrants are here in the United States, how will they benefit or acquire NESARA/GESARA funds if they have no true or have fake identification or identity, false documentation and cannot prove who they truly are ??? It seems they will have to go back to their country of origin to claim legitimacy. Also they are breaking US Laws by being here and would NESARA/GESARA allow them to benfit with being dishonest ??????
Hi Doug! I can see you’ve had your thinking cap on… good for you!
My thoughts are that Nesara/Gesara will sort people out one way or another but in a good and gentle way. I feel certain that people doing dishonest things will not get away with it. Of-course, once the illegal immigrants realise that it would be more than worth it to go back home… that they won’t be returning to the old life but a whole new one… don’t you think they would want to return?
I guess we have to trust the system which will be based completely differently to what we currently know.
I can’t be certain of this but my thinking is…if you are here illegally we can tell you in order to benefit from all the wonderful things you must return to your home country. They will quickly discover the blessings of jubilee will also be in their home country and everything disastrous there will be changed into Gods glory. They simply will not want to ever leave. Their families will be there and they will all take part in rebuilding their country. The USA will also be cleaning up the horrendous mess left by Biden. But we will be so joyous to finally be free that nothing will be impossible to achieve. We are blessed so richly to be alive today to experience this transformation. I hope to someday meet you in person Marilyn….to thank you for all your input on Nesara/Gesara!
This is all so true Judie! Many will return to their homelands in droves once they realise they no longer need to run from the evil there. Look how they react on coming into another country… they take their country into it and live in their communities as if they never left their homeland! Most of them don’t want to integrate into the new society, they just want to escape and be safe.
Thanks for sharing this with us… good thoughts!
It would also be lovely to meet you too!
Good day Marilyn!
A couple more questions for clarification feom friends , if you dont mind responding??
1- when will the $1M plus be deposited into everyones accts? How do they determine how much each person will get and why would they be dift amounts? Will it just show up or will it be a gradual process and what does that process look like? This was spoke about in a video that Mark Z had referred us to but he didnt mention when, where or how lol
2- is it true that when we goto do redemption, that our birth certificates worth will be given to us or will this be another separate deposit into our acct?
3- how will all of our utilities be connected to tesla equipment if theyre powered and connected to dift utility, cable, water, garb companies already?
4- when will we get notices that our debts have or will be forgiven?
Hi Charlotte again! Lovely to hear from you.
1- when will the $1M plus be deposited into everyones accts? How do they determine how much each person will get and why would they be dift amounts? Will it just show up or will it be a gradual process and what does that process look like? This was spoke about in a video that Mark Z had referred us to but he didnt mention when, where or how lol
— I wish I could give you specific answers to your questions. I do know there have been various ideas thrown about as to how it will all be done, but really, I don’t know where they receive the information. I mean… is it based on actual fact?
— I don’t know that it will be $1M for each person, I cannot prove that. I do think though, that ‘whatever’ to each person in one large lump sum could be disastrous! Hopefully it will be better controlled than that.
— I’m sure Mark Z couldn’t give the when, where or how because he had no idea.
2- is it true that when we goto do redemption, that our birth certificates worth will be given to us or will this be another separate deposit into our acct?
— I have never heard that they are one and the same transaction. Those with currency to exchange will be doing just that. BTW, some talk all the time about ‘redemption centres’ while others say it will not work that way. I don’t believe any of us will know for sure until it’s safe for them to release the information.
— I’m also not sure how they will do the birth certificates. Will we have to instigate this ourselves? Will it be something of an automatic nature? Once again, only time will tell.
3- how will all of our utilities be connected to tesla equipment if theyre powered and connected to dift utility, cable, water, garb companies already?
— That’s a great question but impossible for me to answer! How many times I have wondered this myself. We are supposed to go into a period of ‘darkness’ – no internet, phone, TV etc for between 3 hours to 3 days. When we come back up we are supposed to be connected to the new system. How they do that, who knows!
4- When will we get notices that our debts have or will be forgiven?
— Any of us can find out mortgages and/or student loans etc have been forgiven at any time. People around the world are relaying that news as it happens to them but there doesn’t appear to be any routine. I believe many of them happen as they have been testing, so they’ve done them here and there. I think once it’s official, everyone else will be done pretty much at the same time… but that is my thoughts only.
Under Nesara, I read about a Non-Disclosure Agreement to be signed by us concerning QFS. Is this Agreement connected to the exchange of our funds or with the Prosperity Programs etc. Can you give me some information about why signing this Agreement is necessary and what does it relate to in the QFS? If we decide not to sign this Agreement will we be penalized or what will we be denied? Thanks.
Hi Pat,
I do not believe there is any NDA concerning the QFS. That is a banking system. It would be exchanging of currency.
You know, I have never really comprehended the need for the NDA. Obviously they don’t want you telling everyone what the exchange rate was for you… but I don’t really know why. Apart from the fact that we shouldn’t be running around telling everyone of our windfall, there must be other reasons that are not obvious.
Maybe someone reading this may have heard something… if so, please share.
I believe I remember hearing way back that the rate would not be so good if you don’t sign the NDA. But whether this was truth I cannot say. There has been so much back and forth concerning the exchanging of currencies that I’m not sure on this point.
NDA? Our Lord God said yes to NDA for all safety. To many people will want your money. Everyone will get a different amount. Seniors get Birth money back. When you legally retire you will get yours. Retirement age will go back to 62 ,not what it is now.
Hi Marilyn, thanks for this site! amazing info i’ve shared from here. My questions are:
1-How would one buy a house if there is no credit?
2-Would our current homes sell under Nesara at the NESARA value or our current value?
3-I have now been told by my mortgage company that my hardship timeframe has ended and will now have to pay back a lump sum or make payments or i go into foreclosure. If NESARA is here around the corner soon, how should i proceed with this and car loans and credit cards?
4- How is our car/life insurance going to be handled?
5- How will child support/alimony/ be handled?
6- My brother has a felony from like 15 years ago, and he is up for a court trial in sep, for having weapons in his home in which he had in a safe for someone else. How will his and others charges be handled going into NESARA? will they be dropped or?
7- How will anyone work if everyone will be prosperous with money?
8- is it true that those that are working will be offered double their salary to continue working and the companies will be bought out so that businesses will still be open?
9- Is it true that EVERYONE (except for those who have committed crimes against humanity) will receive money and if so, how will they know this and how much is determined for each person?
10- Is it also true that utilities will be free, water, electric, sewage, internet, cellphones etc?
thank you for your time and i hope to hear from you, so that i am able to help others understand better what will happen.
1-How would one buy a house if there is no credit?
— It is believed that people will have more than sufficient to purchases a house with the incoming money it is expected they will receive. there will be no need for credit.
2-Would our current homes sell under Nesara at the NESARA value or our current value?
— If you sold now it would be under current value. Once Nesara/Gesara hits it is believed that the value of houses will drop significantly. they will become much affordable for everyone. Imagine… no more homeless! I have heard they may go back to as much as they were worth in the 50’s. I even heard the 40’s. I do not know if this is true.
3-I have now been told by my mortgage company that my hardship timeframe has ended and will now have to pay back a lump sum or make payments or i go into foreclosure. If NESARA is here around the corner soon, how should i proceed with this and car loans and credit cards?
— That’s a hard one! I’m guessing you may need to make payments until Nesara is released… with all of them. Sorry I cannot help you more.
4- How is our car/life insurance going to be handled?
— If Insurance companies still exist, I’m sure it will be completely different to how it’s done now. Currently these places are backed by the C/a/bal who want every possible dollar they can scratch out of us. Then… no longer.
5- How will child support/alimony/ be handled?
— This, I imagine, will be the same as for Insurance companies… when the Cab/al no longer have the control everything will become fair and in order. I don’t know how it will all work except it will be 1,000% better run than it currently is.
6- My brother has a felony from like 15 years ago, and he is up for a court trial in sep, for having weapons in his home in which he had in a safe for someone else. How will his and others charges be handled going into NESARA? will they be dropped or?
— As we will all be under Common Law, I’m sure they will be handled appropriately under that law. I’m confident he will have a much better outcome under Common Law. Please remember, I am not a lawyer or have anything to do with the law. But from everything I have heard and what I understand concerning the Common Law, it won’t be remotely like it currently is.
7- How will anyone work if everyone will be prosperous with money?
— People will be free to do what they love to do. They won’t be stuck working in a dead-end job just to try to make ends meet. People will still love building houses and laying pipes etc. etc. etc. Imagine choosing something that you absolutely love to do and having the funds to carry it out.
8- is it true that those that are working will be offered double their salary to continue working and the companies will be bought out so that businesses will still be open?
— I have not actually heard this anywhere. That doesn’t mean it’s not so, but I cannot confirm it at all.
9- Is it true that EVERYONE (except for those who have committed crimes against humanity) will receive money and if so, how will they know this and how much is determined for each person?
— Will all receive money? This is what I understand.
— How will they know? That I can’t tell you. Maybe the money will turn up in the new QFS bank accounts.
— How is it determined? Once again, I do not know. I have heard much about it but nothing that specific.
10- Is it also true that utilities will be free, water, electric, sewage, internet, cellphones etc?
— This is definitely what I understand! It’s hard to get your head around it, isn’t it!!!
— I hope that gives you a little more insight into Nesara. Much of the specific details have not been released yet. I have answered all the above according to my comprehension of Nesara but none of it can be taken as gospel truth. We need to ‘wait and see’!